Author has written 12 stories for Harry Potter, No Ordinary Family, Naruto, Courage: The Cowardly Dog, Soul Eater, and Batman Begins/Dark Knight. One, I'm like a disgrace to all that is fanfiction. Like seriously. There are so many thoughts and plot bunnies and requests running through my mind that I can't help but stray every now and again. I'm trying hard to finish everything (eventually I will but I can't force them out or it'll be terrible) but I know that I'm weak in the mind so I'll post every little snippet that I think of. Please be patient with me. Two, I'm a slash worshipper (I actually typed whore by accident but caught myself later on). Mostly it's Severus Snape with some guy or another but once in a while I'll have to stray. Just a little bit. Three, I love requests, I really do but I'm going to lay off of them for just a little bit. Until I get myself together. There are enough plot bunnies running about in my head. Don't need to aggravate them. |
BertaS (59) CrystallicSky (147) HatefulRodeo (42) | Ma'ats-Libra23 (4) Meadow Lark1 (1) | Serenthia (5) Stony22 (27) |