The stuff they had collected was just that, stuff, not informative like true evidence. The only thing they had going for them; was the knowledge that it was indeed an inside job. That had been proven by the select security cameras covering the ins and outs of the escape route had been tampered with. Booth had his work, but everyone else could only wait anxiously. They had other work to process, but their minds were all on their missing friend.

"Where would they take him?" Angela asked nervously. "Back to the hills, you know, to those big empty houses?" She asked generally not really expecting an answer.

Dr. Sayroan shook her head. "Unlikely, they probably have another house far away from where we found them the first time. She wrung her hands. "They are supposed to be smart; which means their thinking is right up our alley." She said.

"Yea except for the killing and you know all the people eating." Jack said sarcastically. "Why did they take him? Why now, he never said anything. There's no need for this."

Brennan touched the dolphin pendant on her necklace. "No they think they are intelligent, but they are not. Their thoughts are violent and selfish; they have no logic, only brutishness and power. Their only advantage is being well funded and connected." She reasoned. "They've existed this long thanks to money, and the fact that up until recently not too many people knew of their secret society."

"So what are you saying honey?" Angela asked hoping her friend had idea.

Dr. Brennan shook her head. "I am just reiterating the profile we helped create about them." She then sighed. "Sorry, I can't think of anything helpful right now."

A heavy silence filled the space around the small group; it suddenly was broken by the musical chime of Jack's cell phone..

"WHAT!, Who is this? What! WHERE!" Hodgins talked fast and excitedly. "NO NO we'll be right there!" He said and hung up quickly.

He pushed the others out of the Smithsonian and told them on the way, Zack had been brought to the hospital, he was beaten bad, but he was alive. Whoever brought Zack in, gave Jack's number as his emergency contact. Jack was freaked out by that, but he pushed his paranoia aside and sped to the Hospital with the others.