![]() Author has written 98 stories for House, M.D., Back to the Future, and Night Manager. Hmm..Where to start? Name: Retta Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada. For those of you who aren't sure where that is...think of Seattle, WA and go 200 miles NORTH. And no, I don't live in an igloo ;) Status: Married with one son Favorite TV shows: House, Homicide Hunter, Ink Master, The Night Manager, Chance. The Good Doctor, Mindhunter Interests: EVERYTHING Hugh Laurie, Karaoke, true crime, CBD and THC, Tarot, 80s metal, movie soundtrack scores, my drums, all things leather, and lots of bling! I love reading fanfic..especially the smutty ones. I've been writing stories since I was 14 :) I was writing mostly House/Cameron stories, but since JMo left the show, my inspiration was gone. That, and I've written several full-length novels about them and I don't feel I can do much more with them. So I'm branching out and writing House/Original Female Character fics and I love it. Give them a look see. I think you'll enjoy them :) And if you don't, grow a pair, get an account and leave a comment so we can discuss why you don't like it. Don't be a coward and do your flaming behind a guest account. #justsayin |