A/N: Hello my loyal readers. I've been meaning to post this for some time but got tied up with work and finishing [L]azarus that I haven't found the time to post. So here it is. This is my NaNoWriMo story from 2012. As you can see, it is a crossover. My first, in fact, and possibly my last. I've rated this story M because there are adult situations and themes that aren't suitable for minors, blah blah blah. But, if you like sex, executions and...well...sex, I think you'll enjoy this. It's certainly different. I haven't looked at this story since I wrote it, so I'll be editing as I go along. It'll all be new to me. Haha.

The synopsis is pretty much what I put in the story description. It's a time travel story set in the mid 17th century. Of course the characters are all fictional, save for my favorite leading men in the whole world, Dr. Emmett L. Brown and Dr. Gregory House. One is a doctor of Science, the other of Medicine and they couldn't be more different in character and temperament if they tried. I couldn't resist having them both in a story. Of course, since we're dealing with time travel, I could very well have chosen the handsome Dr. Samuel Beckett from Quantum Leap, but he's too pretty and we can't have TWO hot leading men. Haha. Well, we could, but again, that would be boring.

So, I'm going to stop rambling and let you read so I can shut the computer down and go to bed. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Doc Brown and Dr. House. They belong to Universal and FOX, respectively, created by Bob Gale and David Shore, respectively. The rest of the characters are all mine. I have not made, and will not make any money from this story.

Chapter One

Princeton, New Jersey


"If I don't open my eyes, the day isn't here yet," House thought to himself as he lay in bed, eyes closed tightly. He knew that as soon as he opened them, the day would begin, and he'd be another year older. Normally he didn't care about birthdays but this was the big one. A milestone. He would officially be considered "over the hill."

It seemed ridiculous to him. Twenty or thirty years ago, it made sense, since people were dropping dead in their seventies and eighties. But now, people were living well into their nineties and seeing the big one hundred. In his opinion, forty was the new thirty. He certainly didn't feel or act his age so the whole over the hill stigma was meaningless to him.

Eventually, he opened one eye, warily searching the room for any signs of life. He smelled coffee. That was always a welcome thing in the morning. So he opened the other eye and took in a deep breath. Was that bacon? And what else? Pancakes? He yawned and sat up in the large bed, running a hand over his scruffy face.

"Ah-ha! You are awake!" Stacy said with a smile as she brought in a tray containing what he assumed was his breakfast. "I was wondering when you'd finally grace me with your presence this morning."

House smiled at her as she placed the tray across his lap and sat on the side of the bed. "So what's all this?" he asked.

"It's customary for a woman to bring her boyfriend breakfast in bed on his birthday."

He blinked. "Damn, there's a tongue twister if I ever heard one. I dare you to say that five times real fast."

Stacy picked up the fork, stabbed at a piece of waffle and held it up to his mouth. "Shut up and eat."

He took a large bite and closed his eyes. Stacy didn't like to cook because she never had time, but when she did, it was always nothing short of amazing.

"So, feel old yet?" she teased as she watched him eat.

"Nope. It usually doesn't sink in that I'm a year older until the next day or so."

"I see. So any plans for today?"


Stacy frowned. "I thought we were going to spend the day together. In bed," she said as her fingers traced invisible patterns on his leg.

"We were. Until I got called last night to come in for a consult."

"But it's your birthday," she whined.

"Yeah and I don't observe them. You know that. Why should this year be any different than the others?"

"Because this one is special."

House shrugged and took another bite of his waffle. "I'll try to get out of there early today, okay? That's all I can do for now. It depends on how bad this patient is." He could see she still wasn't happy and he placed his hand under her chin and turned it so he could look at her. "You know this is important. I'm trying to get my own department at Princeton Plainsboro, but first I have to prove that I can pull it off, and that I can get enough patients to make it worthwhile."

"It sounded like it was a sure thing," Stacy pouted.

"It will be. You know Lisa Cuddy? She's Dean of Medicine and an old friend. But she has to get the board to agree that they even need a new department. Diagnostics is practically unheard of."

"It's just, you've been out of work for so long. Other than this consulting stuff, you can't seem to hold down a job at any hospital because of your attitude."

"Yeah? And?"

"Well it's just that I'd like to see you get settled somewhere and stay there longer than a month. I don't plan on moving again. I've got my practice here now and I'm making a name for myself."

"Cuddy will be my boss at PPTH. At least I know she won't fire me. She has plans."

"What sort of plans?" Stacy inquired as she stole a piece of toast off his tray, to which House growled.

"Didn't you get your own breakfast?"

"Yes, but I'm still hungry. Anyway, you were talking about the plans that Lisa has for you."

"If all goes well she'll give me my own department and my own team of doctors to help me. It'll be awesome. I'm getting more and more referrals every day and I can pretty much pick and choose the ones I want to take. If it keeps up, she'll be able to convince the board to hire me."

"Then you best get to work then, Dr. House."

"I will. After breakfast."

He ate, showered and got dressed before coming into the kitchen. "I'll call you later and let you know what's what."

"Then you'll let me take you out for dinner?" Stacy asked, looking hopeful.

"Like where?"

"Wherever you want."

"I could totally go for a nice juicy steak."

Stacy smiled as she placed her hands on his chest and pressed herself against him. "Ruth's Chris Steakhouse it is."

She leaned up, he bent his head and kissed her goodbye before grabbing his car keys and heading out the door.


"So did Stacy get you anything special for your birthday?" Wilson inquired as they sat in the cafeteria at lunch.

"Define special."

"Umm...a gift?"

"Nope. She did bring me breakfast in bed though. And she stole a piece of my toast. Hmmph," House sniffed as he took a large bite of his reuben sandwich.

"Well that's something."

"She's mad."

"What about?"

"We were supposed to spend the day together but I decided to come in for a consult instead. I just don't get it."


"She knows how important this is. The whole consulting thing. Why can't she just learn to accept it? She's with a doctor. Our lives are unpredictable. She can't seem to understand that I'm not always going to be there."

"Well then you'll have to do some thinking. Some serious thinking."

"What are you suggesting?"

"You guys have been together for what? Four years? Things getting a little stale in the romance department?"

House chuckled. "Look who's talking. Your idea of bringing the spark back is to cheat on your wife."

Wilson frowned and folded his arms across his chest as he sat back in his chair. "We're not talking about me. We're talking about you. What do you want House? Are you happy with Stacy?"

"Happy enough. It's not boring."

"What? Life or sex?"

"Both. She's a firecracker in the sack. I'd be an idiot to give that up."

"So then talk to her. Tell her that your job and your patient will always come first. No woman wants to hear that, but it's the sad truth. It's part and parcel of being involved with a doctor. And she's a successful attorney herself. Doesn't she have nights where she stays late or has to cancel plans with you?"

"Sometimes, but it's no big deal. I have enough to keep myself entertained when she's not around. As for what she does when I'm not there, I have no idea."

House's pager went off and he checked it. "911. Gotta go." He took one last bite of his sandwich, grabbed the bag of chips off Wilson's tray and left in a hurry.

It was not a good day. No matter what they did, how hard they worked, the patient still died when he couldn't be revived on the operating table.

"House!" the other doctor shouted at him. "He's gone. Call it."

"Not yet."

"He's been dead for two minutes already. He'll be a vegetable if you do get his heart started again. Let him go. There's nothing you can do."

House put down the paddles and stepped back. He glanced at the clock. "Time of death, 5:21 p.m." He then stormed out of the surgical suite and tore off his cap and gown. He wanted nothing more than to go home and have Stacy lick his wounds, among other things. The thought actually brought a smile to his face. He called her from the car on his way home. "Hey, it's me. I'll be home in about twenty minutes. Get ready and we'll go out for that dinner you promised me."

"Great. I'll be ready."

"Good." He ended the call and cranked the tunes until he pulled into his usual parking space.

When he got in, the way he tossed his things on the floor, Stacy knew he'd had a bad day. "You lost the patient, didn't you?"

"Yeah. Is my body language that obvious?" he sighed as he headed for the bottle of scotch in the kitchen.

"Just a little. Come on, drink your scotch and then we'll go to dinner. You'll feel better once you've had a nice big steak and a few glasses of wine."

House sighed as he went to the bedroom to change. "Why do you put up with me?"

Stacy stood in the doorway and watched him undress, admiring his very nicely sculpted chest and toned biceps which were still tanned from summer.

"What do you mean?"

"When I lose a patient I'm a mess."

She shrugged and came into the room. When she was in front of him, she placed her hands on his chest and let her nails rake over his nipples, causing him to shiver. "Because you're my boyfriend, and it's my job to make you feel better after a long hard day. Hopefully you won't have any more days like that anytime soon."

"Everybody dies," he said as he reached for a sky blue button up shirt and his navy sports jacket to wear with his dark pants. But Stacy was still drawing invisible patterns on his bare chest and he smiled down at her. "I thought you wanted to go to dinner?"

"I do," she smiled impishly up at him as she continued to tease his nipples with her long nails. "But seeing you standing here like this is a little too hard to resist."

House tossed the shirt aside and wrapped his arms around her. "Well then I guess we'll just have to be a little late for dinner."


House and Stacy were seated in a booth at the back of the restaurant, a bottle of wine and candlelight were placed on the table as they sat and enjoyed each other.

"So, I got you something," Stacy said with a shy smile as she began rooting through her large purse.

"Oh? I thought you already gave me something," he grinned wickedly and she blushed at the memory of what they'd just done before they arrived at the restaurant. It was quite unexpected but also very enjoyable. For both parties.

"Not that, Greg," she chuckled as she pulled out a wrapped gift and set it on the table. House went to rip open the paper but she slapped his hand. "Hey! You're supposed to open the card first."

He arched an eyebrow. "Seriously? I know who it's from."

"That's not the point. Just open it."

House groaned as he took the card out of the envelope and read it aloud. "Greg, one can never have enough books to read in the bathroom. Love always, Stacy." He closed the card and held it against his chest, batting his eyelashes at her. "How ridiculously saccharine."

Stacy smiled, clearly pleased with herself.

"Now can I open it?" he pleaded like a little kid on Christmas morning.

"Yes, you can open it."

"Goody." He tore off the bow, tossed it over his shoulder and hit a passing waiter in the head. Then he ripped off the colored paper and stared at the worn and tattered book in front of him with disbelief. "The English Physician. By Nicholas Culpepper. Holy crap!"

"Do you like it?" she asked, looking worried all of a sudden.

"Is this what I think it is?"

"Yes. It's a book."

"No, it's not JUST a book. This is the mother of all medical books," he said as he stared at it. "Where in the hell did you find this? It looks authentic."

"That's because it is."

"So I'll ask again. Where did you get it?"

"One of my clients. I had to beg and plead to get my hands on this. There aren't that many copies out there, and very few that are in such good shape as this one."

"So where did he get it?"

"She claims it's been passed down through generations of her family. And that it's been kept in a safe because it's um, well, kind of special."

"Fucking rights it's special!" he whispered. "Did you look at it?"

"No. Why?"

"Do you know how old this book is?"

Stacy shook her head so House flipped through the book and its yellowing and faded pages until he came to the publication date. "Here," he said, shoving the book towards her. He couldn't resist the pull that the book had on him. He couldn't stop looking at it, and couldn't let go of it. He felt completely entranced with it. When she tried to take it, he placed his hand over hers. "Look. Don't touch. What does that date say?"

"Umm," she said as she glanced at it. "1652." Then she stared at him in wonder. "Seriously?"

"How did you know I wanted this?"

"I didn't. I do know that you have a ton of old and obscure medical books. You seem to like this kind of thing. Who knows? Maybe it'll help you on a case one of these days."

He could barely hear her as he shuffled through the pages. Finally, their server arrived with their dinners so he put the book down, but kept it close to him. It was like a security blanket, and he wasn't letting it out of his sight.

"Wilson's gonna freak."

"You're welcome," Stacy said as she grabbed her fork and began cutting into her steak. House reached over and placed his hand on top of hers.

"Thank you," he said. "It's probably the best thing anyone's ever given me."

She smiled. "Really?"

"Really. Now eat. You're going to need your strength for later."

They ate, but skipped dessert, wasting no time in asking for the check. Once home, they stumbled through the front door in a lip-lock that had them gasping for air when they bumped against the wall in the living room. His hands were everywhere, pulling at her clothes as they continued to move through the apartment toward the bedroom. "Get em off," he murmured as he hooked his fingers into the waistband of her panties and tugged, nearly ripping them off of her in his haste to get rid of them.

Stacy kicked off her heels, undid her skirt at the back and it slipped down her legs, nearly tripping her. "Greg!" she gasped as his hand slipped down and discovered that she was very wet and very ready for him.

He shoved her against the nearest wall and kept stroking her until she pulled her own panties off and then reached for his belt buckle. He unzipped his pants, shoved them down with his boxers and his very hard cock stood at full salute, the tip glistening. "Oh fuck yeah!" he growled as she sank to her knees and took him into her mouth the same way she had done earlier that evening. He buried his fingers in her hair and began to thrust into her mouth as she continued to bob her head. God but she was good at that! He was already close, but he didn't want to end that way. He pulled back from her and fell to his knees as well, their lips meeting again in a deep, passionate kiss that had them panting as they removed the rest of their clothes. He moved on top of her, grabbed one of her legs, lifted it up and slammed into her tight channel. "Oh God!" he groaned as he stilled his movements for a few seconds, letting her adjust to him. She was so tight and warm that it took every ounce of willpower not to completely lose it. But after a few thrusts, she was begging him.

"Greg! Fuck me! Oh god! Yes!" she screamed as she grabbed fistfuls of his hair and arched her back so he could get even deeper inside. "So good! Harder! Fuck me harder, Greg!" she screamed. He did as she asked, his thrusts pushing her across the hardwood floor. "Oh god Greg!I'm-I'm gonna-"

"Come for me, Stace, oh yeah-" he grunted as he felt her inner walls flexing around his cock as she neared her climax and then fell over the edge, screaming his name a few more times.

He gave a few more thrusts before he fell over the edge himself, pumping slowly to ride out both of their orgasms and then collapsed on top of her in a tangle of arms and legs. Both were bathed in sweat and trying to catch their breath.

"Happy Birthday indeed," he chuckled as he looked up into her brown eyes and grinned at her. "Best birthday ever."


"Oh hell yes."

"Mhm. I'm inclined to agree."

So whaddya guys think? The story is finished but there are only a dozen chapters so I'll be posting every other day or so. I don't have any story ideas in my head right now so I'm posting this while I put the finishing touches on [L]azarus and get that done, then I'll be taking a bit of a hiatus until something comes into my head that's worth writing. In the meantime, read to your heart's content and by all means, leave a comment. Thanks!