A/N: This is the last chapter in this story. I don't know where else to go with this other than making it a similar story to "I'm Not Going to Crush You" and I don't want that because I don't like repeating myself. This chapter may be fluffy but I rarely write fluffy stuff so if you like that kind of thing, consider this a treat. Now on we go...
Get Ready For Love
It was dark, and though there was a light in the distance, Cameron seemed to be moving further away from it until the light was nothing but a speck.
Her first thought was that she was dead. Wouldn't that explain the darkness and nothingness around her? Her head hurt like hell and the voices were still yammering on but she couldn't make sense of the words because they were muffled. It was like one of her worst nightmares. People would talk but she didn't understand what they were saying, and just kept getting louder. But one voice had a calming effect. It was familiar and it made her stop and try to listen.
"You look so beautiful lying there. I normally wouldn't tell you this, but that first night together, I was afraid to sleep. I..was afraid you'd be gone when I woke up in the morning and I don't know what I would have done. But you stayed, as part of me knew you would. We have something. I'm not sure what it is, or if it will work out but I'm up for trying if you are."
She knew that voice. It could only belong to one person. The overwhelming feeling of love surrounded her and coursed through her veins and the light that was once small, was getting larger. It was almost like it was welcoming her. Beckoning her to go to it. Was he in that light waiting for her? It certainly felt that way. She began to walk towards it.
"Cameron..Cameron??" House called to her as her blood pressure dropped significantly and the other machines started going off. She was having some kind of episode. "Oh no..no no no!" he muttered as he moved one of the machines out of the way. "Need some help in here!"
Three nurses came running and the room was buzzing with activity. While House administered CPR, he noticed that her lips were turning cyanotic. What the hell was going on? It was an allergic reaction to something but the only thing she was on was Tylenol #3. She'd been taking it for a few days now and she always alluded to never having taken any narcotics before. Tylenol itself was virtually harmless and the dose of Codeine was relatively minor. But taken over the course of a few days it could build up in her system and..oh boy..
"Get some Epi, stat! She's allergic to codeine."
"It didn't say anything on her chart.." the nurse protested.
"Just get the damn shot!" he yelled back, making her lower lip tremble before she ran off to do his bidding.
"Hang in there, Cameron..I'm not going to lose you," he whispered between breaths. "Where's that fucking shot?"
"Right here!" The nurse handed the syringe to him and he opened Cameron's gown enough to expose her chest cavity and pulled off the needle cap with his teeth.
"This is gonna hurt," he whispered before he plunged the needle into her chest in a quick stabbing motion.
As Cameron neared the light she heard lots of voices around her, the beep of machines and then all of a sudden she felt like she was falling. Fast.
She took a deep gasp of air and opened her eyes. The very first thing she saw were those beautiful eyes staring back at her. They were such a brilliant blue that she thought she was hallucinating.
"Welcome back, Sleeping Beauty," he whispered so the others couldn't hear him. He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and the expression on his face was one of pure relief and..was it..love?
"House..what..what's going on?"
He smiled slightly. "You always were a sound sleeper but I had no idea."
"What do you mean?"
"You've been asleep for days. And if it weren't for your little episode just now, you would've been asleep indefinitetly."
"I..saw..a light.."
House tried not to show the look of worry on his face but knew he was failing.
"What happened?" she asked.
"You're allergic to Codeine. I'm guessing you didn't know."
"No idea. I've never taken it before but I didn't know I was allergic." Her hand reached for his and he grabbed it. "Good thing you were here."
"I never left."
"It's true, he didn't," one of the nurses said with a nod. "I'm glad you're awake, Dr. Cameron. He's been driving us insane."
"Oh relax. I'm being transferred out of here tonight. Of course that doesn't mean I won't be down here anyway."
The nurse rolled her eyes and left the room. "Unless the rest of you have a valid reason for being in here, you can leave," he snarked at the others. "She's in good hands."
They all filed out and House turned his attention back to Cameron. "How do you feel now?"
"Okay. My head is throbbing and my leg is itching."
"Hmm..I have a cure for headaches," he grinned.
"That could prove challenging with this cast on," she laughed. To House, it sounded literally like a song.
"Perhaps you'll just have to make do with a kiss then," he whispered as he leaned over her, unaware they had an audience outside.
"Would you look at that," Nurse Brenda whispered. "I never thought I'd live to see the day when Dr. House fell in love."
House's lips against hers were soft and warm, drawing her into him and she placed her hands on his face.
"Thank you," she whispered.
"For what?"
"Not letting me die."
He chuckled softly. "I didn't want you to die without knowing the feeling."
They stared into each other's eyes and the sexual tension was unbelievable. "They're transferring me out of here but I'll be back to check on you. Tomorrow you'll be moved to your own private room and if you behave, you'll be discharged sooner."
"Yes, doctor," she grinned.
"Good. Now get some rest. I'm starving. Do you want anything?"
"No thanks."
"Okay. I'll be back soon."
Several weeks later..
"So tomorrow's the big day, huh?" Wilson asked House as they sat down to eat.
"Big day? What?"
"Cameron's cast comes off."
"Oh yeah, that big day."
"You don't seem excited."
House gave Wilson a "duh" look. "It's a cast coming off. It's not monumental."
"I think you're just depressed because Cameron has no reason to stay with you anymore."
"She hasn't mentioned anything about wanting to leave. In fact, she keeps bringing stuff over from her apartment whenever she gets the chance. A few more things and the only thing left will be furniture."
"Do you want her to stay?"
"Of course I want her to stay. I even promised her a night out when the cast comes off. Although we might not end up going out at all if I have my way," he grinned.
"Oh, did you hear back from the insurance people yet?"
"Yeah. They're giving me a nice amount for the car. I'm gonna sock that away until I decide what to do with it. I'm thinking maybe a motorcycle."
"Interesting choice."
House shrugged and they finished their lunch in silence.
House entered the condo and heard shower water running. Figures she'd want a shower as soon as the cast came off, he laughed to himself as he dropped his bag near the door and then his jacket. "Honey, I'm home!" he called out as he made his way down the hall to the bathroom. The door was slightly ajar so he stood in the doorway watching her until she turned around and noticed him.
"You're early," she called out over the noise of the shower.
"Thought I'd get a head start on getting ready. You do still want to go out, don't you?"
She finished her shower and stepped out of the tub as House handed her a towel. "So how was getting the cast off?"
"Fine. It's all healed up nicely."
"Any more headaches?"
"Nothing out of the ordinary. I haven't had a migraine in at least two weeks so I consider that progress. So, where are we going for dinner?"
They had a fabulous dinner and a very good bottle of wine. Then they walked across the street to the park and sat on a bench to watch the ducks in the pond. "Thanks for tonight, House. I really needed to get out. That's not to say living in your condo hasn't been an adventure in itself."
House frowned. "Why do I feel a 'but' coming?"
"If you want me out of your way, I'll understand."
"If I didn't want you around, I never would've offered to take care of you in the first place."
She reached for his hand and gave it a squeeze. "And you did an amazing job. So thank you."
He looked deep into her eyes and returned the squeeze. "You're welcome. As a reward for getting your cast off, you may sleep in my bed, instead of that lumpy futon."
"Oh boy!" she grinned in faux childish excitement. "Can we have a pillow fight too?"
"If you're good."
He chuckled and gently ran his thumb across the back of her hand as he pretended to examine it. It was so tiny in comparison to his, and yet those small hands brought him immense pleasure. It had been nearly two months since they'd had any kind of sex and during that time, it was all he could do to control himself. He'd only recently had the corset-type thing taken off himself that sped up the healing of his ribs so neither of them could engage in any action but they had their share of stolen kisses and flirtatious glances.
Over the past several weeks they had developed a domesticated routine that should have felt weird, but actually felt normal. What happens now? She wouldn't be on crutches anymore and House's mobility was no longer hindered from the corset. It was almost surreal. Now he could make love to Cameron with nothing in his way.
Wait a minute. Did I just say make love? I've never made love to anyone. Not even Stacy. You're goin' soft, man.
But when he looked at her, all he wanted to do was make mad, passionate love to her until she clawed at the sheets and screamed his name over and over again. That's not to say she didn't do that before, but he really loved pleasing her. His goal in bed was to always let the woman come first. That's what kept them coming back again and again.
"Looks like it's going to start raining any minute," she said, breaking him out of his reverie.
"You're right. Let's get a cab and head home."
He took her hand and they headed back to the restaurant.
When they entered his apartment, Cameron had her arms around his waist and he tossed his keys aside so he could do the same. They kissed deeply and hungrily as they made their way down the hall towards his bedroom. He had no problem keeping up with her and before he knew it, they were on his bed, breathless and horny for each other.
"Oh..Greg," she moaned as his mouth found hers and his hands began unbuttoning her blouse. She never called him Greg and it was almost his undoing. He pulled off her blouse and massaged her breasts through the fabric of her bra until she begged him to take it off. His hands expertly unclasped it and he tossed it onto the floor. Her skin was so soft, so inviting and as he took one nipple into his mouth, his hand massaged the other one. He was never much of a talker during sex. Who needed words? It just made things more awkward and she didn't strike him as the type of woman who enjoyed dirty talk. But maybe she was?
He unhooked the catch of her skirt and it slid down her hips on its own and he yanked it the rest of the way off. Her black lace panties matched her bra and he removed those as well until she was completely naked beneath him and he remained fully clothed.
However, she had other ideas. Her small, nimble hands worked at the buttons on his shirt until they were all open, and then she pushed it off his shoulders, surprised that he didn't have a T-shirt on underneath. His chest was so manly, and muscular she delighted in running her hands over it, dragging her nails over his nipples, causing him to groan and bury his face in her neck. God, she smelled good. Like lavender and..something else. Something that was Cameron. His lips kissed her throat and licked the sensitive cord of her neck before he nipped at it, then licked to sooth it. There would definitely be a mark there tomorrow, but he simply smiled as he continued to kiss lower, between her breasts and then across her stomach.
Cameron knew where he was headed, and it made her arch her back in anticipation. The man was very skilled with his hands, and even more so with his tongue. She buried her fingers in his hair as he nudged her soft brown curls with his nose before teasing her with the tip of his tongue.
His answer was a long lick with lots of pressure to that spot which made her grip the sheets and spread her legs for him. He smiled to himself as he licked again, and held her open with his thumbs as he lapped and nibbled her clit.
"Oh God..I'm so...that's so good! Oh yessss..."
She was so wet, he had to see for himself, and proceeded to slip one finger inside. She was hot, and tight and as he inserted another finger, she spasmed and came all over his hand before he even had time to work his magic. Of course, that just turned him on even more and he began lapping up her juices, making her come again even harder than the first time.
"No more.." she groaned, feeling much too sensitive after that second orgasm, so he kissed his way back up her body and returned to her mouth, letting her taste herself on his tongue. He wasn't sure if she liked that, but she kissed him back with as much passion as he gave her.
Her hands slid down his chest to his pants, unbuckled his belt and then unbuttoned his pants. He stopped kissing her long enough to pull them off along with his boxers and hovered over her.
"Oh Greg...I want you so much.." she whispered up at him, her blue/green eyes dark with lust.
"I want you too," he whispered back as he reached into the nightstand for a condom and took it out of the packet. Once he was ready, he ran his hands up and down her body, settling himself between her legs. "You're so beautiful," he groaned as he teased her entrance with the tip of his cock. "What do you want? Tell me."
"I want.." she paused, unsure how to say it. She knew what she wanted, but she wasn't sure how he'd react. Oh well, here goes nothing..
He buried his face in her neck and kissed her throat. "Tell me.."
"I want you to make love to me, Greg."
He closed his eyes at her request and the emotions that overtook him were so strong he felt his eyes stinging. Nobody had ever touched him like that before. It was almost..too much. Keeping his eyes closed, and grateful for the darkness, he wrapped his arms around her and very slowly pressed himself inside her. He didn't move at first, letting her get used to his size once again. Her loud moan as he entered her almost made him lose it but he distracted himself by counting to 10.
Then he began to move within her. Pulling almost all of the way out and then pushing back in painfully slowly as their moans and breaths filled the dark room.
This was what she wanted only this time it was different. It was as if he really was making love to her. He was being very gentle until she almost couldn't stand it anymore and had to have him or she'd go mad.
"Oh God, Greg..you feel so good..please..harder.."
He used longer, deeper strokes and she started moaning uncontrollably as her head thrashed from side to side. "Deeper.." she groaned again.
He slid his hand over her leg and wrapped it higher around his waist so he could give her what she wanted and she nodded her approval. "Oh, God yes! Yes, Greg! I'm so close.."
"Good..come for me, Ally," he whispered in her ear, neither of them noticing his new nickname for her. "That's it.." he could feel her walls flexing and tightening around him and he tried to hold back as he felt the flood of moisture coating his cock and he rode out her orgasm before he reached his own powerful orgasm.
"Oh God! I love you so much, Greg!" she cried out as she came again with him. It was her forth orgasm and to say she was exhausted was an understatement.
"Oh..Ally," he groaned as he was also spent, and collapsed on top of her, both of them bathed in sweat and completely breathless. "You're amazing," he breathed as he slipped out of her, sighing at the loss of contact.
"You're the amazing one," she grinned back at him as she rested her cheek against his chest and ran her fingers over the hairs. "You've ruined me for any other man, you know that, don't you?"
He chuckled. "I have, huh?"
"Without a doubt. It's not every day a woman has 4 orgasms in one night."
House grinned and wrapped his arms around her. "Does this mean you'll stay?"
"I'm not going anywhere," she whispered, and then sealed the statement with a kiss.
He gave a long, contented sigh as he pulled the covers up over them. Things were good now. And they could only get better from then on.
The End
A/N: I just want to give a shout out to all who reviewed/favorited and alerted this story. THANK YOU! It makes my day to know that people enjoy what I write. Now, on to the next smutty one-shot muahahaha.