1It was hot. Too damn hot. July was always hot, but this was insane. Allison Cameron decided to hold a 4th of July party at the last minute. She had plenty of food, beer and soda and everything went off with a hitch. When it got dark, the local fire hall set off fireworks that could be seen from her back yard.
After the show, the crowd started to thin, leaving only her, House and Wilson. They were sitting at the round outdoor table. House and Wilson sat surprisingly close with all of the extra room. She sat across from them, just looking, watching them together.
It was odd, something she had never noticed before. Their slight touches. The way they were completely at ease with each other. She had heard the talk, rumors about a possible relationship, but this was something else, something deeper. They were like kindred spirts. Two halves of the same whole. Wilson making up for House's inability to show any emotion. Non judgmental and caring. They were better together than apart. House was the steel that ran through Wilson - his strength when the job of watching many of his patients die, almost daily, consumed him.
House chose that moment of silent reflection to laugh and she was lost. She had always wanted him, but in that moment she fell in love with him, and she also fell in love with the man who gave him a reason to laugh. Wilson. Was it possible to love two men at the same time? Maybe not, probably not. But what if they were only whole as a package. You can't love one with out the other, there are just too many pieces missing.
"James, can you do me a favor?" She asked him with a small smile.
"Sure, what do ya need?"
"I want you to kiss House." she told him.
House chocked on his beer and Wilson let out a gasp and said, "WHAT?"
"You heard me. Kiss him." She could feel the weight of House's blue eyes on her, she shifted her gaze to meet his. "I finally figured it out. Why House couldn't open up to me. It isn't about Stacey or what ever her name is. It isn't so much about the leg and his bitterness, it is because of you. He can't commit without you, and you can't stay committed without him."
Wilson continued to stammer for words, but a small, slow smile touched House's lips and then finally made it to his eyes. It was the first time she had ever done that, made him smile with his eyes. "I'm assuming," she continued, "That most woman would object to this, so it remains a secret. The only thing that is left in its wake is shattered dreams and broken hearts."
They were both looking at her now. Wilson finally calmed down and collected himself. House was eccentric, people would expect this out of him, but it was Wilson that would catch them all by surprise.
"How long?" she asked.
"Eight years." It was House that answered her, which was a shock in it's self.
She slowly nodded, taking it all in. Wilson looked nervous, but House still held himself with the same detached calm. He somehow knew she wasn't going to tell anyone. "You both still like girls though, right?"
"Girls are icky. They have cooties." House replied like a nine year old. She laughed.
Wilson rolled his eyes and replied, "Yes we still like girls. I have been married three times for God's sake." Then it hit him what she was actually asking. House was right, he could be very thick-skulled sometimes. Cameron and House were in the middled of a pretty intense stare down contest. Jim sat back in his chair and watched, he knew who would win. There was no real contest. He was shocked to see how long Allison lasted under that pinning stare.
Allison didn't know what to do next. Was that a yes? Was she allowed to join their little boy's club? Sighing, she stood and walked into the middle of the yard. They would need time to talk about it.
As she stood looking up to the sky, her mind reeled. What was she thinking? Why was she even considering this for? What was wrong with her? Was she really that lonely that she had to join an established relationship?
The air grew heavy and a few rain drops started to fall. She loved the rain, especially after such a hot day. It felt good and she planned on standing in it. She felt a hand slide around her waist and pull her close.
She leaned back into him, feeling his lean body press against her, the evidence of his arousal pressing into her lower back. "I've always wanted to make love in the rain." She whispered to him, tilting her head to offer her neck.
James started to nibble on her neck and it felt wonderful. It had been too long since she was with a man. His hands were soft and gentle, coaxing a reaction out of her, instead of forcing her. She turned then and kissed him. His lips were soft and he had a slight taste of beer.
The rain was falling heavier now, soaking through their clothing. James started to nibbled down her neck and nip at her collarbone. She turned her head to see House watching them, his eyes burning with need. She could see the state of his arousal and found it erotic. She pulled off James's shirt and threw it to the ground. She ran her hands along his flat stomach. Her tongue darted out to tease a flat, pink nipple. Jim gasped. He quickly removed her bra, shorts and finally her panties followed, leaving her naked. She could feel two sets of eyes on her, the heat was searing. She felt she would burst into flames right there in the rain.
James kissed her again, this time lowering her to the wet grass. His mouth explored her, drawing a rosy pink nipple into his mouth, sucking her. She moaned and held him to her. After nipping gently on her other nipple, his mouth made a hot trail along her tight stomach, over her razor sharp hip bones to rest in the apex of her thighs.
"Brazilian waxes are most sexy," he muttered. His hot breath teasing her core. She was writhing beneath him, raising her hips in hopes he would take her with his mouth.
He held back, slowly his finger traced her soft folds, parting them. His finger slipped in causing her to cry out with bliss. "Oh God, Wilson, please," she begged. Finally his tongued stroked her, long, slow and fully. A squeak escaped, egging him on.
The taste of her was maddening. Warm, spicy honey. His fingers continued to pump inside her as his tongue stroked. She felt her shutter, grabbing her hips he pulled her close and drank in her juices as she went over the edge into an earth shattering orgasm.
Kissing his way back up her body to her mouth, he slowly he entered her, filling her so completely she gasped with pleasure. He could still feel the aftershocks of her orgasm, griping him, milking him. He kissed her softly and pumped her slowly. Raising her hips up to meet his, she clung to him. She kissed underneath his jaw and followed his line of sight to House.
At sometime he had moved his chair closer and sat there, watching, burning, needing. Wilson withdrew from her and walked over to him. Stepping beside him, he offered himself to House. The moment Greg's lips closed over James, all three of them let out a moan. She sat there a few moments watching. The sight was the most erotic thing she had ever witnessed. Greg gripped Jim's hips, pulling him closer. Jim's had fist fulls of his hair, hanging on to something solid as House took him to the stars. Suddenly he pulled back, gasping, "Not yet,"
Cameron crawled over on her hands and knees and started to work on Greg's pants. He lifted his hips off the chair to help her slid them down. He was now soaked, making the job slightly more difficult than normal.
Allison grasped his shaft in her hand. He was huge, even larger than Wilson. Thick, hot and pulsating under her fingertips. Looking up into his blue eyes, she slowly took him into her mouth. When her lips closed over him, James slipped deeply back inside her. She groaned, the sound sending vibrations through House's shaft, straight to his spine.
His finger's gripped her wet hair, not demanding, but not gentle, either. Wilson's hands were holding her hips as he pounded into her. His thrusts became hard, quick and deep. She could tell they were kissing over her, the thought causing her body to start to spasm. Jim felt it first and gasped, pumping a few more times hard. House thrust into her mouth, holding her head still for his assault. The climaxed together, Wilson buried deeply inside her, spilling himself against her womb. House in her mouth, his hot, tangy fluid filling her mouth, teasing her tongue. When he was done, she turned and kissed Wilson, sharing House's flavor with him. He greedily drank it in.
The rain had stopped as they slowly untangled their bodies. Sighing in contentment, Allison and James lay naked in the grass. "I think we gave your neighbors a show." Wilson commented.
"They are 80 and deaf. God, that was fantastic." she sighed. She got grunts as responses. "Perhaps we should go inside, where it is dry?" Wilson got up and helped her stand. He bent down and grabbed their now soaked clothes. "Hum, looks like you two will have to stay until you dry off. My dryer is broken... may take a while." She smiled at them sweetly and walked, naked ahead of them.
House and Wilson just looked at each other, "Shit." they muttered together.
By the time they made their way into the house, Allison had retrieved some warm fluffy towels for them and a nice cold beer. "Now, that's a good serving wench." House replied.
She shot him a look over her shoulder. "Keep that up and you'll be sleeping on the couch."
"But Mommy, I'm too big for the couch, my feet hang over the edge." he whined.
"Well, you better stop being a naughty little boy, or Jim here will get all the pie."
"Nice!" he said, shaking his head.
Wilson just looked at them and laughed. "If I had known how sexual you were, I would have suggested this a long time ago, Allison."
"Ah, better late than never. Anyway it is better this way, I understand it now. Before all I could see was House's lies. Now I see they weren't lies so much as not strictly the truth."
"So... you have figured out the mystery that is Gregory House." He smiled. It was good to have someone understand.
"If you two are done being girlfriends, perhaps we can move this to the bedroom."
"Only if you will be my boyfriend." they said in unison. House knew then he was in deep trouble. He got up, grumbled something under his breath, causing them to laugh even harder.