A/N: This is the last chapter. I have another one-shot in mind so I wanted to get this wrapped up. Working on more than 2 stories at a time is too big a headache, especially if you heard about my insane writing procedures. I don't sit and write non-stop for hours like I know some do. I have a system, as strange as it is..but it works. Anyway, thanks again to those who have added this story to their favorites and me to their Author alerts. Now you'll know when I write new stuff. And thanks to those of you whom I've consulted with on this story. You know who you are.

Disclaimer: The characters, and parts of the dialogue in this story belong to FOX and David Shore.

Chapter 5

PPTH was a huge hospital and seemed almost daunting when Dr. Allison Cameron stepped out of the taxi and paid the driver. Taking a deep breath, she headed for the front doors and stood in the lobby. To her left were the elevators, and to the right, the clinic. It looked busy. When Greg mailed her an acceptance letter, it came with a formal letter from Dr. Lisa Cuddy, Dean of Medicine, to join her staff. Part of her job, as well as being Greg's, or rather, Dr. House's fellow, was doing clinic hours. She had no problem with that.

However, she still hadn't talked to Greg, or even seen him yet, so she approached the front desk.

"Excuse me, where can I find Dr. House?"

"Forth floor, Diagnostics," the nurse said without looking up from her book.


"Good luck," Allison heard the nurse mutter under her breath as she walked away.

Her hand was shaking as she pressed the elevator button, waited for the doors to open and then stepped inside.

"Hold the elevator!" someone shouted and she pressed the button to stop the doors from closing. Wilson breezed in, noticed that the 4th floor button was pressed, and relaxed against the railing.

They looked at each other, briefly. He was a good looking man. Brown hair, nice brown eyes, and slim. He couldn't have been much older than 40. Allison gave him a weak smile and he smiled back at her.

The elevator dinged, and they stepped into the hall. She looked confused so he of course, offered to help.


"I'm looking for the Diagnostics department."

"You're looking for House?"

"Yes. I'm Allison Cameron."

Wilson took her offered hand and shook it as he studied her. Oh yeah, House was in big trouble.

"James Wilson. I'm the head Oncologist, and House's best friend. So, you're the Allison Cameron."

She tilted her head to one side. "Greg's mentioned me?"

Wilson winced at her calling his friend by his first name. The only person who called him that was Stacy. "Briefly. And just for the record, you might want to call him Dr. House. Or simply, House, as everyone else does around here."

"Oookay," she said slowly.

"He's been expecting you. Come on, I have to go over there anyway."

Her heart was beating loudly in her ears and it suddenly seemed like a long walk down the hall, even though it was really only several steps. When they finally approached, they found House in the conference room talking to two other doctors, which Allison figured were the other fellows.

But her eyes were on House as she watched him through the glass walls and was half startled, half amazed. He looked almost exactly the same, yet there was something very different as well. He wore a grey suit jacket over a wrinkled button-down blue shirt, and a T-shirt under that, with jeans. He walked with a very noticeable limp with the aid of a cane, and he had at least 2-3 days growth of stubble on his handsome face. He didn't seem to be aware that he was being watched as he shouted at the young doctors and tossed a black marker onto the floor in frustration.

Wilson cleared his throat, clearly nervous for Allison, and guided her toward the door. "Why don't you go wait in his office? I'll let him know you're here."

"Ok. Thank you."

Wilson opened the door for her, and then walked into the conference room. "House, you have a visitor."

House stopped talking and stared at his friend. "Who?"

Wilson cleared his throat again and motioned toward House's office. "The eagle has landed."

House nodded. "Chase, Foreman, go get a decent history from the patient and run the tests again. I know it's there."

Chase glanced into House's office and saw Allison standing there. "Who's that?"

"Never mind her. Just go do your job."

House was suddenly nervous, but tried not to let it show. He opened the door and limped into the office, leaning heavily on his cane.

"Hi, Allison," he said softly.

"Hi, Gr..Dr. House."

He smirked. "Just call me House. It's easier."

"Okay. House," she said nervously, giving it a try. It sounded weird to her, since she'd always called him and thought of him as Greg. "How are you?" she then asked, trying to lighten the mood.

"That's a subjective thing. I could lie and say everything's peachy keen, or I could tell you the truth and tell you I'm miserable. Which are you more likely to believe?"

"The latter."

"Smart girl."

She glanced at his cane, and he glanced at it too, then back at her. "Infarction. Five years ago."

"I'm sorry."

"So am I." On that note, he reached into his pocket, pulled out a bottle of pills, shook 2 out and dry swallowed them. "Vicodin. I'm in constant pain. I need them."

"I wasn't going to question you. I'm not going to judge you either. I just want to say thank you for giving me a chance and.."

"Yeah yeah. You need a lab coat. Go see Cuddy and get her lackey to find you one."

"Dr. Cuddy?"

"The wicked witch of the west. Did you manage to find a place to live?"


"Good. I would've offered you my place if you hadn't. But the parade of hookers every other night would make things seem too awkward."

Before Allison could say anything, the door opened and in walked a very attractive brunette.

"House. Clinic. Now."

"Dr. Cuddy, this young lady needs a lab coat."

Cuddy and Cameron smiled at each other and the older doctor extended her hand. "I'm Dr. Lisa Cuddy. You must be Dr. Allison Cameron."

"I am. Nice to meet you, Dr. Cuddy."

House watched with amusement as the two women seemed to hit it off right away. "Come with me, we'll find you a lab coat and then I have some forms for you to sign."

"Great. See you later, Dr. House," Allison said with a wave.

He barely acknowledged her as he flopped into his chair and plugged in his ipod. When they were out of earshot, Cuddy sighed. "I wish you luck, Cameron. You're in for a rough three years."

Wilson returned ten minutes later and found House rubbing his temples in frustration. "So? What's the verdict? Is she the same as she was before?"

"Seems so."

"Where did she go?"

"Cuddy's off finding her a lab coat and having her sign her life away."

"So it's a done deal then?"

"Yup. Let the terrorizing commence."



"You can't let on there was anything between you two. You can't treat her any different than Chase or Foreman."

"I know!"

"Then what's the problem?"

"I can't stop thinking about the past."

"You don't have to stop thinking about it. You just can't act on your feelings. Not at work, anyway."

House glanced up at his friend. "So you're saying its fine to sneak around with her outside of work."

"If she's willing and you're willing.."

But House shook his head. "No, I can't. You were right. I can't treat her any differently. I'll just have to distance myself."

* * *

Cameron, as she was know affectionately called, had adjusted to her role as House's lackey, peon, and slave. Although the three terms pretty much came hand-in-hand. When she applied as his fellow in the first place, she had no idea of the bitter, cynical and misanthropic man he'd become. The man she remembered was snarky, outspoken and maybe even charming when he wanted to be. It was like that guy had completely disappeared and had been replaced by an empty shell. Sitting on her couch with her wine, she thought back to earlier that afternoon when they had it out.

"Why did you hire me?"
"Does it matter?"
"Kinda hard to work for a guy who doesn't respect you."
"Is that rhetorical?"
"No, it just seems that way because you can't think of an answer. Does it make a difference why I think I'm a jerk? The only thing that matters is what you think. Can you do the job?"
"You hired a black guy because he had a juvenile record."
"No, it wasn't a racial thing, I didn't see a black guy. I just saw a doctor…with a juvenile record. I hired Chase 'cause his dad made a phone call. I hired you because you are extremely pretty."
"You hired me to get into my pants?!"
"I can't believe that that would shock you. Besides, been there done that. It's also not what I said. No, I hired you because you look good; it's like having a nice piece of art in the lobby."
"I was in the top of my class."
"But not THE top."
"I did an internship at the Mayo Clinic."
"Yes, you were a very good applicant."
"But not the best?"
"Would that upset you, really, to think that you were hired because of some genetic gift of beauty not some genetic gift of intelligence?"
"I worked very hard to get where I am."
"But you didn't have to. People choose the paths that grant them the greatest rewards for the least amount of effort. That's the law of nature, and you defied it. That's why I hired you. You could have married rich, could have been a model, you could have just shown up and people would have given you stuff. Lots of stuff, but you didn't, you worked your stunning little ass off."
"Am I supposed to be flattered?"
"Gorgeous women do not go to medical school. Unless they're as damaged as they are beautiful. Were you abused by a family member?"
"Sexually assaulted?"
"But you are damaged, aren't you?"

Damn him! How did he know that? Since when was he so perceptive? She then supposed since he was clearly damaged himself, he must have some kind of sonar to detect other damaged people.

Either way, what they had in Venice was obviously lost on him, or no longer important. It still meant something to her. It's why she applied for his fellowship in the first place. And when she came to interview, he acted like he barely knew her. But he did know her. Intimately, in fact. Sure, she was crazy for even thinking it was more than just a one-night-stand kind of thing but what about at the airport? He kissed her as if…

She shook her head to clear it. It was a long time ago and he obviously didn't care. She could play that game too.

House, on the other hand wasn't able to rid his mind so easily. Every time he looked at her, images played out in his head. Dancing with her at a club, his hands all over her, in bed with her, rolling around under the sheets while making mad, passionate love to her as she held onto him for dear life and moaned his name.

He wasn't that man anymore. Emotionally or even physically. Although he'd never received any complaints before from his hookers. But then they weren't paid to criticize his abilities. Still, they always left his condo with smiles on their faces.

He couldn't forget the smile on Cameron..Allison's face that night as she slept next to him. Or when he surprised her at the airport before she left. It was corny, sure, and silly of him to do that but he couldn't help himself.

Now, sitting at his piano, he realized what he'd been missing all those years after Stacy. It was Allison. He considered looking her up after Stacy left, hoping it might lessen the blow, but thought better of it. He didn't want to make her as miserable and jaded as he'd become. But damn he wanted her. He'd never admit it to anyone else that he'd fallen in love with her over the last couple months since she started working for him. He never loved Stacy. The feelings he had for her didn't even come close to what he was feeling for Allison at that moment.

He thought about what he'd said to her that day at work and he groaned, rubbing his hands over his face. Sure he meant most of what he said, but he knew he crossed the line when he asked her if she was abused or assaulted. Where the hell did that come from? What was he thinking?

He glanced at the clock. It was only 8pm. Not too late. Before he could talk himself out of it, he grabbed his jacket and keys and headed out to his car.

The sound of wood knocking on wood startled Cameron and she looked up from her book. Hesitating, she got up and looked out the peephole. It was House. Curiosity getting the best of her, she opened the door.

"What're you doing here?"

"I need to talk to you."

She stepped aside to let him in and he looked around. It was a nice apartment. Comfortable furniture and lots of books.

"I can't believe I'm doing this..so don't tell anyone," he said to her in a quiet tone. It was almost a whisper.

"Okay..don't tell anyone what?"

"I'm..I want to apologize. For what I said today."

Cameron just blinked at him, obviously shocked. House never apologized. For any reason. And here he was, apologizing to her?

"You were being honest."

"That still doesn't make it right."

"Okay so..you apologized. You can go."

He arched an eyebrow at her. "Do you want me to go?"

He had her there.

"Do you want some wine?"

"Love some."

"Have a seat."

She returned moments later with a glass of red wine for him and sat down.

"So what brought this on?"

"I was..thinking about Venice."

Cameron flushed. "I didn't think you even remembered."

"Of course I remembered. I can't get it out of my mind. It haunts me."

He got up and began to pace the room with his cane. "I've never felt this way about anyone before. Not even the woman I lived with for 5 years. And if you tell anyone this.."

"I'm not going to say anything."

"I knew hiring you would be a bad idea. Even Wilson tried to talk me out of it. But he also said if I wanted to pursue this, we'd have to keep it on the down low."

"Pursue what?"

House stared at her. "Do you still…feel a certain way about me?"

"I..I don't know. After today I.."

"Forget about what I said today. I was an ass."

"You've always been an ass."

"Yeah but you don't deserve it. You haven't done anything except be honest with me. The least I could do is return the favor."

He stopped pacing and sat down on the couch next to her. "If..you don't want anything to do with me, I'll understand. I just thought.."

"What did you have in mind?" she interrupted, giving him a reassuring smile.

"Start slow and see how things go. It might not work out at all. I'm not the man you knew in Venice. Nobody likes me. Hell, even I don't like me."

"I like you," she smiled again as she gently touched his hand. "Why do you think I even applied for your fellowship? For the chance to see you again. I missed you. When I got home from Venice.."

House placed his finger to her lips. "I don't want to talk about all that now."

Before she could ask what he did want to talk about, he was kissing her and not showing any signs of stopping. He pushed her back so she was underneath him with her head resting on the arm of the couch as he moved on top of her.

This was what she missed more than anything. Greg's mouth and hands explored her body as if he was remembering parts that he'd missed and she was re-living that night like it just happened yesterday.

"Greg.." she moaned as his hand slipped up underneath her shirt.

"Mm..Allison..I missed this. I really missed it."

"Maybe we should..go to the bedroom?"

"Lead the way." He got up and offered her his hand to help her up. Hand in hand, they walked down the hall together.

The end.

A/N: I hope House didn't seem too OOC but if he did, oh well. I tried. Stay tuned for more steamy one-shots :) I have plans for our favorite couple muahahaha!