Author has written 4 stories for Digimon, DearS, Teen Titans, and Avatar: Last Airbender. Hi, Guess this is where I should introduce myself a little... I'm Hydroknight, the leading member of a fanfiction writing circle called Team Hydro. While I'm also a writer, I'm mostly a reader, and I'll admit that much of my presence here will consist of reading, and perhaps reviewing or commenting on the work of others. And as much as I really do hate to be considered a leecher, the fact of the matter is that my own works might well be inappropriate for posting here. While I might post bits and pieces of stuff I'm working on, body text, or filler, one might say, they likely won't be of that particular nature. On a note referring to my writing, and my team. -- X - x -- XxXxX -- x - X -- NEWS BLAST - January 13th, 2014 Hey, guys. I know I haven't posted anything in a while, even though I said I probably would; my only excuse, unfortunately, is something of a good one, and I'm afraid that means this update will, ironically, be a long one so please bear with me. Okay, so: there's been some developments recently, and I have good news and bad news; to give the bad news the context it needs, I'm going to go with the good news first: back in early November, the Twins finally tracked down and cornered Journeyman22:18, the perpetrator behind the last two hack-jobs on our digital storage hub, the Freezer. After some creative investigation of his various online aliases and his own storage systems, they recovered enough incriminating evidence of his activities to have the slimy bastard locked up. Apparently we weren't the only circle this guy was hacking and/or plagiarising; also, according to Lightning, there's evidence that this douchebag may once have been a member of an earlier incarnation of the team who we ousted for a distinct lack of productivity and, unsurprisingly, pilfering inactive projects from the Freezer; he contributed nothing to the projects in which he chose to involve himself, but still had the gall to expect and indeed demanded credit where none was due, so, when he was caught stealing notes on 'frozen' projects from storage, we convened a vote, and kicked him off the team. I thought that decision was justified at the time, and I stand by that decision today. But whatever; he's been locked up for several counts of cybercrime, and his hardware has been scrubbed of anything and everything relating to us that isn't considered case evidence against him. I can't say where or how the Twins found him, nor will I mention his name for legal reasons. He's done, and he's going to remain that way for, I'm told, quite some time to come. The rest is history; I've washed my hands of the whole fiasco. Repair efforts on the Freezer are still ongoing. And now for the bad news, and this, really, is where it gets ugly: unfortunately, Team Hydro is also done, in respect to the ten-strong circle we were when this mess began. In his efforts to pillage the Freezer, Journeyman effectively crippled the team's ability to communicate amongst ourselves. We're still not sure how he managed to do this, but it does mean, in no uncertain terms, that our six missing team members are effectively lost to the aether. The core four members of the team – my self, Aquis, and the Twins – convened to discuss this back in November, and we decided then that, until the Freezer is operational again, and we can find someone to replace our recruitment agent Sharky, the monikers and positions of our missing team mates must be closed. So there it is. One internet asshole has effectively burned our barn to the ground, and in doing so, has deliberately cut us off at the knees; we've lost some of the best people we've ever had the good fortune of crossing paths with. For some of them, I doubt we'll ever have the privilege of working with people of their imaginative calibre again; the rest were just damned good friends, whose years of company and enthusiasm and camaraderie I will dearly miss. I put off posting this for some time, in the hope that some of the team may come forward in the wake of the Christmas period, but unfortunately, that hasn't proved to be the case. Clearly, the friendships we fostered are gone now, like dust on the wind. It troubles me somewhat that I never knew their names; I knew them only by the names our system gave them, and I may very well never speak to those friends again – even if I did, I wouldn't know them from Adam, and indeed, they would not know me. So now it's official: Team Hydro will consist of just the four of us for the foreseeable future. For all intents and purposes, we're running on standby, and operating with a skeleton crew; this means that I will be the team's only active writer, and as such, many of our active projects must be put on ice. Of our current works, I am sorry to say that only Project Pentagram can remain active; it is the only piece that didn't have the majority of the team working on it, I was the only writer, and much of what isn't in the project notes is locked up in my head anyway, so it won't be quite so affected by the absence of the others as so many of our other projects would. As such, our 'Avatar: TLA', 'Digimon Tamers', 'DearS' and 'Teen Titans' projects will be going on hiatus until further notice; I don't want to do that, but we just don't have the resources to work on them, for now. Following the completion of 'Pentagram On The Wall', I may reopen the Avatar project, but I make no promises to that effect; I could just as easily reopen any one of the other three projects we have available in our little collection here, and it wouldn't seem fair to cross that bridge before I've come to it, I think. This does bring me to another point, however; while the monikers of our in-house Beta and Editor are closed, I have a feeling that I may soon need the services of a Beta Reader. I won't say we're recruiting for a permanent position, here, because we're not; it would be very much at the convenience of both parties, and anyone who takes the job would be dealing specifically with myself; interaction with the rest of the team will be minimal at most. I'm hesitant to put this out there, as Aquis would usually take up this slack, but he's currently busy mapping plot threads and characters for the next part of Project Pentagram. If any of our readers would like to consider the job, please feel free to drop me a PM and we can discuss it, but please, only if you're serious about it; a certain level of familiarity with both myself and our currently-available works would be a very-much appreciated prerequisites. I have now made arrangements for a temporary Beta Reader. Hopefully this should speed up the work some, but I'm not really used to working with outside parties, so we'll see how it goes. Lastly, I'd like to thank everyone for their comments, and for the favourite-story and -author subs over the last few months; your support is felt and needed now more than ever. We've gotten through rough patches like this before, and rebuild from scratch more than a few times now, but never have we been brought so low and so hard by someone who has hated us so much for so small a slight. We will rebuild, but it will take time and effort, and perseverance. The fire's burning low, but the coals are still warm; there's hope left, yet. The four of us will carry on, as we always have. Thank you for your time, and again, for your support. Hydroknight, Team Hydro NEWS BLAST - September 24th, 2013 Hey guys. I know we haven't seemed to be around much over the last few months, and I want to apologise for the lack of updates to all of our ongoing projects. Things are hectic for us right now. I won't mince words; Team Hydro is in trouble. Structurally, we're falling apart. Half of the team has been missing-in-action since the last attack on our storage hub, the Freezer, and our productivity has slowed to a snail's pace. The Freezer's architecture has been crippled, and much as it turns my stomach to admit it, so have we. Repairs are underway, but the process will take time; many of our backups and ongoing projects have been corrupted, and/or riddled with viruses and other forms of malware; the perpetrator, a hacker who goes by the name 'journeyman 22:18', seems to have undertaken some kind of ideological crusade against us, and seems determined to shut us down by whatever means it takes. The core of the team, our four original members, are really the only fully-functional part of the group right now, and we're doing what we can to make progress; I hope to be able to post *something* soon, but I make no promises. It's also imperative that we restore full contact with our missing team members before we can properly restart work again on any of our major projects; due to this, Vibrations may have to be put on ice for a while, at least until more of the Freezer is repaired, so more time can be spared to work on the project. On that note, I know some of our missing members follow these updates -- IF YOU'RE OUT THERE, GET YOUR REARS IN-GEAR AND FIND A WAY TO GET IN TOUCH. THE IMPROMPTU VACATION IS OVER. And if Journeyman22:18 is reading this: The Twins know who and where you are. And very soon, they will find you. Game over, asshat. NEWS BLAST - December 10th, 2012 Just a quick post to let you guys know that Chapter 16 of Pentagram On The Wall is now live over on FictionPress. This was the first thing we could fully recover from the Freezer, so I got to work on finishing it as soon as it was good to go. Hopefully, we'll have made enough stuff safe to access soon that I can get back to work on Vibrations, too. I doubt I'll have anything else new for you before New Years', but fingers crossed. Peace out, guys.
Hey guys. I know we haven't updated anything for a stupidly-long time. We want you to know two things: firstly, WE ARE NOT DEAD, me least of all. Secondly, I'm scrabbling like crazy to get something, anything finished to such a degree that it can be edited and posted, just to reassure you guys of Point Number One, there. As to why we haven't updated in such a long time, things have been hectic for us for some time now. Half the team have been AWOL for the last six months, on-and-off, some of whom having only vague excuses by which to explain themselves. Usually, our team-membership protocol would dictate an immediate replacement be found for any team-member absent without reason for at least three months, but there's currently a problem with our ability to follow that protocol – our liaison to the outside world, Sharky, is one of those team members who's currently off the grid, so we have no-one keeping tabs on the team's fringes to do the necessary recruiting. Also Missing-In-Action are our two in-house Betas, and Project Researcher (who, being some months with-child, has a valid excuse to cut class methinks) also known as the Hotrod Trio, and last but by no-means least, a most troublesome fellow to whom we assigned the apparently-cursed alias 'Pulse'. We joke that that alias is cursed, because everyone who's ever been assigned to that particular corner of the team has turned out, unfailingly, to be either lazy and unreliable, an idea-poacher, or a complete-and-utter asshole that none of us can stand for more than a few weeks, before we unanimously vote him out again for having righteously pissed us all off to some degree or another. So yeah, cursed alias. Go figure. Anyhow, we're currently working with a skeleton crew, and this slows things down for us dramatically. We're used to operating like a well-oiled machine where everyone knows and does their part; with half the team missing, this is proving increasingly difficult. Couple this with some lunatic from TeensAgainstPorn attacking our Freezer online base again for the second year running, and you can see why we've been having problems. The attack lasted a week without stopping, this time; the Freezer was DDoS'd relentlessly from three different servers, all of which were also firing malware at the Freezer's IP, for seven straight days. The damage to the Freezer was substantial, much-more so than last time we were jumped; the Twins lost nearly a petabyte of information this time, and have had a dark look in the eye ever since. We got a lucky break in the repair process last week, and the Freezer hub itself is back up and running safely again; Lightning found the bastard's handle – 'journeyman22:18' – a while back, and the two of them have been climbing the walls to track him down since then. Apparently the handle is a biblical reference to the Book of Exodus (we looked it up, none of us being religious ourselves). It refers to the passage, “Thou Shalt Not Suffer a Witch to Live.” So apparently we're evil, now. Nice. I make no promises as to when I'll have a new chapter of anything up; the Freezer is functional again, but as a group we're still largely in disarray, and the team's area of the Freezer, our Frozen Archive, still needs a LOT of effort put in to get it back in working order. Files need restoring and backing-up, new security systems need testing for backdoors and firewall exceptions... this shit is getting seriously out-of-hand now. I'm not gonna ask what the Twins are gonna do when they catch this asshat – because you can bet your behind that they WILL – and quite frankly, I'm sure their solution to the problem be drastic, and will have some seriously lasting socio-religious repercussions for the poor sack'o'shit who keeps trying to hack us. Better him than me. Peace out, guys. I really hope to have SOMETHING for you soon. NEWS BLAST - October 12th, 2011 Hey guys, just a quick newsflash to let you know that Chapter 3 of Vibrations is now live. Enjoy! NEWS BLAST - September 16th, 2011 Yo! Upon realising the volume of visitor traffic to my profile page had gone up recently, I figured I should post an update on the status of Vibrations. Chapter 3 is coming along; it's not happening as smoothly as I'd like, but it's definately coming together. About half-way done now I think, hope to have it finished soon so the Twins can check it over before I post it up for your delectation. :P For those of you following Pentagram On The Wall, we've been having some internal discussions lately as to what we're going to do about Chapter 15; I'm in half a mind to remove this chapter in its entirety and shift later chapters forward one in their numbering, so we can insert a very new and very important chapter near the end of the story, but some members of the team aren't sure about this. I feel we're close to resolving this matter after so much discussion about it, and hopefully we'll get back to the graft soon -- sooner the better, I'm going stir-crazy over this. Soon's we know what's going on, you'll know. Peace out, guys! ;D NEWS BLAST - July 26th, 2011 Hey, gang. Vibrations chapter 2 is taking longer than anticipated to edit, as I meant from the beginning to stretch Part 1 to four or five chapters, and naturally I don't want to give too much of the story away in one fell swoop. Removing the crucial, spoiler-y parts while leaving enough substance to keep the story interesting is proving tricky, as I don't want to have to re-write the whole second-half of the chapter all over again. Yes, I said re-write, as it has been re-written once already. Rest assured, Chapter 2 is coming, and with some luck will be ready soon. It's just not ready yet. Peace-out. NEWS BLAST - May 7th, 2011 Well, after so many weeks of being completely FUBAR, it seems FictionPress has at last gotten around to fixing its editing suite. We don't mean to sound ungrateful when we say this, but it sure-as-hell took 'em long enough... , In other news, we're in the middle of working on POTW Chapter 14 right now, and hope to have the draft finished for editing soon. Can't say how soon, as I'm dealing with some changes in my personal life and I'm having to work amidst the chaos so to speak, but we'll have it ready for you ASAP. Peace-out, guys. NEWS BLAST - April 17th, 2011 Good news, guys. After some deliberation, the guys and I decided to upload POTW Chapter 13 here at FanFiction for editing, and then post the finished piece over at FictionPress. The process worked without a hitch, and Chapter 13 is now live over at FictionPress. We are, however, still very frikkin' annoyed that the problem with the editing suite still hasn't been fixed despite our several emails to the FP Support Team. But I guess there's no point complaining endlessly about it - the chapter is up, and we have a simple workaround for the problem until it gets fixed. Peace-out, guys. NEWS BLAST - April 15th, 2011 Well, it's now been TEN DAYS since this bullsh*t with the editing suite over at FictionPress began, and the problem still persists; Chapter 13 of POTW is still sitting in the Document Manager waiting to be edited, and I still can't actually edit the damn thing. 3 emails have been sent to the support teams both over at FictionPress and here at FanFiction, but neither team has deigned to respond or even acknowledge our attempts to contact them. In short, WE ARE ALL VERY PISSED OFF NOW. The Twins have half a mind to hack the control panel and fix the problem themselves; thus far, they have kept their sick programming skills in-check out of sheer common decency, but even they have their limits... and them limits are being pushed. If anyone from either support team is reading this - 'ch, yeah right... - then perhaps you could spare us a minute of your precious time and hear our problem. Or better yet, you could pull your damn finger out and FIX IT ALREADY. Have A Nice F*ing Day. NEWS BLAST - April 5th, 2011 Well, POTW Chapter 13 is ready and uploaded, and will be published just as soon as the editing suite over at FictionPress stops screwing around. Seriously - how the hell am I supposed to edit 2100 words, and add headers, footers and author's notes, when all I've got to work with is an editing box that's only as deep as these two lines? A support email has been sent to FictionPress, informing them of the problem; hopefully, they'll have this rectified swiftly, and we can get back to work. We'll keep you posted on this. Also, on another note, we still haven't found a BETA reader... Peace out, guys. NEWS BLAST - March 27th, 2011 Hey, guys! Just a quick update to let you all know that POTW Chapter 12 has been posted. NSFW as usual, and loooooong, but important. Be sure to read, and let us know what you think! Also, giving some thought to the Traffic numbers from the last few weeks... lost of people reading Chapter 1, but only a fraction of them going on to read Chapter 2. What's up with that? Been discussing this with the guys, and we're a little concerned by this, as our in-house BETA reader is currently AWOL, and we're giving serious thought to what can be done to improve those reader figures - which means we might have to overhaul Chapter 1 again. Yes, again. Which means we might need to outsource a temporary BETA reader soon to lend a hand with the job, as the Twins are busy with their work rebuilding our Freezer. Any recommendations, please don't hesitate to drop me a line. Thanks, guys! NEWS BLAST - January 25th, 2011 What's up, gang!? How's the new year treating you? Just a quick News Blast tonight, to let you all know that POTW Chapter 11 is uploaded and online for your reading pleasure over at FictionPress! Take a look and tell us what you think of our first new chapter of 2011! Peace out! NEWS BLAST - November 30th, 2010 Damn, I should've remembered to update this... *kicks self* Anyhow, PENTAGRAM ON THE WALL has recently been updated over at FictionPress with Chapters 8, 9 and 10. Please note that there has been a significant gap between updates lately, due to complications on our end. I can't go into the details, but please know that we are still working on PROJECT PENTAGRAM, among other things, and haven't in any way abandoned the story. I have still been posting recently-completed chapters of POTW - I just never got around to updating my profile pages to let everyone who doesn't have us on Story Alert at FictionPress know when a new chapter has gone up. Gomen nasai... -_-; Also, please note that I'm currently taking a break from posting new chapters of POTW; right now the team and I are working on several storylines for a couple of different projects, and some of these projects have recently moved up a gear in their development, requiring more of our time. I am continuing to work on PP:POTW in the meantime, and plan to be back at work full-throttle on PROJECT PENTAGRAM within in a few weeks - emphasis on *plan*. From myself and the team, we apologise for the long time between News Blasts, and hope you enjoy the new chapters. Peace out, guys. NEWS BLAST - October 4th, 2010 Whatup, people! I have that good news you've all been waiting for: the final parts of the DearScon! epilogue have been finished and uploaded, and the story is now COMPLETED! Well, that was a hell of a trip downtown now, wasn't it? XD Let us know what you think, please! If you've already reviewed the Epilogue once before, get in-touch with a PM. Seriously, we don't bite! :3 Peace out, guys! NEWS BLAST - September 23rd, 2010 Hey guys, just a quick Blast tonight to let you know that POTW Chapter 7 is finally up over at FictionPress for your reading pleasure; I'm too tired to do a full rundown right now, it's 4AM here un the UK as I write this, and I'm just about ready to pass out on my keyboard - never a good thing. I'm off to bed now for some well-earned rest, it's been a rough day. Later! NEWS BLAST - September 21st, 2010 Whatup, guys? Unfortunately, this weeks' chapter of POTW is going to be late by a day or two - Frankly, work on Chapter 7 is not yet finished, due to events conspiring against me during the course of last week. You guys try having three family members with three birthdays in the space of the same seven days - it ain't fun in any sense of the word, not by a long country mile. Also, Anonymous Reviews have been enabled for a little while, due to a friend having trouble signing in over at FP. Please note that this is not an excuse to post flames! Unconstructive reviews - i.e. rants, whether coherent or otherwise - will be removed, and floated to hell in handbaskets! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! If you're going to leave an anonymous review, please do us the courtesy of letting us know who you are by either signing it with your username, or by dropping us a Private Message here at FF, so we can thank you - no-one else has to know who left that review. That is all for this News Blast. Peace out! NEWS BLAST - September 15th, 2010 Yo! Chapters 5 and 6 of POTW are up over at FictionPress. I missed the Monday deadline for Chapter 6 this week, because the chapter wasn't finished in time, but it's done and went straight up after the Twins gave it the once-over. Chapter 5 went up on-schedule last week and I, being a dumbass, forgot to Blast about it. Thought y'all'd wanna know. Also, we haven't forgotten the last part of the DearScon! epilogue, it's just taking a little longer to get right than I thought it would. Yeah, I suck at this sometimes. Later! NEWS BLAST - August 30th, 2010 Hey, guys! Chapter 4 of Pentagram On The Wall went up over at FictionPress last night, but I was a little too tired to shout about it. Anyhow, this one introduces our story's co-star - and what an entrance - so if you've been following POTW thus-far, you'll definitely want to make sure you get up-to-speed. Unfortunately, Chapter 5 isn't as ready as we'd hoped to have it, so that'll be going up next week instead. Also, DON'T forget that this story is *not work-safe - and this week's chapter is even less safe than last week's. o_O" Hope you enjoy this week's chapter, and if you've been reading POTW, don't forget to let us know what you think! Peace out, guys. NEWS BLAST - August 23rd, 2010 POTW Chapter 3 is up! Confused? Yes, I thought you would be - Chapter 2 went up last Monday, and I, being an idiot, forgot to shout about it before I went to bed. Nevertheless, being tired is no excuse; I sincerely apologise, mainly for falling asleep on my keyboard. Gomen, gomen... Notice: Chapters of Pentagram On The Wall will, as of last week, be posted weekly and will either appear at some point on Monday, probably during the early hours; depending on the relevant chapter's state of readiness, it may appear later during the day. It'd probably be a good idea to set up a Story Alert so you get notified when we post it - just remember that our stuff is NSFW! Also, be aware that *Chapter 3 has MATURE CONTENT, as will Chapters 4 and 5*. Depending on the state of Chapter 5's completion at the time, we may or may not do a double post next week, but I make no promises so keep your eyes peeled. On another note, we haven't in any way forgotten about the DearScon! Epilogue. Part 2 is coming along well, if taking its sweet time. It's getting a little unwieldy in size, so we may further-divide it into three parts; if we decide to do so, Part 2 will be up sometime in the next few days. Just so you guys don't get to thinking we're sitting on our laurels, doing jack. 'Cause we're not - I've just spent the last three days recovering damaged files from The Freezer (as our storage space is affectionately-known), only to find that most of them were horribly corrupted -- one of them was even booby-trapped with a virus, and mostly everything I'd dug out was beyond saving; it's depressing, to see so much hard work so heartlessly destroyed, lemme tell ya... Well, that be all for now, people! Peace out! NEWS BLAST - August 14th, 2010 Just a quick update to point out that the first chapter of PROJECT PENTAGRAM: PENTAGRAM ON THE WALL has been posted over at FictionPress. See it here: Gifted but troubled teenager Riana Sukay lives a dull life, the last few years of which have been particularly unpleasant. After suffering betrayal at the hands of a childhood friend, fate throws an unusual twist into the road of Riana's life with her purchase of a strange black book that brings an unusual girl, talented in a carnal and primal art to her side. Please be aware of the following things before you start reading, though:- This story is rated 'M', for the frequent occurrence of cursing, and for the presence of mature content in later chapters - we think you all know what that means, yes? If you have an aversion to this but decide to read it anyway, we're not responsible for any offence caused. Just so y'know. The chapters in which this content appears will be marked, so you can choose to skip them/wait for the next one if you so choose; please note however, that these chapters will be important to the progression of the plot, and you might be confused later if you skip over them - one of them, for example, introduces a *major character* into the story. Kinda pointless to miss that, don'cha think? We'll leave that up to you. To those who are already reading, THANK YOU! You know who you are! Peace out, people. NEWS BLAST - August 3rd, 2010 Good news, guys. Part 1 of the DearScon! Epilogue is up. Part 2 will be coming as soon as we can reconstruct it from memory, my notes, and what we can salvage from the original file (which admittedly won't be much). We're going hell-for-leather to recover as much as we can and rebuild what we can't, so it's going to take a little while to get our ransacked storage space straight again. Sorting through what's good, what's recoverable and what's FUBAR is an experience I can only describe as like swimming in treacle - it's tough going, and it's gonna take us a while to get to the other side of the frikkin' pool, no-matter how we go about it. In the meantime, keep the faith and stay with us - we're getting the lead out, and hopefully we'll be up to scratch again soon enough. Peace out. NEWS BLAST - July 26th, 2010 Hey, guys. I *wish* I was writing this post to tell you that the final chapter/Epilogue of DearScon! has been posted, and that the first two chapters of Project Pentagram: Pentagram On The Wall were up over at our FictionPress account. Unfortunately, this is not the case - and here's why: A few hours ago, I was informed by our techies, the Twins, that our team's online storage facility had been hack-attacked. The jackass responsible apparently decided that he disagreed with our "moral ambiguity" toward the characters that we have been working with as-of late, and in 'retaliation', he proceeded to destroy *all* of our most recently backed-up files. Among the two or three gigabytes of data that he managed to either corrupt beyond recovery or completely erase, we lost my most recent edit of the DearScon epilogue, and our recent reworks of the first two chapters of PP:POTW which we planned to post up this week over at our FictionPress account. Fortunately, everything that was destroyed is also stored locally on our individual computers, which are currently undergoing extensive checks for any viruses/malware that asshat hacker might have left behind to launch yet more attacks on us; the storage facility is also undergoing similar, more intensive checks, and this unfortunately means that while this is going on, I won't be able to post anything new for a few days, until the checks are complete and the team as a whole can log our activities and get the storage facility up-and-running again. In the meantime, rest assured that we're working as fast as we can to get ourselves back on-track - the sooner we can get ourselves back on the same page as one-another, the sooner the Twins can get to work uprooting this asshole, before proceeding to beat him repeatedly against objects with about the same density as his head. ... well, in a metaphorical sense, anyway... ...and a virtual one. Peace out, people. Until next time, may your days be asshole-free, and your surfing be untroubled. NEWS BLAST - July 13th, 2010 Just a quick update to let everyone know, Team Hydro now has a FictionPress account! We've updated our 'Homepage' to link to our Profile page there, for everyone's convenience. Also, you can find it here, too: Likewise, our 'Homepage' like over there leads back to this profile here. The new FictionPress account will be used entirely for showcasing our non-fanfiction works, the first of which will be our team's first, and current major original work - PROJECT PENTAGRAM: PENTAGRAM ON THE WALL. As mentioned in our (very) recent first News Blast over there, we're just putting the final touches to the most recent edit of the text, and we hope to have the first few chapters up soon. I'll be sure to post an update here whenever we post a new chapter of PP:POTW over there, so keep your eyes peeled, and check it out when we post it up! That's all for now, gang. Peace out, people! NEWS BLAST - May 24th, 2010 'Sup, gang? Just been checking out some of the stats on the Traffic tab in my dashboard here, and I have to say, they're telling me something that kinda surprised me. According to this month's numbers, DearScon is officially our most visited story, and by quite a margin; DearScon has had 61 visitors, The Rematch has had 35, and Psych has had 10. Rematch is currently leading in Hits, mind you, but only narrowly with 114 to DearScon's 110; Psych has more hits than views with 11 hits to its 10 views. So, to recap the official stats, as they currently are: DearScon - Hits: 110, Visitors: 61 I'm disappointed that Psych isn't getting any love this month. Meh, that kinda sucks... I worked hard on that... T_T Anywho, I'll update the stats on the last day of the month, and I think I might make a point to post the stats here at the end of every month from here-on, just for purpose of ensuring I post something in my Profile at least that often... At least it'll give you guys an excuse to visit every so often, right? _ Peace out, people! NEWS BLAST - May 18th, 2010 Just a quick update, but an important one regarding the rating of DearScon! After returning the story to its original 'M' rating when we uploaded Ch.5, we saw a noticeable drop in reader numbers. For a day or two we though this might be due to the mature content in the latest chapter, that it might be putting people off reading the story, and we were prepared to accept that as something of an inevitability - let's face it, not everyone likes ecchi material, and some people go out of their own way to avoid it, all of which is perfectly understandable. However, one of my team mates suggested yesterday that it might just be because we upped the rating, and the story is no longer visible to the wider masses. So, after talking this over with the team, I decided that the overall rating of DearScon!would be dropped to 'T', with a warning in place at the beginning of the story and at the opening notes of Ch.5 to warn people that Chapter 5 contains 'M'-rated material, and that reader discretion is advised from that point forward until at least the end of that chapter So, if you're a follower of DearScon! who's under the legal age to be reading material with an 'M' rating, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. Team Hydro will not be held responsible for whatever trouble you find yourselves in for it. You'd have to find us first, of course - and that's no mean feat, we're scattered all over the globe - but the point stands regardless. NEWS BLAST - May 12th, 2010 Finally, after much extended waiting, DearScon! Chapter 5 has been released. It was a long haul, but it was worth it in the end, and I'm pleased to say that I'm happy with the final edit in terms of how the writing came out. Have you read it yet? What did you think? And if not, why not?! :3 Go see, go see, and tell us what your thoughts are! We're waiting to hear from you! Until then, catch you on the flipside! NEWS BLAST - April 1st, 2010 A spontaneous April Fool's gag written by the team and I has just been posted here, under the title of 'Psych!'. It's a Teen Titans piece, for those of you who follow that road like I do. No real pairings, though one is rather underhandedly suggested -- and with such consequences... _o; You couldn't pay me to be in Robin's shoes right there... or Beast Boy's, actually... All I will say further is that, sometimes, there really is a line in the sand, and just because it's there, doesn't mean you should step over it... No flames, please - remember this is just an April Fool's gag, and is in no way meant to be taken seriously. We all know that Beast Boy would never, ever go that far out on a limb in pursuit of a chuckle, particularly at a team-mate's expense and certainly never on a fine-treaded subject such as the one seen here. I reiterate, for the sake of making a point: THIS IS JUST A JOKE. Peace out people, and have a fun April Fool's Day. Don't go too overboard with the pranks. NEWS BLAST - March 27th, 2010 DearSconCh.4 has gone up. This was the longest chapter to date, and it's been the trickiest one to write so far - Chapter 5, I know, will be trickier, and in that respect it will be a bit of a challenge to do it right and put things across in the way I mean to. But nevertheless... Natsuki and Khi are having a rough time of it right now, trying to figure themselves and each-other out, a personal battle that Natsuki isn't doing entirely well in when it comes down to what she wants over her own prejudices and confusions - and believe me, Natsuki is feeling very confused. Catch you on the flip-side! NEWS BLAST - February 20th, 2010 The extension to DearScon Ch.3 has finally been completed, and has been added to the chapter here. This thing took some work to get right, believe me. To avoid spoiling anything for those who haven't read the new material yet, details about minor changes to the original chapter and notes about the extension itself can be found in my post-chapter A/N. In broader news relating to DearScon, I've decided on the final length of the story; DearScon will be a 7-chapter piece, including an epilogue. This story has slowly gotten longer in terms of the number of chapters as I've both fleshed out my original story plan and written the chapters themselves, which is part of the reason that it's taking so long to get the chapters done. I'm sure I've said this before at some point, but unlike the Tamers previews which had detailed scene-by-scene story maps before they were written, this piece of our DearSproject is being slowly developed as it's being written, with ideas and little touches coming to us as we're plodding along with it; things get added, extended, some things get moved around to happen sooner or happen later, and one or two things have even been taken out completely as we realised they didn't add anything or advance the story in any way. Regardless of all these little additions and changes however, the main bones of the story haven't changed at all, and nothing's been taken out that would prove detrimental to the story later; the characters get a few extra lines, they do this or that, but it's all gearing mainly toward the events of Chapters 5 and 6, and the Epilogue. We will also be throwing out a new concept in the Epilogue - you'll know it when you see it, it'll be fairly important to the scene, and to the micro-plot of the Epilogue - and I'd very much like to know what everybody thinks about it when the time comes. You can talk about your thoughts on it by leaving a review, or if you'd rather that just myself and the team know, you can drop me a message instead. We don't mind if you're telling us you think it's stupid (no flames though, please; let's keep this civilised, eh?), but we'd like to know either way. Chapter 4 is currently underway, so I'ma leave you to it and get back to the grind. No rest for the wicked, as they say... XD Peace out, people! NEWS BLAST - January 12 2010 DearScon ch.3 is annoying the crap out of me; it feels like it's only half-written, not helped by the fact that it's only half the size of the previous chapter. Given this unfinished feel, I'm writing some of what was intended for ch.4 into the second half of ch.3 to bulk it out and continue the story some. When this continuation will go up, I can't say yet, but it will most likely be sometime in the next two weeks. Catch you on the flip-side. -- X - x -- XxXxX -- x - X -- Stuffs I'm currently reading: Digimon - DearS- TakaRen, NatsuKhi, NatsuNia, random Nia drabbles. Oban Star-Racers - Molly/Eva x Jordan Naruto -NejiTen, ShikaTema, NaruSaku, InoSaku, occasional KibaHina. Teen Titans- BBRae, Flinx, Ravinx, RobStar All above is subject to change and/or addition -- X - x -- XxXxX -- x - X -- My Opinions: On Drabble-fics: I'm by no means opposed to a nice helping of mindless drabble, so long as it either: On Fluff Fluff can sometimes be really annoying. Especially when it's the silly, cheesy kind. But there are occasions, when one has had a bad day for example, when a nice fluffy one-shot can do wonders for your well-being. Fluff is, in this author's opinion, like a potent medicine; to be had in moderation, and generally when one could otherwise be feeling a damn-sight better about oneself. As more stuff to put here comes to me, I'll edit this; feel free to check back frequently, if you care to do so. Please Note: I'm not a fan of Yaoi, in any way shape or form. Please do not recommend any to me - I shall be royally unimpressed. |
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