Author has written 9 stories for Twilight, and Harry Potter. 2011 You never know we might actually write something that is M rated and post on here again :) if we ever have the time. As of 14th of February 2010 - FF have blocked our profile. Yet we can post on this, but can not post stories. DLG has been reported for 'rating abuse' 'explicited adult content was the exact words,' which is ridiculous. But there you have it. We will not be posting on this site anymore we don't see the point. So head over to The Writer's Coffee Shop library which is : the library is one of the tabs up the top if you want to go to the great stories we have up there. TSO and Footroza As of 7th of January 2010 - FF took The Training School off due to us not using a higher rating than what they allow here. SO.. updates will now be at TWCS library... which is. The Writer's Coffee Shop 'click on the website link at the top of the page' thanks to everyone who has supported Footroza and I.. we will not stop writing just different location. TSO xxx VOLTURI ORDER: find them over on the library at The Writer's Coffee Shop. THE TRAINING SCHOOL SAGA: find them over on the library at The Writer's Coffee Shop. October 2009. We have joined forces!! TheSpoiltOne is from Australia Footroza is from Texas! We met here on FanFiction! We are so similar in writing styles and just work so well together we decided we hate writing with out one another so why do it? We both have hubbies and Kids.. who probably would rather us not spend so much time writing on the internet but know that it is keeping us sain.. well maybe keeping Footroza sane there is no hope for TSO... We both have alot to do with our new venture The Writer's Coffee Shop. Basically it is to help other writers and to encourage friendship and of course the writing.. it is alot of fun so go and check it out: This of course wouldn't be at all possible without Jennmc75 who is one of the bestfriends a girl can have.. we love you... We of course will be writing with other author's as well we have already got a number of them planned for the future.. we just like working in a group.. think you get a much better story this way.. and it is a lot of fun... Thanks to our friends on here.. seriously you make our world complete. You know who you are as you are staff at TWCS! :-) ANNOUNCEMENT: If The Training School gets pulled off FanFiction which we really hope it doesn't, the story will be continued on the Blog.. we don't want to loose our reviews but knew that this might happen and have prepared for it. LINK TO FORUM FOR THE TRAINING SCHOOL SAGA http:///forum/viewtopic.php?f=56&t=19&start=0 LINK TO OUR TWITTER PAGES Thanks again for all the support it has been amazing... TSO & Footroza xxx See you over at The Writer's Coffee Shop.. |
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