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![]() Author has written 22 stories for Fullmetal Alchemist, Hetalia - Axis Powers, and Mighty Boosh. ATTENTION ANYONE WHO CARES! I have a second account, shared with Wingedbullets. It has our FMA roleplays as Jean and Eny (me) and Kain and Ed (Kuwakaskei) If you like my other FMA fanfics check this one out! http://www.fanfiction.ws/u/2252687/ChibiKain_JeansEnvy. It's pure insanity!! Attention all Hetalia fans:. As I stated in my story "The Hetalia cast goes to Washington D.C", the story is based on my trip to Washington D.C. One of my fans (I have a fan? WOW! I feel special teary eyes of joy) Emololipop suggested that I write about the Hetalia cast taking trips to other countries. Since the only country I’ve ever visited is Canada (I’ve never been outside North America), I’d like to hear your suggestions: What country should they go to? If you’ve ever visited another country tell me what country and your experience. Did anything crazy/funny/weird/fun happen on your trip? I’ll turn your trip into a story! Why? I have no life! =P ATTENTION: A scene from "Fields of Gold" is now illustrated!! http:///art/Hetalia-Field-of-Gold-129315361 I did NOT draw this. All credit goes to StafanieAtasuki (HoshitoAtasuki on deviantART) Great job!! Profile Name-LongliveA.Monk: Long live Adrian Monk; the greatest detective in the world. Long may he live!! I don't care that the series is over now; he will always be the greatest! Age-Well, I act a little older than my age sometimes, sometimes I act like a kid, and I look like a junior high school student; soooo...200009? 0.o Gender-Female, but I'm pretty sure I was a gay male in another life...and a shark...maybe I was a gay shark...which, according to Brittany on Glee, is a dolphin. So I was a dolphin...wait what? Height-5'2''. My brother is 6' and he's 3 years younger than me. I feel like Edward Elric...not that that's a bad thing. =) Weight-Not skinny, not fat, that's all you need to know. Occupation-Day Camp Counselor/ Junior in college Future occupation-Elementary School Teacher Interests (In alphabetical order 'cuz I'm slightly OCD) Anime/Manga A Little Snow Fairy Sugar Azumanga Daioh Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan Bottle Fairy Chobits Digi Charat Fruits Basket Fullmetal Alchemist He is my master Hetalia: Axis Powers Ichigo Mashimaro Karin Ouran High School Host Club Tokyo Mew Mew Books Artemis Fowl Harry Potter Howl's Moving Castle Inkheart The Scarlet Letter Spiderwick To Kill a Mockingbird Twilight (Though I'm an antifan: I read it, I like it, but I absolutely CANNOT take it seriously.) TV Shows 30 Rock Ace of Cakes America's Funniest Home Videos Better Off Ted The Colbert Report Get Smart Gilligan's Island Glee I survived a Japanese game show Merlin Monk Monty Python's Flying Circus Mythbusters Night Court Parks and Recreation Psych The Office Scrubs The Soup Ugly Betty Warehouse 13 Whose Line is it Anyway? Will and Grace Wings Movies A Day at the Races A Night at the Opera Animal Crackers Another Gay Movie Blades of Glory Duck Soup Elf Ferris Bueller's Day Off Finding Nemo Ghost Gone with the Wind Horse Feathers The Lion King Monty Python and the Holy Grail The Nightmare Before Christmas October Sky Piglets's BIG Movie Rocky Horror Picture Show The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit Young Frankenstein (it's pronounced Fronk-en-schtien) Music A Cursive Memory Push Play Honor Society ..and various Japanese artists who performed anime openings and endings (I'm such an otaku) Plays/Musicals/Operas Bombay Dreams Chicago H.M.S. Pinafore Hairspray The Lion King Mama Mia! The Mikado The Pirates of Penzance Shear Madness Spamalot Wicked Couples I support (I'm too lazy to write the full names of the series so I'll just put the initials. And I am a fan of yaoi, just for the record.) Anime ALSFS: GingerXTumeric, SugarXCinnamon (they're cinnamon sugar LOL!), SagaXPhil AD: SakakiXKaorin BTDC: DokuroXSakura DC: Rabi~en~Rose/ HikaruXTakuro Minagawa, PyokoXKuu, KaiXRik FB: TohruXKyo, KisaXHiro, YukiXMachi, HaruXRin FMA: HavocXFuery, RoyXRiza, EdXEnvy (SPOLIER FOR THOSE WHO DID NOT WATCH THE ENTIRE ANIME SERIES: I do not consider this incest. This comic explains my reasoning: http:///art/Brotherly-Love-39558758. It's the sperm that makes the baby not the soul!) ScarXLust, AlXWinry, Parental RoyXEd, Brotherly love EdXAl (I HATE Elrincest!!). Just for the record I don't hate EdXWinry (I have a feeling that they will inevitably end up together) but I like EdXEnvy more. ArcherXKimblee (Kuwakaskei made me love it! XP) AlXGreed (Kuwakaskei again!!) HIMM: IzumiXAnna, MitsukiXYoshitaka H:AP: I support EVERY pairing!! I'm not kidding! K: KarinXKenta OHHC: HaruhiXTamaki, HikaruXKaoru (WAIT!! I CAN EXPLIAN!! Ok, so I am not a supporter of incest; I HATE Elrincest, BUT here's how I see it: Hikaru and Kaoru are not biological brothers. One of them was adopted, they just so happen to look incredibly alike. So there's my reason for justifying this pairing. My insane, confusing, and highly illogical reason.) TMM: RetasuXPai, MintoXKeiichiro, RyouXZakuro, PurinXTaruto, KishXMe (lol I'm such a fangirl) Books HP-HarryXGinny, RonXHermione I: MaggieXFarid, DustfingerXMo (I know, I know; I am a messed up person for even considering this pairing, but there's something about those two..) Parental DustfingerXFarid T: BellaXEdward, EmmetXRosalie, EsmeXCarlise, JasperXMike (Forgive me...I DO NOT hate Alice; she rocks! She and jasper make a good couple but...Jasper and Mike are hot together. FORGIVE ME!!) TV BOT: PhilXVeronica. GS: Agent 99XMax GI: Mary AnneXGilligan, GingerXThe Professor, ThurstonXLovey. Sorry Skipper =( M: ArthurXMerlin (of course). MPFC: TerryJ.XMichael (WTF?! XD I don't even understand me sometimes) NC: DanXChristine P: ShawnXJuliet (Even though Juliet has REEEEEEEAALYYY bad timing) PR: TomXRon (Somebody please kill me...I find yaoi parings in EVERY form of media!!) I DO NOT support LesileXMarK. MarK is a jerk; Leslie deserves better. TO: PamXJim, DwightXAngela (I still support them, and I hope they get back together again) S: JDXElliot, Parental JDXDr.Cox (Though I like JDXDr.Cox too...) UB: BettyXHenry (I REEEEEEAAAALLLLY want Henry to come back), AmandaXDaniel, Sibling love BettyXDaniel W13-PeteXCookies. =D LOL! WLIIA: RyanXColin (Yes, I know they are married but seriously, they have such chemisty!) WG: JackXWill ( I support WillXVince too but I was hoping Will and Jack would get together in the series finale. D=) W: JoeXHelen, CassieXBrian My favorite quotes I reject your reality and substitute my own-Adam Savage, Mythbusters (This is my senior quote!) You go to India!-Knocked Up Here's the thing...-Adrian Monk, Monk It's a gift and a curse.-Adrian Monk, Monk Lowell-Joe, I have good news and bad news. The good news is I fixed the plane. Joe-What's the bad news? Lowell-I think I'm possessed by Satan...either that or hay fever season has come early. Sneezes Joe-My money's on Satan. -Wings Christine, Dan and Harry are talking about how Mac is going to be in an underwear commercial: Christine-Well I think the whole thing is degrading. I for one have NO interest in seeing a man in his underwear. Harry-...Is that so? Christine-Yes. I'm much more interested with what's inside. Harry-...Is that SO? grins Christine-What i'm mean is...what I mean is I'm much more interested with what's in here. Points to her chest Dan-Me too, let's have a look. -Night Court Every line from The Lion King That's a weird plave to put a piano.-Bolt (I've used this line on people and they actually looked!) The greates poem ever written: Roses are blue Violets are red I have to go to the bathroom. -Patrick Star, Spongebob Squarepants My name is Dug. I have just met you, and I love you.-Dug, Up I hid under your porch because I love you-Dug, Up Stop laughing, it makes you look like a whore!! -JD, Scrubs Randy-Mumbling It wasn't my case. And now for something completely different In Soviet Russia...U GON' GET RAEPED! Ivan-Evil grin Kolkolkolkolkol ) China and Canada make CHANADA! =D Arthur-Wow you're smart. -.-;; I've had "Uso" from FMA: Brotherhood stuck in my head for about a week now. I don't want it to leave! XP If I were a Mew Mew I'd be Mew Coconut, a ghost bat. Kish-Mmmm; Coconut cake..._ P= I'll fight anyone who says that Yoshitaka and Izumi belong together. THEY DO NOT!! Yaoi is my anti-drug, as well as the game Sequence. I believe in faries. I make an Osaka face quite a bit: =D I'm not a space cadet, I have ADOS. That stands for Attention Deficit...OOOH SHINY! points to random shiny object Inside joke-"I gieve yuu dis mohnkey, and you ahbuse hiem!" My personal quote-"I'm Monk like that." Joel McHale named his first born son Edarwd Roy McHale. This must mean that Joel is an FMA fan!! I love characters with glasses. I wear glasses myself. Long live the megane (Glasses)! My perfect guy (for both looks and personality) is a combination of Edward Elric, Roy Mustang, Alphonse Elric, Envy, Kain Fuery, Artemis Fowl, Kyouya Ootori, Kaoru Hitachiin, Ky Schweitzer, Yuki Sohma, Hatori Sohma, Kureno Sohma, Ren Maaka, Kisshu, Adrian Monk, Kenneth Parcell, Henry Grubstick, Shaun Profeta, Matthew Williams, Roderich Edelstein, Raivis Galante, Toris Lorinaitis, Eduard Von Bock, Tino Väinämöinen, and Thailand. No wonder I'm single. If you have ever just wanted to SLAP someone, copy this onto your profile Ed is a shrimp. Al is a tin can. Envy is a palm tree in a miniskirt. Greed is a pimp. Kimbley is a sexy pyromaniac. Hughes is obsessed with kodak. Mustang is just plain stupid. Yep, that's the cast of FullMetal Alchemist. |