Disclaimer: I own nothing

England x Canada

Rated: T

"Heh, I have to admit," Canada smiled lightly, though it seemed to brighten up his gentle face, "You look a lot like Arthur," He stated, observing the seemingly grumpy expression on the cat's furry face, "I guess it's true what they say about owners and their pets looking a like."

'For the love of the Queen!' England thought with some irritation, a bit angry that Canada actually thought he was a pet of all things! 'I suppose I cannot blame the young lad, however.' He huffed, turning his nose haughtily into the air.

"I didn't know Arthur liked animals," Canada said thoughtfully, "Other than those imaginary friends of his," He laughed lightly, much to England's annoyance, "So, Kitty – do you know where Arthur is?" He asked while standing to his original height, which was so much taller from the Brit's now shrunken point of view, "I don't want to intrude if he isn't here."

'Always the polite one, weren't you, Matthew?' England thought with exasperation, though his head absently nodded with approval, 'Much better than that Git.'

"Arthur, are you home?" Canada called out, and England almost wanted to sigh when he realised that Canada's 'calling out' was a normal talking voice for anyone else, "Maybe I should come back later?" The blond murmured to himself out loud.

'No! You are not leaving me here like this!' England glared, clumsily rising to his hind legs and digging his claws into Canada's thick jeans and piercing them easily with his new weapons, 'I won't stay in this sad little body!'

"Ouch!" Canada winced, quickly grabbing the cat before he could do anymore damage with his dangerous claws, "Are you hungry?" He asked, knowing Kumajirou usually got grumpy when he wanted his food. Perhaps cats were the same?

'You nitwit! It's me!' England meowed, trying to get his point across as he glared with his green-hued eyes and he felt something within him rise for joy when Canada stared into his eyes.

"Wow, you even have Arthur's eyes."

Okay, now he was getting somewhere...