Author has written 36 stories for Harry Potter, Babylon 5, and Super Smash Brothers. Update: July 17, 2016 Hi there! I know its been a while, but I thought I'd stop by and update this profile... Every now and then I find myself rereading my fan fiction, and I have found myself quite horrified by some of the things in my writing (other than the excessive amount of typos; seriously, PaO could be 50,000 words shorter if I just used compound words and contractions--fun fact though: I don't naturally write contractions; I have to put them in later when I edit, which I never realized until a few years ago). But here’s what really disturbs me: 1) There is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay (or any iteration thereof)! So to say that something is "gay" is completely inappropriate. As well, anything derogative towards the whole concept is also right out. 2) Being a feminist is like the best thing in the world! (Apparently I have always been one, I just didn't understand). So all slanderous statements about being such also need to change in my stories, and instead should support the equality of all peoples across the globe. 3) And finally, saying that I have Mad Cow is actually quite horrifying (especially after watching that episode of Flashpoint about the girl who actually had it). O.o; So kind of tasteless to say I have it. If there’s anything else offensive (and I’m sure there is), then I am truly sorry; I've grown up a lot since then and I really don't hold those views anymore. I’ve turned into a Vegitarian (I could never kill something myself just so I could eat it), Cat-loving (I own three cats?!?!), Indie music listening (though I apparently always did this as well), Granola (I make my own laundry detergent...), Hipster (there, I admit it ~hangs head in shame~), and I advocate for anyone and everyone that I can. Ideally I would like to go through everything and do some major editing, and I will, but knowing my life it probably won't be a complete job. I'm hesitant to take any of it down however: this account is a testament and tribute to the girl I used to be, and if people still find enjoyment in my stories then who am I to deny them? Until then, please enjoy this little time capsule that was my life. As a side note, I did do a double degree in Political Science and Art History, and I am now doing a second degree in Philosophy with the ultimate goal of getting a degree in Law or my PhD—either way its another 7 years of school, at least, and I'm loving it! |