Disclaimer- I own nothing.

Students of Hogwarts,

I, Albus Dumbledore, have decided that for the remainder of the year the whole student body will take place in a pen-pal program.  If your copy of this note has a yellow star on the bottom of the page you will write a letter and place it on your bed side table tonight.  In the morning owls will deliver your letter to your pen-pal.  I will warn you right now, if you get a letter with a star on it, and try to trade it with some else, I WILL KNOW!!!  Also, you are not to even tell anyone if you got star, or if you did not.

The person your letter is delivered to is completely random, but after the first letter, your letters will always be delivered to the same person.  You may not tell each other who you are until the end of the year.  If you do… well let us say it would be a VERY unwise decision!

I don't believe there is anything else I need to tell you, except that you MUST write at least one letter to you pen-pal every two weeks.  And one sentence is NOT a letter.

That should be all.

-Albus Dumbledore, head master of Hogwarts witch craft and Wizardry

Dear person,

I'm not writing to you because I want to, I'm writing to you because I have to.  It seems are wonderful headmaster has decided it would be a great idea to start this stupid pen-pal service.  Which is really stupid because we don't even write with pens!  Well, I have no idea who you are, and frankly, I don't give a rat's ass!  Hope you enjoyed my letter, don't hurry writing back!


Hello person-who-has-a-name-that-is-to-long-so-I'm-going-to-call-you-crabby,

I think this is a good idea!  It gives us chances to make friends with other people with out having to worry about reputations.  Though I will admit it's a bit annoying having to write at least two letters a month.  Still, you should look on the bright side, it could be worse!  I can't think of anything bad right now, or I'd give you an example of something worse…

Oh well, why don't you tell me a bit about yourself?  Like are you male or female?  Tall or short?  What year?  What house?  Wait, maybe I don't want to know the last one.  Anyways, I have to finish my homework.  Write back when you get around to it.


Dear I-don't-know-what-to-call-myself,

And you thought my name was bad!  How about we just sign these stupid things with are first initial? 

I have decided you try to act waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to cheerful!  I can tell you don't like this any more than I do, so just admit it and save me from gagging when I read your letters in the future, okay?  Good.  Now, about myself… I'm male, tall, 6th year, and I'd just like to add, extremely good looking.  You?

I don't want to write anymore, since this is a waste of time. 


Hello D,

Alright, you got me.  I think this is a waste of time to.  Was I really that obvious? 

Anyways, not the least bit vain, are we?  I'm female, medium height, 5th year, and would say I lie along the prettyish side.

You know, this is rather awkward; I have no idea what to talk to you about.  Tell me, what electives do you take?  Anything interesting?  Well, I'm gonna go, the rest of my house just got back from dinner and they're making a racket!  Bye.


Dear G,

Yes you were that obvious.  And of course I'm vain, with a body as perfect as mine, who wouldn't be? 

Now, what electives do I take?  Hmmm, there's:





History of Magic

Caring for Magical Creatures


What do you take?  I'm bored again so I'm not going to write anymore. 


Hello D,

The electives I take are:





History of Magic

Caring for magical creatures

Healing Magic

Which classes are your favourite?  Mine are Charms and Healing.  Though DADA is a lot of fun some times.  I think the new Professor is really good.  Do you think she's going to be here next year?  We're all taking bets on it in my house.  Some of the students don't think she'll even the last till the end of the year.  It's sorta sad how that position is cursed.

Well I gonna go now.  Bye.


Ps-sorry about how the paper and ink keeps changing colour.  One of my friends thought it would be a great joke!  I'm going to kill her when I see her.  I have to hand in an essay to Professor McGonagall in the morning like this!

A/N- So, what did you guys think?  Should I continue?  Should I continue with just Ginny and Draco or should I also do some of the other characters in the story?  And do you think I've made Draco too nice?  I was trying to keep him neither nice nor mean, because the way I see it, he is only really mean to people he doesn't like and to keep up his reputation, but when he doesn't know who it is, and they don't know who he is, he just acts like he doesn't really care.  Anyways, remember to review, I did the feed back!