Title: Fragments 2: The Difference a Malfoy Mind Can Make

Author: Tiny Q

E-Mail: [email protected]

A/N: Well, I finally managed to figure out where this was going to go.  Yay for holidays.  I sort of knew where I wanted it to go before but it sounded too much like the first Fragments for me to actually work it out.  But now I have got it.  I hope.  And hopefully it will seem at least a little different.  Anyhoo, there is my piss-poor attempt at an explanation as to why it took so long, so, please don't hurt me!

Disclaimer: I own nothing.  Not a thing.  Starving student here!

Fragments 2: The Difference a Malfoy Mind Can Make

Chapter 4

Running Amuck


            Ginny stood there, feeling as though something was terribly, terribly wrong.  But then, in retrospect, something was terribly wrong.  She as stuck in Draco Malfoy's mind, the man she hadn't seen for five years, and she was expected by the Order, of all people, to wake him up.  Not to mention that she was standing before her good friend Hermione, who was no longer the Hermione she knew and loved. This Hermione was now a minion for Lucius Malfoy, the aforementioned man's father, the person who ultimately began this twisted habit of going into another's mind, whether they were conscious that the event had taken place or not.  And now he was apparently part of this game as well.  Ginny looked down at her shoeless feet.  She was beginning to get a very bad feeling about all this.

            Realizing that she was being overly self-centered, she turned to the blonde beside her, trying to see his reaction.  What she saw startled her.  The usual apathetic mask that he always wore was nowhere to be seen.  What she could see, however, was a look of worry and uncertainty on the man's face.  It was then that Ginny realized that something was very wrong.  Something was very, terribly wrong.  When Malfoy showed expressions like that there was something definitely wrong with the world. 

            "Ah, I see you weren't exactly expecting him then?" Hermione asked with a bored tone, looking at her fingernails.  "Pity."  She dropped her hand and crossed her legs, leaning further back in her grand chair.  "But I will assure you Draco, that it will be a wonderful family reunion."  She grinned wickedly at him and Ginny couldn't help but shudder. 

            "I don't believe you," Malfoy said quietly from beside her, his eyes never leaving the bushy haired woman's.  "There is no way he can be here as well."

            "Oh?" the Queen of the Chipmunks asked with mock surprise.  "Are you sure about that?"  She leaned forward.  "Are you absolutely sure that there is no way?"

            "There isn't," he replied sternly, shaking his head. 

            Ginny could tell by the way his body was so stiff that he didn't completely believe what he was saying.  He was doubting himself.  Ginny had known him long enough, before their distancing, to know the sings to tell what he was thinking.  She also knew that he was close to losing control.

            Hermione stared at him, completely ignoring Ginny.  It was as if she was trying to figure something out by reading it through Malfoy's skull.  Then she spoke: "Well then, I suppose I will just have to prove to you that it is true."  She broke eye contact and turned to a set of ornately dressed chipmunks that were resting on a small table beside her.  "Kindly collect these two and bring them to the dungeons," she told them, and with a nod, the chipmunks began their chatter, apparently telling the others what to do to carry out their queen's orders.

            Ginny looked around, feeling her stomach drop.  All of the chipmunks were now chattering to each other, more than half of them standing up and moving forward slightly.  Ginny turned her attention to the queen to see that she was once again relaxing, watching her with a slight smirk that sent chills down her spine.  Like the real Hermione could ever smirk like that.  Right?

            She felt a hand clamp onto her right arm and turned to see Malfoy looking at her with slight panic in his eyes, his impassive mask half in place.  It was then that Ginny realized that the chipmunks were moving towards them.  Evil little grins on their fuzzy faces.  She got a terrible feeling of deja vu. 

            "Don't just stand there Weasley," Malfoy hissed, backing up a few steps and forcing her along with him.  "Run!"

            With this, he turned around, forcing her to turn as well, and bolted towards the door that was a mere ten feet away.  It was at this moment that the chipmunks, whose chatter had now begun to sound like a Muggle airplane, leapt into motion, charging towards them.  Their duty?  To bring the two of them down to the dungeons where they would apparently be meeting the man Ginny never wanted to see again. 

            "Run faster!" Malfoy bellowed above the chattering, pulling on her arm as he forced her towards the doors, dragging her out of the way of a small herd that had moved into the path they were running on.

            "No really?" Ginny demanded, as they ran into the double doors.  Throwing herself against them, Malfoy right beside her, they forced them open and hurried out into the Entrance Hall.  She began to slow down, figuring that they were just like everything else they had encountered and the chattering minions could not leave the room.  Malfoy seemed to be thinking the same thing as he had let go of her hand.  A glance behind told her how very wrong she was.

            "Malfoy!" she heard herself shriek as the chipmunks poured out of the door and pooled around it, seeming to wait until their mass was assembled before they began their second attack.

            Without a word, Malfoy had her hand in his and he was running down the hall, her in tow.  Ginny did not need much encouragement to follow him as swiftly as she could.  The sound of thousands of little clawed feet seemed to be all the encouragement she needed really.  Then she remembered that the stupid things could jump.  Unlike the ferret army, these minions would not need to be launched by their peers.  They could launch themselves.

            Malfoy tore down on of the main halls then turned a sharp left, causing Ginny to spin out, her arm feeling like it was about to be ripped off as the blonde before her continued to run, not letting go of her hand.  Cursing, she turned her head about just in time to see the horde of minions rounding the very same corner, seeming to be like a wave as they skittered across the tile, their claws making an unpleasant screeching noise. 

            "We have to get through a door," Malfoy panted back at her, and Ginny found herself casting her eyes about frantically for one. 

            But there were none in the hall. 

            Another corner and all they found was a flight of stairs.  Malfoy kept right on running towards it, not even pausing to think of where it might lead them.  Not that it really mattered.

            "It figures!" Ginny hissed, leaping up the stairs two at a time, silently glad that she was no longer wearing her wretched heels.  "There are doors all over the place when we don't want them and when we just need one, just one, there are no fucking doors to be found!"

            "Shut up and run!" Malfoy sneered back at her, looking over his shoulder to the wave of minions who were now oozing onto the second floor.  He pulled her hand a bit harder, making Ginny think that she as going to lose her arm before this was all over.

            "There!" she cried, her eyes suddenly falling on a solitary door, at the end of the hall.  A hall that was a dead end it seemed. 

            Malfoy seemed to have seen it before she had, for he put on an extra burst of speed, forcing her to take that lung aching speed as well.  They slammed to a stop in front of the door and Malfoy pulled on the handle.  Ginny could just feel her heart sinking.  It was probably locked.  It was probably locked and then they would be washed away in the sea of minions.  But the door opened.

            "In!" Malfoy shouted, grabbing her by the shoulder and roughly shoving her through the door.  Ginny stumbled into the darkness, her arms flailing for something to grab hold of.  Finding none, she crashed to the ground. 

            Malfoy slammed the door shut, switching the lock.  A second later the sound of thousands of furry bodies colliding with the think wood resonated through the darkness.  She heard something slam and Ginny started, but relaxed slightly when she realized it had been a slab of wood that helped bar the door.  She could still hear the minions and Malfoy's ragged breaths amongst her own.

            "Will it hold?" she whispered, feeling that if she said the words too loud the door would get ideas. 

            "I don't know," the blonde replied uncertainly.  She peered through the darkness, but could see nothing.  She slowly pulled herself into a sitting position, wrapping her arms around her legs.  "Where are you?" Malfoy asked after a moment.  She could hear him shuffling across the floor.  She wondered what would happen if she didn't say anything.  What would happen if she sat there quietly for the rest of eternity in an apparently empty room in Malfoy's head.  She could get her revenge on the Order then.  And Malfoy. 

            A hand fumbling over the top of her head crushed these thoughts.  Little jolts of remembrance flashed through her body from where his fingertips were now lightly brushing over her hair and to her shoulders, were they finally slid down to the tops of her arms.  With what seemed to be little effort, Malfoy had pulled her into a standing position, his hands still on her arms.  After a moment she realized that he was moving his thumbs in the way he used to.

            "Malfoy," she began, a part of her wanting him to stop what he was doing.  Another part, a part that she thought had died about five years ago, wanted him to never let go of her again.  She silently hissed at this part of herself. 

            "Ginny-," he interrupted, but she never did find out what he was going to say as there was a horrible sound of cracking wood behind her.  She felt the man before her stiffen and a second later she felt herself being pulled towards his well toned chest.  She knew it was just a subconscious reaction.  Or was it?  It didn't really matter though, the chipmunks were breaking through.

            "How can they be doing this?" she heard herself ask in alarm, not even realizing she had voiced her silent question.  She also did not completely realize that she was now clutching onto Malfoy's robes.  "Why didn't they just disappeared after we closed the door like all the other fragments?"

            "I don't know," he replied, his grip on her arms tightening briefly.  "But I don't like it..."

            "I would be worried if you did," Ginny snorted, glancing through the darkness towards the direction of the door.  The sound of splintering wood sounded again.  "We should get moving."

            "To where?" the man holding her asked, and she looked blindly around the room.  She couldn't see anything, but if her eyes weren't playing tricks on her, she could have sworn that the darkness in front of her, facing away from the door, wasn't quite so dark. 

            Ginny pulled away from him, but he grabbed onto her hand.  Ginny had to use all her self control not to gasp at the contact.  She wasn't quite sure why though.  'Pull yourself together, girl,' she hissed at herself, then took a tentative step forward, away from the chipmunks and their work on the door.

            After a few bleak moments, in which Ginny thought that she was going to run into something terrible, regardless of whose hand she was holding, they stumbled across a small, narrow staircase that led down.  They stopped at the mouth.  Ginny could feel a cool breeze rustling her hair.

            "Should we go down?" she asked quietly, looking through the darkness to where she thought Malfoy would be.  She couldn't see him.

            Behind them the loudest splintering yet sounded, and a crack of light showed through.  They were almost through.  "We don't have a choice," Malfoy hissed, and with that he started down the narrow little steps, taking her with him.  The stones were uncomfortably cold on her bare feet but she forced herself not to think about it. 

            His pace was quick and Ginny had this terrible feeling that one of them was going to lose their balance and take the other down with them.  She wondered what would happen if they got knocked unconscious in his mind.  Would it be like last time and she would pull him into her own head?  Then what?  They would have to escape her mind only to wake up and find themselves in his once more.  She shuddered at the thought.

            "Cold?" Malfoy asked her over his shoulder, still pulling her down the stairs. 

            "No," she lied.  She was a little on the chilly side, now that he mentioned it, but she wasn't about to admit it to him.  Even if he wasn't acting like a total ass at the moment.  It wouldn't last.  She knew it wouldn't.  Or at least, that was what she was telling herself.  She heard him snort and she glared at him.  She would have said something snide in return but it was them that the stairs fell away and they stumbled onto flat ground.  Relief filled Ginny but it was short lived as the sound of a door crashing to the ground above them echoed down the stairwell.

            "They got through!" Ginny gasped, her heart leaping. 

            "Come on," Malfoy said, pulling her hand and forcing her forward once more.  The ground was flat, but it was still pitch black in the new hall.  She could hear him patting the stone wall.  She could also hear thousands of tiny feet scratching across the stone, down towards them.  She felt panic rising in her again.  What was wrong with these things?  Couldn't they just leave them alone?  She was suddenly very thankful that the stupid ferrets hadn't been as persistent. 

            She felt Draco pull her to the right and a moment later, Ginny was blinking furiously, here eyes not accustomed to the bright light that had suddenly appeared in this new hall.  A hall filled with archaic looking old doors.  They were in the dungeons.  Her eyes had barley adjusted to the new surroundings when Malfoy was once again pulling her along at his quick pace.

            "Which door?" he asked, looking around in what seemed to be frantic panic.  Now Ginny was really starting to panic herself.  If Malfoy was worried then there was definitely good reason to panic too.  There was a terrible scrapping of claws, and Ginny turned to see the wave of chipmunks making their way around the corner.  Ginny felt her eyes grow wide. 

            "This one!" she cried, pulling him with her to the nearest door, and pulling on it.  But it didn't open.  "Or not," she muttered, then desperately moved to the next one.  It didn't open either.  Her panic rose even further.  "There's something wrong!"

            Malfoy said nothing to this, and she chanced a look at him. His hair was in his face again, blocking out his eyes, but she could tell by the set of his lips that he was worried.  This made her even more afraid than the chipmunks made her.  He spun to the other side of the hall and dragged her towards another door.  He jerked on it and somehow, miraculously, it opened for him.  And it was a good thing too, for the chipmunks, who had been gathering their forces, chose that moment to charge.

            "In!" he cried, again flinging her through the threshold and, following her closely, slammed the door behind them.  The furry demons were on the door a moment later, already beginning their frantic clawing. 

            "Ow," Ginny moaned from her unladylike position on the floor.  "I am getting really sick of this."

            "Well I have never seen this before," an unfamiliar voice muttered from the opposite end of the room she had been ungracefully flung into.  She scrambled to her feet, staring around the room and taking in the clocks of all sorts that were all over the room.  There were even a few that were literally dripping off their shelf, reminding her of a Muggle painting she had seen once.  Malfoy stood beside her silently, panting slightly as she was.  "No one has visited me in ages."

            Her eyes finally fell on the individual speaking and let out a gasp.  "Viktor Krum?" she asked in surprise, staring at Hermione, the real one's, former boyfriend.  Then she felt her eyes narrow.  "Why are you dressed like that?"

            Well, it was a valid question.  The stooped man was wearing a worn work apron, equipped with an assortment of tools hooked into a large, leather belt.  The funniest object was the odd glasses he was wearing, sending his hair in all directions.  They stuck out of his head by about ten inches.  He turned his head up to stare at her, lifting the odd glasses off his face and placing them on the top of his head.  Now they looked like ears.

            "Because I am a horologist," he said simply, looking from both her and Malfoy.  "I thought that would be quite obvious."  He gestured towards all the clocks.

            Ginny turned and glared at Malfoy.  "Do I even want to know why this is in your head?" she sneered, turning her glare into a look of distaste.  Her worries about the rodents trying to break down the door behind her were momentarily forgotten. 

            "He studies clocks, Weasley," Malfoy sneered back, the first nasty thing he had said to her in a while.  "A horologist studies clocks."

            "Sure it does," she sneered back, yet there wasn't quite so much confidence in her voice as before.  It didn't sound like he would study clocks, but then, all the clocks around her really did say something about his studies.  There weren't bras and knickers lying about, not to mention whore boots. 

            Malfoy sighed then took a step forward.  "There are about three thousand chipmunks about to break down that door."  He pointed with his thumb over his shoulder.  "Is there another way out of here?"  Ginny found herself nodding, taking a step forward as well, finding that she was reluctant to be without the blonde by her side.  She silently screamed at herself for her lack of dignity. 

            "There is," the apparently former quidditch player replied, smiling at them.  "But first, I think you have something that I can fix."

            Malfoy stared at the man blankly and Ginny nudged him slightly, realizing what he was referring to.  "Your watch," she hissed, not quite sure why she would remember and he wouldn't.

            Malfoy turned and glared at her, but as he did this he reached into his robes and pulled his pocket watch out once more.  The broken face caught in the light as though proving its condition to the world.  Or rather, the room.  With a moment's hesitation, Draco thrust the golden object to the man behind the desk and glared.

            "Ah," Krum cooed, holding the object with the utmost care and gentleness.  "A beautiful specimen..."  Then without another word he placed it on the table, pulling his goggles down once more, and began to work on it.

            He was tapping it with a small hammer when the door behind him began to splinter as the other had.  Ginny let out a little yelp of surprise when it happened, earning her yet another glare from the man beside her.  The horologist didn't even flinch however. 

            There was a soft click as Krum pushed the new glass face into place, and Ginny glanced at it.  A second later a blinding flash of light emitted itself from the golden watch and she slammed her eyes shut.  When she opened them again she could have sworn that things were different somehow.  A glance at Malfoy told her that he was thinking this as well.  She looked around the room.  Everything was the same, yet there was also something entirely different.

            Then it clicked: everything around her seemed bright, more real almost.  It was as if the pocket watch's repair had made Malfoy wake up slightly.  That it had brought a touch more reality to this surreal world.  She frowned and was about to comment but the sound of wood cracking stopped her. 

            "Here," Krum said, urgency on his face now, walking around his desk towards them.  Ginny felt her curiosity spike amongst her once again rising panic.  Krum seemed to be much more aware of the fact that they weren't just part of Malfoy's mind than anyone else.  Well, save the Queen of the Chipmunks of course.  "Take this."  He shoved the newly fixed watch back into Malfoy's hands then placed his hand on her shoulder.  "The exit's over here."

            He guided her towards a door hidden behind a shelf of clocks.  He opened it for them and ushered her through, Malfoy following closely.  "Take the stairs up, and hurry."

            Ginny looked at the stairs.  They were well lit, unlike the others had been.  She grinned in slight relief then turned back towards Krum.  "Thank-" she began but he had already shut the door behind them.  "You," she muttered.

            She stared at the door for a moment then turned to Malfoy, who was looking down at the gold object resting in his hand.  "I don't understand," he said quietly, not looking up at her.  "How could fixing it change anything?"

            "I don't know," Ginny replied honestly, not knowing exactly what to do.  Malfoy was acting pensive again.  Something she knew from experience wasn't an entirely good thing when it came to escaping.  "But we have to go before the minions break down this door as well." 

            Then Ginny did something she didn't think she was capable of doing: she reached out and closed Malfoy's hand around his family heirloom and moved his now closed hand towards his pocket.  He put it back in there on his own, but she never let go of his hand.  When he finally looked up at her she saw that the solid mask that he had seemed to have developed over the years was cracking slightly.  She could see the confusion in his eyes.  The worry.  There was something else as well but she couldn't identify it.  She didn't have time.

            "Please, Draco," she said softly, tightening her grip on his hand.  "Let's just get out of here."  He continued to stare at her but shook his head and then gripped her hand back.  With a nod, he turned with her towards the stairs and they started up, hand in hand.

            This stair case seemed shorted than the other, but perhaps it was just the fact that there wasn't the immediate fear that the queen's minions were going to break trough and attack them from behind.  They had some time now, thanks to Krum.  When they reached the top of them, they encountered yet another door.  Malfoy silently opened it, and led her through it.  There was another flash of light and Ginny looked around in awe.

            "What is this place?" she asked in wonder, looking at the hundreds of lovely plants sitting all about in what seemed to be a greenhouse.  They were beautiful, and smelt as wonderful as they looked.  And as far as Ginny could tell, there was nothing sinister about them, unlike everything else that seemed to be in Malfoy's mind.

            "A room I used to frequent," Malfoy replied, letting go of her hand and brushing his long fingers against the petals of a nearby plant.  Ginny stopped and stared at him.

            "No offense, Malfoy," she said dryly, resisting the urge to let her mouth hang open.  "But this doesn't exactly seem to be the sort of place you would go to willingly."

            "It doesn't, does it?"  He turned then and smirked at her.  "But where else would I have gotten all those flowers for you?" 

            Ginny's mouth did fall open this time.  He had always brought her the most beautiful flowers while they had dated at school.  They had been rare and exotic but he would never tell her where he was getting them from.  It had annoyed her at first, but she had eventually let her annoyance go and simply enjoyed the pretty gifts.

            "But..." Ginny began but trailed off, looking around.  It didn't quite make sense as to why this room was so cheerful as opposed to the rest of his mind, even with the new lighting brought about by the watch, Krum's room had been a dingy dungeon compared to this one.  Why was there such a difference?

            "I could never think of anything but you in here," he continued as though he hadn't heard her, a far off look going on his face.  If the room wasn't enough to floor her, that look was.  It was a look Draco Malfoy never wore unless he felt completely secure with where he was and who he was with.  Ginny felt something in her heart move.

            "And you can tell everybody this is your song," someone began to sing, the sound of sloshing water greeting her ears along with it.  "It may be quite simple but now that it's done, I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind that I put it down in words."  Snape came into sight, a lopsided grin on his face as he strolled around, watering the flowers.  Ginny felt her eyes grow ever larger.  Snape was happy.  Snape, the bitter, cynical git who had lived a terribly dark life was happy.  Happy as though he didn't have a care in the world.  "How wonderful life is while you're in the world."

            Ginny looked to Malfoy who was now looking at his former potions master with an unreadable expression on his face.  Then she knew that when she got out of there that she would never, ever be the same.  Not only had she discovered things about Malfoy she never really wanted to know, had been chassed by things she never wanted to be chased by, witnessed things that she never so much wanted to hear about again, but now she had seen the worst of the lot: a happy Snape signing.  And not just any sort of music.  No.  He was singing Elton John.  Was there any sanity left in the blonde's head?


A/N: Well I think that is where I will end it today.  See?  I put in some D/G interaction that wasn't all bitter this time. Be happy with me now.  Please?  Anyhoo, please tell me what you thought.  Crazy?  Wrong?  Not coherent with the first three chapters?  Bah?

Many thanks to: o0true0o, Azalai(I don't watch tv, but Jaws was great. But I think I feel sorry for those people too...), redcrow, tulzdavampslayer(I drew her, but I have to color her still. Bah. My friend Lallie is thinking of doing a musical. But then, she's thinking of writing a lot of things and I haven't seen any of it yet), mngolianporkchop(Thanks, that will help me when I'm done and I edit the whole thing :D), Queen of Night(In a good way I hope), wings_lupin, darkcow007(Well, you can still use it. Not like I'm the only one pulling Matrix rips on this site), Airiya(Hmm, the Zorro part does have possibilities...), Hplov4eva, and Storm079(Guess you're in luck, dear. And thanks for reviewing so much of my stuff! I feel so loved now! ~grin~).

Oh!  And if you ever want to check for updates of any kind (art, writing, crazyness...) then please check out my LiveJournal!   And since it doesn't want to upload the bloody URL again (which is driving me up the wall and if anyone can help me with that, I would love you forever) please check my bio.  It's sitting at the bottom of it!  :p