Title: Not Quite Heavenly
Author: Tiny Q
E-Mail: [email protected]
A/N: Well, I'm not exactly sure where this came from. Not a clue. I was just lying in bed all unsuspecting like and it just began to play itself out in my head. And it stayed in my head! That's the most amazing part. So after I got back from pottery I typed it up. It's my first fic using anything from OotP, so be happy for me. ~grin~
Disclaimer: I own nothing. ~sob~
Not Quite Heavenly
Chapter 1
Ginny rolled over for the seventh time in the last few minutes. She had been lying in bed for the last half hour yet she felt it had been several hours. Even though her bed was soft and warm she still couldn't sleep. And it was driving her nuts.
"That's it," she hissed sitting up with effort. "I'm not going to be sleeping tonight." She glared into the dark corners of the room, as if searching for the culprit who was keeping her awake.
"You always say that," her husband grumbled. "And you always end up sleeping within ten minutes of saying it."
She turned and glared at him.
"Oh, but you do," he pointed out, raising his tousled head from the pillow. She could see the golden highlights catching in the moonlight, see his blue eyes observing her with that usual arrogant look.
When she had first met him, she couldn't stand him. He was arrogant, high-strung and quite disrespectful to everything that had mattered to her. Family included. Yet somewhere along the line he had changed. Sure it had taken about a decade, but he had. He was no longer the little bastard who had doubted Harry in her fourth year. He was kind, in his own way, inhibited by his bitterness and sarcasm, but she could handle that for she was bitter too. And now, thirteen years after their initial meeting, she found herself a Mrs. Ginny Zacharis Smith.
"And how do you know that I am not simply faking it?" she demanded, using the sarcasm that she herself possessed. "How do you know I'm not just letting you sleep?"
"Because you snore," Zacharis said simply.
"What?" Ginny demanded, glaring at her husband. "I do not snore."
"No," he agreed. "Usually you don't. But lately you have been. It's really rather annoying." He grinned at her, rising up to sit as well.
"It's all it's fault," she said miserably, pointing to her bulging stomach. She suddenly felt that it was time for a pout. "I wish it would just get out of there and let me sleep in peace."
"Ah," Zacharis said pleasantly, moving closer and stroking her large belly. "I don't think we will be sleeping for a long time after it gets out. Just think of all the midnight feedings and changes. And don't forget the screaming and crying. I don't even know why we're bothering. We'll never have peace of mind ever again."
"You're not making me feel any better," she mumbled. "In fact," she mused, staring down at his hand. "I think you're making things worse."
He laughed at her then, wrapping his arms around her. "Ginny, you are the most amusing woman I have ever met," he said silkily in her ear. "Everything will be fine. We'll get our sleep even if we have to drug the little brat so we can get at least a few hours of sleep."
"Zach!" she cried, turning her head from his chest to glare at him. The blond laughed once more, raising his hands as if in surrender yet keeping his arms in place.
"Just kidding," he said quickly, still grinning. "Now can we sleep?"
"No," Ginny mumbled as he pulled her down to lie under the covers once more, his arms still around her. "Now I'm going to have nightmares that you're going to be drugging my child and then say something stupid like: Oh he's just tired. Nothing to worry about dear." She let out a huge yawn. Perhaps she was more tired than she initially thought.
"I would never say anything like that, dear," Zacharis mumbled into her long hair. "It would be more witty. Something like: What are you going on about woman? Babies always sleep the entire day. No worries."
Ginny didn't even have the energy to elbow him as she rightly should have for she was already slipping into sleep.
Ginny awoke a few hours later to the sensation that someone was breathing in her ear. She tried to ignore it at first, brushing it off as the air conditioner or a draft. Yet it persisted in a rhythmic fashion and after a moment she could have sworn she could hear the intake and release of breath. She opened her eyes and stared across the room to the wardrobe.
"Zach, stop breathing in my ear," she hissed quietly, not quite sure as to why she was keeping her voice down. He was obviously awake. She shouldn't have felt so surprised either. Se had caught him on several occasions just watching her when he thought she was asleep. But he had never breathed so obviously in her ear before..
"Zach, what's wrong with you?" she demanded, slowly turning over, minding the child inside her. "What the hell-" She stopped and let out a little gasp. Her eyes grew wide.
"You seem so surprised to see me," a voice drawled from the mouth that was now smirking down on her. Ginny made to sit up, but an elegant hand shot out and pressed her back into the bed. "Now now, Ginny," the voice cooed from those lips. "We wouldn't want you to strain yourself. How much longer until you pop anyway?"
"Three weeks," she said in disbelief, staring at the man before her as though she was looking at a ghost. The moonlight that was cast across him seemed to almost accent that idea. "Where- where's my husband?" she whispered.
"Oh, he has a few things to attend to," the man said softly, his smirk spreading to a grin. "I'm still quite astonished how fast you hooked this one." Ginny opened her mouth to protest, but the man continued before she could speak, the silver in his hair shinning and glittering. "Doesn't the term 'Wait for me' mean anything to you?"
Ginny stared at him a moment then seemed to properly register what he had just said. "How dare you?" Ginny hissed, glaring up at the man who was sitting beside her, holding her down. "How dare you say that to me? You have no idea what I've been through these past years. You have no idea what went through my head."
"So you found someone who could distract you from it all," the man sneered, applaying pressure to her shoulder. Ginny bit back a curse. "Someone who could convince you that all you needed was a little love and everything would go away. I could have given you the same, if that was what you wanted. If you would have just waited..."
"You were dead Draco!" Ginny shrieked, ripping herself out of his grasp and sitting up. She quickly flung a hand to her stomach, subconsciously checking that her unborn child was alright. "Was I supposed to waste my life waiting for the dead to return?! God damn it! I went to your funeral! I saw your bloody body! And I'm supposed to wait for that?! A carcass that would never again breathe the air or speak with it's violent tongue or hold me in it's arms?! How could you expect me to do that?"
"Yes, I was dead," he sneered at her, clenching his hands at his side, seeming to ignore her angry demands. "For all the good it did me. There's nothing left for me now, apparently. You ran off with one of Potter's little followers and decided to have a kid. How lovely for you."
Ginny let out a hiss and slapped him. "Get out of here," she snarled, having quite enough, even if it was from the dead. From the dead she had longed to see for over eight years from when she had last laid eyes on him. When she had seen him lowered into the ground, never for her eyes to see again. Yet here he was. And he was different. Darker. Like the good part of him that she had always seen shine through his eyes had dimmed. Had dimmed almost to nothingness.
He stared back at her, with his usual mask that revealed no thought, no emotion. She knew he was planning. That he was plotting. He always was, he never could stop thinking about some way to get out of something or another. It had often infuriated her.
Suddenly he smirked.
Ginny felt a pang in her heart.
"Fine," he hissed, leaning close to her. She could see nothing in his blue-grey eyes. Eyes that were so similar to her husband's and yet so different. He moved yet closer. "Fine, I'll leave." He brought up a hand and gently placed it on her stomach as Zacharis had done before. "But remember that you told me to leave when this thing comes out. You'll regret it."
"What?" Ginny gasped, staring at him in utter horror. What did he mean? "Draco-"
But the man had already removed his hand and got up off the bed. He towered over her, his smirk in place. She never realized just how similar he looked to his father, Lucius Malfoy. She held back a surprised utterance. He smiled slowly. That heart breaking smile.
"You always did amuse me, Ginny," he said in his smooth voice. "Now I think it's time for you to get some sleep."
"But-" she tried again. She had to know what was going on. What was going to happen to her child? "What-"
Draco moved swiftly towards her, waving his hand before her face. "Sleep," he purred.
Ginny didn't even have time to blink before she slumped back against the bed. Draco looked down on her for a moment, his face blank. Then he reached out and pulled the blankets up to her chin in an almost motherly way. Almost. The he turned and disappeared into the darkness.
A/N: Well there you go. I am really quite impressed with myself for making Ginny married to someone other than Draco or Harry. Hurray to OotP for bringing in new lovely characters! So do you think I should continue with this? If so, please tell me.