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Author has written 28 stories for Kim Possible, Naruto, Movie X-overs, TV X-overs, Harry Potter, Kingdom Hearts, Devil May Cry, Spider-Man, X-Men, Ironman, Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokémon, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, One Piece, Ghost Rider, Incredible Hulk, Nightmare Before Christmas, Kamen Rider, and Bleach. About Me: I'm 18, just finished high school, and hoping to become a professional writer someday. I really just use fanfiction.net to take care of some of my overflow so that my head dosen't explode and/or good ideas are lost. A bunch of my stories may include vampires and/or werewolves. I'm not sure why, but they're just kind of my passion/obsession. I'll also be doing a few parodies of some of my favorite movies. Favorite Movies: Ocean's Eleven, The Italian Job, Pirates of the Caribbean Trilogy, and Marvel Movie since Blade, Transformers, Harry Potter, Evil Dead Trilogy, A Knight's Tale. Favorite TV shows: Smallville, Supernatural, Heroes, Charmed, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Life, Reaper, Law and Order: SVU, Bones, NCIS. Favorite Books: Animorphs, Harry Potter, Chronicles of Narnia, Ocean's Soundings. My Stories Kim Possible Rangers When Drakken accidentally unleashes an evil he can't control, it's going to take a lot more than just The Girl Who Can Do Anything to save the world. And so an old face from the past returns to assemble a new team of heroes to save the world from evil. A loyal champion who places his others in front of himself, a cunning and ambitious warrior, a strong and caring fighter, a kind and gentle maiden, and a clever and wise scholar. Together, these 5 young men and women will protect the world with several faces from the past as the next generation of Power Rangers. Includes appearances from Jason Lee Scott, Tommy Oliver Possible, Kimberly Heart-Possible, and the Mystic Force Rangers. Will include remixed versions of historic Power Rangers episodes Forever Red and Once A Ranger. Inspired by both Viper Prime and Classic Cowboy's versions of a Kim Possible/Power Rangers crossoverfussion. Shikamaru's Eleven: "Please state your name for the record." The board member said as a young man with long hair pulled up into a top knot entered the room and sat down. "Shikamaru Nara." The man replied, lazily "You have been implicated in over a dozen confident schemes and frauds." The board woman said. "What do you think you would do if you were released?" "I don't know." Shikamaru said with a shrug. "How much do you guys make a year?" To try it would be crazy. "You want to knock over a casino?" Ino asked. Shikamaru held up three fingers. "Three casinos?" "You got to be nuts." Tenten told Ino and Shikamaru. "Exactly!" Ino said. "This place houses a security system that rivals most nuclear missile silos." Shikamaru explained. "Smash and grab job huh?" Naruto said. "Slightly more complicated than that." Ino said. "Well, yeah." Naruto said, trying not to look embarrassed. To do it would be impossible You'd need at least a dozen ninja doing a combination of cons." Ino said, off handedly. "10 aut to do it don't you think." Shikamaru said. Ino responded in silence. "You think we need one more?" Shikamaru asked. More silence. "You think we need one more." Rock Lee leap across a wide open area onto a computer back near the end of the wall. "All right well get one more." Shikamaru said, annoyed. There's a dozen reasons it won't work "We're just suppose to just walk out of there with 150 million in cash with out getting stopped?" Shino asked. All eyes turned to Shikamaru. "Yeah." he said lazily with a shrug. And eleven ninja Who don't care "It'll be nice working with proper villains again." Kiba said. "2, 1." Shikamaru counted down, placing the explosive and pressing the detinator...but nothing happened. "Well, did you check the batteries?" Naruto asked. Suddenly, explosives went off around a safe. Nara Shikamaru "Now they tell me I paid my debt to society." Shikamaru said. "Funny I never got a check." Temari responded coldly. Naruto Uzumaki "Scared?" Ino asked. "You suicidal?" Naruto responded, panic in his voice. Sasuke Uchiha "Congratulations, you're dead." Sasuke said darkly. "He'll kill ya." Tenten assured them. "And then he'll go to work on ya." Ino Yamanaka "Someone call for a doctor?" Ino asked, stepping forward wearing a short, pink wig. Temari "Here comes the girl." Naruto said as Temari walked right bast him and Ino. From the writer who brought you "Kim Possible Rangers" "You're a thief and a lier." Temari accused. "I only lied about being a thief." Shikamaru pointed out. Comes a fusion that will steal your attention. "Why do this?" Ino asked. "Because the house always wins." Shikamaru said, suddenly serious. "Unless when that perfect hand comes along and you bet big and you take the house." "You've been practicing this speech havn't you?" Ino asked with a small smile. "A little bit." Shikamaru admitted. "Did I rush it, it felt like I rushed it." "No, it was good. I liked it." Ino assured him. Shikamaru's Eleven "You're either in or your out, right now." Shikamaru said, seriously. Showdown in Konohana Originally the town of Konohana was a peaceful one, no trouble at all, until all sorts of bandit hit it. The Sound Trio destroys the Ino-Shika-Cho Salloone and the Sound Ninja 5 fires off shots in the street. Before long, the citizens of the small town were in a place worse than hell Choji is down on his hands and knees coughing up blood. Neji is leaning against a wall, holding onto a bleeding stomach as if trying to stop the blood from comming out. The cry went out for a hero, and what they got... Naruto stands in the middle of the street, a cocky grin on his face. Was this guy. Naruto gets punched by Sakura, slapped by Ino, and then throw out of a window. And when an old face from the past returns and opens up long closed wonds Saske Uchiha raises the brim of his hat with a finger, his face emotionless. Then the town of Konohana will become a war zone Naruto falls from the ceiling, smashing Kin in the face. Then he's shown crushing Zaku's hands, causing his arms to exploide. From the author of Kim Possible Rangers and Shikamaru's Eleven Naruto and Saskue stand in the street, their hands resting on their guns. Comes a story of revenge Naruto's eyes turn into blood red silts as he glares at Orouchimaru. Lust Naruto lays in bed, making love to Sakura and Ino And Justice. The clock chimes and Naruto and Sasuke draw their guns and fire. Showdown in Konohana. Rated M for graphic violence, sexuality, and mild languate. Read it now. The Twilight Seven: When Necronamicons from diffrent worlds are taken Coppies of the Ne ronamicon are shown in the hands of monsters like Freddy Kruger, Jason Vorhaes, and Michel Myers. Fate and her Councle call together the seven men that she beleives can get them back Fate is shown sitting at a table with Papa Midnight, Professor Broom, Caretaker, Cogelisto, Skeleton Cowboy, and Aberhamb Whistler. There is a bright flash and seven men stand there. And now the ultimate battle between good and evil is about to erupt Punches are thrown, gunshots are heard, and the sound of a chain saw cuts through the night air. Staring Hellboy Hellboy smashes through a group of enemies with his stone fist and wirles around, firing Sumaritian. Ghost Rider Ghost Rider rides through a heard of demons on his hellcycle, dragging one of them by his chain. Turning a sharp cornor he sends the demon into his breathern then pulls out his shotgun and fires a blast of hellfire at them. Spawn Spawn steps out of the darkness, his long red cloak billowing behind him. He lashes out with his chains, impaling and entire row of demons. Blade Blade slowly makes his way through a crowd of demons, striking with pression blows. Then he pulls out his sword and decapates a demon that was trying to sneak up on him. The Crow A crow flyes over the battle feild while The Crow jumps into a giant group of demons, braking bones and killing without mercy. Constintine Constintine bashes a demon in the face and them pulls out his Holy Shotgun and fire a round right through a demon's chest. And Ash Williams Ash leaps down, slashing a demon in half with his chainsaw and then whirls around, slicing another one at the waist. Then he cocks his boomstick and fires several shots into the heads of several demons. When the Sun sets on evil. The seven of them stand in a row from left to right: Constintine, the Crow, Spawn, Hellboy, Ghost Rider, Blade, and Ash. It rises for the Twilight Seven. Rated M for language and graphic violence. The Badical Spiderman Who am I? Do you really want to know? Cause my story isn't to those of the faint of heart. My story is one for people who beleive in the underdog. My name is Ron Stoppable. Some of you may know me as the side kick to teen hero Kim Possible. No? I'm not surprised, half of the villians KP and I battle don't even know my name. But all that's been changing ever since I got bit by some genetically altered spider. Now I've got the proportional strength, speed, and agility of a spider, I can stick to walls, spin webs out of my arms, and have got some kind of weird Spider Sence that lets' me know when I'm about to get my head blown off. But then something happened, someone very important to me was taken from me, leaving me with one thing: my new motto, "With great power, comes great responsibility." I've made that my mantra and try to follow it. I stopped going with KP on missioins and started using these new spider powers to help as many people here in Middleton as I can. This is my gift. This is my curse. Who am I? I'm Spiderman! Rated T for language, sexual situations, and violence. |