Working on a Title
By: Rohynn
Disclaimer: Do I even need to say this? Fine. I don't own Harry Potter. I also don't own any of the blade movies. The fight sequence between Abbey and Hannibal below is from the comic book that came with the three movie DVD set.
Warning Spoilers for Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
Read at your own discression.
Harry's face was almost Expressionless as he walked off the Hogwarts Express and onto Platform 9 ¾ . The gleaming fire engine red train had just pulled in. Hermione and Ron stepped on to the platform right behind him. All the sudden he was wrapped in a bone crushing hug and squeezed. Realizing the fiery red hair belonged to Mrs. Weasley he hugged her back slightly. Letting go reluctantly Mrs.Weasley smiled a watery smile.
"Well, Harry let's get you to you Uncle, shall we?" Lupin said from behind Mrs.Weasley. Harry nodded reluctantly and turning he hugged both his friends goodbye and he promised he'd owl them. When he exited into the muggle world he saw his uncle already being accosted by Mad-Eye. His Uncle getting a bit purpler by the second.
Sighing he walked over to where his Uncle and Mad-Eye were arguing.
"-If we hear one complaint from Harry about you Muggles mistreating him, you'll be seeing me." Mad-Eye was saying. Vernon nodded, and turned a putrescent shade of purple. Mad-Eye turned around and nodded to Harry. His fake eye whizzing about.
"Potter, be careful. There are too many death eaters running loose right now for you to be safe, someone will be watching you again. They'll stay outside most of the time, but if you leave they will follow you, if you see something strange tell your guard. Constant Vigilance Potter." Mad-Eye said and walked away.
"Come on Potter." Vernon said, purpling at having to say the freaks proper name. Harry just sighed and dragged his trunk along behind him, balancing Hedwig's cage. Vernon just unlocked the boot, and sat in the driver's seat, Harry struggled to put the trunk in the boot, and when it slid in with a plop he closed the boot and took Hedwig with him to sit in the back seat. His uncle grunted and they sped away from Kings Cross.
When they reached # 4 Privet Drive, Vernon stepped out of the car and left Harry sitting in there, brooding. He really needed a way to get away from England. Maybe there was a solution to his problem in one of the books he'd Owl ordered. Shaking his head he realized he'd been sitting in the car for fifteen minutes. He got out and taking Hedwig's cage and his trunk with him he walked in to the house and up the stairs and into the room he'd be staying in for the rest of the summer. It wasn't his room, not really. Setting his things up around the room he came across one of the books he'd Owl Ordered. He didn't really know why he'd picked this particular book, but something had told him he'd need it. Frowning, he sat down on the lumpy mattress his aunt called a bed; he flipped through the book and was surprised when he came across a page in the book about teleporting.
Teleporting, though similar to apparating in that it transports the person to a desired place, has an entirely different process behind it. Only people with large magical reserves can Teleport. When Teleporting you pull you're magic in to your center and think of where you want to go. The Ministry of Magic cannot detect Teleporting and the practice of it is frowned upon. Though it is very rare for a witch or a wizard to have the magical reserves to accomplish it. If one Teleports out of the Country they are currently in and the witch or wizard teleporting is underage, the Ministry cannot detect the person's magic. It is even rarer for an underage witch or wizard to have the reserves to Teleport because they have not yet reached their magical maturity. The person able to pull off such a feat was Albus Dumbledore himself.
Harry started in surprise.
Thinking about it, he decided it was worth a try. The Ministry couldn't detect him doing it, and since there was no one in the room with him to see him make a fool of himself, he settled himself in one corner on the room and pulled his magic to his center and imagined himself on the other side of the room. It didn't exactly go as he planned. Instead he ended up in the middle of an alley, and it was dark. He felt around for his wand and groaned as he realized he'd left it sitting on the bed, back in privet drive. Making sure no one else was in the dark alley with him he prepared to Teleport back to Privet Drive. Just as he started pulling his magic to his center he saw movement out of the corner of his eye and grunted in pain as something struck the back of his head.
Just as he lost consciousness he saw a pale face with fangs.
Then everything went black.
The Vampire walked up to the thirty story building and went to the elevator. He dragged the Human he'd found in the alleyway along with him. Pressing the button for the 29th floor and waited patiently for the elevator to rich its destination. The doors slid open and he sauntered in to Danica Talos' lair. When the she-bitch herself walked in to the room he tossed the human at her feet.
"I thought you might like the look of this one."
Danica Talos smirked, revealing pearly white fangs.
"Thank you, my dear brother."
Asher smirked. He gave this one two months at most.
How wrong he was.
When he woke up he looked around the room he was in and couldn't remember who he was. The walls were a pure sanitary white. If it weren't for the handcuffs around his wrists and feet, effectively strapping him to the steel table he was on he'd have thought he was in some kind of hospital. Then she walked in. The black hair made her deathly pale skin stand out even more. The fangs and almost cat like eyes really freaked him. She was dressed in a pure white outfit.
"Who the hell are you!" he shouted.
She said nothing, just smirked even wider as she walked up to him. When she reached him she laid her hand on his chest and dragged her fingernails down, drawing blood. His face screwed up in pain.
"What the Hell was that for!" He managed to get out.
"What's you're name, human?" She said digging red lacquered fingernails in and causing the wound to bleed more. When he didn't say anything she dragged a nail sharply across his right cheek.
"I don't know!" He screamed.
Minor surprise showed in her dilated eyes before it was squashed.
"Then pick a name."
He said the first thing that came to mind, as she dragged a fingernail in a zigzag pattern across his forehead.
"Ha-Ha-Hannibal King." He gasped out as she twisted his wrist.
"Hannibal King, welcome to my world." She said as she brought out a wickedly sharpened knife, and smiled sadistically
His screams of pain reached no one.
1 year later, July 31st
Hannibal started awake. He'd had one of those awful nightmares again. There'd been a green light and hundreds of people had all died at once. Danica moved beside him. He slowly laid down again, not wanting to wake her. He needed all the rest he could get. The bitch was planning something, he knew it. And he sure as hell didn't want whatever she was planning to happen before at least some of his body felt semi normal again. He held his breath as she moved again. Her eyes opened just as he closed his and tried to fall asleep.
"Hannibal, why don't you wake up, I've got something for you." She said, drawing herself up to his neck and holding him still. She lowered her fangs down to his neck and bit down, hard.
He had one last thought before he fell unconscious from blood loss.
She was going to turn him in to the thing he despised most.
A Vampire.
When Hannibal woke up he was hungry. And he knew what he wanted, though he despised himself for it. Blood. There was also and itching sensation just below his abdomen. Moving his shirt slightly he could see it. She'd put the glyph on him. She'd always said he was her property; he'd fought her until now. She'd done it while he'd been unable to stop her, but even she knew she'd never have him. A door creaking open brought his attention to it, a girl only 12 was thrown in. There was blood on her cheeks, mixed with tears and bruises. She looked on him with pleading eyes. But his eyes were drawn to the blood congealing on her cheek, and before he could stop himself he'd sprang on her and had bitten her neck.
He was never himself again after that day.
5 years later
Hannibal was slouched on a couch, trying to get as drunk as a vampire could get, which unfortunately for him, wasn't very drunk at all, he wasn't even slightly inebriated damnit!
The elevator doors opening caught his attention. Steve, the familiar who guarded the elevator was being pushed out of it by the hottest chick he'd ever seen. And she was human. After knocking the familiar unconscious she back flipped off the entryway and down two floors, shooting vamps as she went.
He watched as she killed vamps left and right. She stopped for a second in front of four vamps that were slowly coming closer to her. Tossing the guns down, she pulled out two silver stakes and killed all four. Then she made her way over to him. He didn't even move as she made ready to stake him.
"You gonna stand up, or should I stake you on the couch?" She said to him.
"I'm sensing penis envy." He drawled from his position on the couch.
"Let me guess, someone killed your best friend, and now you're out for revenge." He continued.
Leaping at him she said "Fuck you."
Swing his leg out at her he retorted with, "Get in line."
His leg connected with her chest and she grunted in pain, "Nice tits, very firm. Are they real?"
She slammed in to a glass table and yelled; "Now you're pissing me off!"
"Is that all you've got?"
Her foot slammed into his neck, pushing him back.
"Princess, this after-school special, is about to come to an end. " He said dodging the stake she tried to stab him with. He grabbed her arm and swung her back first into the wall.
A silver dagger slid out of her boot and she swung her foot at his neck. He was trapped between a silver dagger and the wall.
"That's it princess, now you're making me hard." He said wincing internally as the silver started to sting.
"Come on, do it. Finish what you started."
"You want to die?" She questioned, honestly curious.
"Sometime today, if it's not inconvenient"
She brought her leg down and he slid to the ground rubbing his head.
"It's what you're here for isn't it? Go ahead; you'd be doing me a favor.
"You have another choice."
Angrily he exclaimed, "Choice? What choice do I have? Death is the only way out of this fucking pyramid scheme."
"It doesn't have to be that way…There is a cure. I'm offering you a chance to take your life back and help me fight the people that did this to you." She said offering her hand to him. He took it.
2 years later.
Hannibal and Abbey ran up to where Blade and Drake were lying. The sun was rising and all around them the bodies of vampires were combusting. Neither Drake nor Blade was moving. Hannibal came out of his shock when he heard the sirens.
"Abbey, the cops are coming. We have to go." Abbey nodded and together they fled.
A week later
A splitting pain in his head sent him crashing to the floor dropping his glass of soda the glass shattered as he flew to the floor. Abbey, Zoë and Caulder burst in to the room and checked Hannibal.
"What's wrong with him?" Abbey asked as Caulder checked Hannibal's pulse. Zoë looked anxiously and Hannibal's prone form.
"He passed out. His pulse is a little erratic. We need to get him to the infirmary." Caulder said putting one of Hannibal's arms over his shoulder as Abbey did the same.
Harry you're a wizard.
Hi I'm Ron Weasley.
Hermione Granger.
Albus Dumbledore
Sirius Black
The one with the power to vanquish the dark lord approaches……born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies…… and the dark lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the dark lord knows not…… and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while ht e other survives…
The-Boy-Who –Lived
Remus Lupin
James and Lily Potter
Harry Potter……………………………………………………
He jerked awake and put his hand against his forehead.
A cool cloth rubbed his sweating forehead and he opened his eyes to see Abbey gazing at him in concern.
"What happened?" She asked touching his hand.
"I remember."
"I remember who I am."
"Oh Hannibal this is great!" Abbey said leaping up and hugging him. Her hugged her back and let a hand slide a little too far…..
"Hannibal!" Abbey yelled glaring at him as she moved away to sit down in the chair next to his bed.
"What can I say, old habits die hard." He said smiling at her face.
She just shook her head at him.
"So, what is your real name?"
"Harry Potter."
Harry, Abbey, and Zoë walked off of the plane and into the bustling airport. A woman with curly black hair waited for them.
"Hello, I'm Karen. It's nice to finally meet the famous Abigail Whistler and Hannibal King." She said shaking their hands. She smiled at Zoë, who waved. She led the way to the baggage claim and once they'd gotten their things they trouped to the car and they were off to one of the Nightstalker bases in Scotland.
After out fitting them with concealable weapons the two Nightstalkers went for a walk in a small forest. They'd left Zoë watching cartoons at the base.
"So magic is really real?" Abbey asked for the thousandth time.
Smirking at her, he nodded. After looking around and making sure no one was around, he said "Lumos" and a small ball of light flared up in his palm. Shaking her head in wonder, she smiled at him as he closed his fist and said, "Nox".
They walked out of the forest and in to a deserted magical town. Hogsmeade. Frowning Hannibal looked around and pulled out one of his guns, and motioned for Abbey to do the same. The moved from shadow to shadow until the reached to gate to Hogwarts. It was closed and tightly bolted, frowning Hannibal waved his hand and the lock sprang open. Stopping for a second he tapped his fist on Abbey's head and then his own, disillusioning them. They both walked warily up to the Whomping Willow. Deftly dodging the wildly swinging branches Hannibal darted in and pushed the large knot in the Whomping Willow, making the tree still long enough for Abbey to dart in after him as they dove down a passage. Once they both stood and brushed themselves off, Harry led the way to where he hoped the humped back witch statue still stood.
They reached it.
Hannibal pressed his ear to the crack where light was coming through. Hearing nothing he pushed the Witch slightly and climbed out only to have a wand pointed at his forehead. Abbey climbed out after him and drew in a sharp breath as she backed into him. He assumed she was getting the same treatment. Looking hard at the face in front of him he recognized the person holding the wand.
Ron's eyes had focused in on his forehead. Disbelief shone in his eyes quickly replaced by suspicion.
"Who are you?" Ron said, keeping his wand trained on Harry.
"It's me, Harry." He said smiling.
"How do I know you're telling the truth? Tell me something only Harry would know." Ron said eyes trained on Harry's bright emerald green ones.
"In third year the Twins gave me the Marauders map. I snuck out this passageway and into Honeydukes under my invisibility cloak, you were talking to Hermione, you also wanted to get me Cockroach Clusters, which by the way I hate." Harry said smirking when Ron's eye's widened. The wand fell to the ground as he was swept in to a hug.
"Harry!" Hermione's voice exclaimed as she came up behind him and swept him in to a hug. Laughing he hugged them back.
When they finally let go of him, he looked at Abbey, who was barely containing her laughter.
"Find something funny, Whistler?" He said smirking as he reached out to pinch her ass. That shut her up quick. Backing up she pointed her gun at him and said, "The silver may not affect you anymore but it can still hurt." She said smirking as he back off, waving his hands in mock surrender.
"Um, Harry, Who is she?" Hermione asked eyeing Abbey suspiciously.
"This is my partner, Abigail Whistler. You can trust her" He added.
"Uh-huh. Harry, Minerva and Remus are going to want to see you. We've missed you so much." Hermione said, leading them down the Hallways to the Great Hall. Ron opened both doors and they walked in to the room. The Hall was very different. There was one large round table in the center of the hall. McGonagall, Lupin, Mad-Eye, Tonks, Mrs.Weasley, everyone was there. All eyes turned to the group as they entered. Ron led the way to where McGonagall, Remus and Mrs.Weasley were sitting.
Stopping in front of them Harry looked them over, there was more grey hair in both Lupin and Mrs.Weasley's hair. McGonagall's was pure white. All three looked so much older.
"Ronald, Hermione, what is the meaning of this? Who are they?" McGonagall demanded hard eyes trained on Harry and Abbey.
Lupin sniffed the air and smelled something familiar.
"H-Harry?" Lupin questioned looking at Harry. Nodding, he smiled when the Werewolf swept him into a hug.
"HARRY!" Mrs. Weasley exclaimed and wrapped him in a bone crushing hug. Everyone was standing up and crowding around. There were exclamations, hugs, and some crying. Once everyone settled down Harry wandlessly conjured a large loveseat for Abbey and himself. Settling himself down he motioned for Abbey to have a seat also.
"Harry where have you been?" McGonagall asked still surprised that Harry could use wandless magic.
"Let me explain. I was reading a book on Teleportation and decided to try it. I accidentally teleported into an alleyway in LA, a Vampire knocked me out and took me to his sister, Danica," he sneered when he said her name, still hating the bitch. "I didn't remember who I was or what had happened….." Harry proceeded to tell them about what had happened for the last 8 years. He left out the worst things Danica had done to him.
2 hours later.
"So here I am." Harry finished off, his voice almost gone from talking non stop.
Abbey covered his hand with hers and patted it.
"Whistler if I didn't know any better, I'd say you were coming onto me." Hannibal said waggling his eyebrows at her.
Abbey snorted and said, "In your dreams King."
"Oh but you are." He said smirking as she hit him over the head.
"Harry! Don't speak that way!" Mrs.Weasley said admonishing him, as if he were still a child.
Frowning he said, "Mrs.Weasley, I'm not a child. Besides, Abbey doesn't mind. I've been speaking like this for 8 years; you're not going to change that now."
All the sudden a window burst open, and glass fell everywhere, revealing the night sky outside. Hannibal and Abbey covered their faces as they both took out their favorite weapons, Hannibal his electronic guns, with Sun Dog bullets, and Abbey her bow.
The other Witches and Wizards in the room drew their wands.
Ten more figures dropped in and in the light both Abbey and Hannibal could tell they were Vampires.
"King! How the hell did you get here?" One of the Vampires yelled at Hannibal.
"I believe it's called taking a plane, asswipe. Now do you plan on telling me how you got here, of all places? Or was it some fluke? You couldn't actually be that smart, could you?" Hannibal yelled back.
"Fuck you King!" The vampire yelled lunging at Hannibal, only to get incinerated, courtesy of Hannibal's Sun Dogs. The rest of the vampires yelled and sprang at him and Abbey; they totally ignored the Witches and Wizards watching them.
Abbey kicked out and the silver blade sprang out from her boot and into a Vamps heart. Exchanging her Bow for her UV Arc she cut a vamps head and watched it incinerate.
In ten minutes all the vamps were dead except for one who was held at silver stake point by Hannibal.
"Could someone get me a chair for this guy?" Hannibal asked and a chair appeared in front of him. Hannibal pushed the vamp into the chair and quickly cuffed both wrists to it with silver handcuffs.
"So Abbey do you want to do the honors or should I?" Hannibal said motioning to the struggling Vamp.
"Have at him King." Abby said smirking as she handed him a bottle of powdered garlic.
Taking the bottle Hannibal unscrewed the lid and poured just a little under the Vamp's sensitive nose.
The Vamp immediately started sneezing and hacking. King smirked.
"So, gonna tell us how you got here or do I have to beat it out of you?" King said smirking when the Vamp hissed in pain; the silver handcuffs were digging into its arms.
"Not gonna happen King."
"You wanna bet?" Hannibal said taking out a silver stake and dragging it down the Vamps arm. Said Vamp hissed in pain and tried to jerk away.
"Harry! Stop that this instant!" Mrs.Weasley yelled coming up to him and trying to take the silver stake away. The Vamp laughed at Hannibal.
"Letting another woman control you, King?"
"No one controls me." Hannibal said punching the Vampire in the gut.
Abbey placed her hand on Hannibal's shoulder. He turned around and she saw a flash of anger in his eyes before they returned to their normal teasing light.
He relaxed and turned to face the stunned group of Witches and Wizards.
"Did none of you listen? I'm not a child anymore. I've been fighting for my life for the past eight years with no one other then Abbey to help me. Tell me, have any of you been a Vampire, or a slave?" Harry said staring them down.
"Harry, he's a living thing. He has choices and feelings just as you and I do. I'm sure if you just gave him veritraserum, he'd talk." Mrs. Weasley said trying to calm Harry down.
Hannibal busted up laughing.
"The only feeling they have is the hunger for blood. They have choice; they choose to be the way they are. Veritraserum won't work either. Their immune to most drugs. The only thing that works on them is a specially made tranquilizer, of which I don't have any at the moment. These asswipes are evil, pure and simple."
Hannibal turned and walked out of the room, Abbey following him.
Well that's all for now. Man 13 pgs that took forever! Please review! Thank you!