Author's Note: I don't own Power Rangers, if I did, there would be a lot more original seasons, and I don't own Kim Possible

Kim Possible Rangers

Chapter 1, The Team Assembled

"Man I'm beat." Teen hero Kim Possible said, flopping down onto her bed after just returning from yet another world saving mission. "I would almost swear that evil never sleeps just to that it drives us nuts." She groaned as she sat up.

"Hey relax KP." Said Ron Stoppable, sidekick, best friend, and boy friend as he began to rub Kim's shoulders. "We came, we beat the bad guys, we saved the world. All in a days work." Kim said nothing in reply and just let out a small moan as Ron worked out the knots in her shoulders.

"Ron," she said quietly, "how long have we been dating?"

"About 4 months now I think." Ron said with a smile. "Ever since Junior Prom."

"And in those 4 months, have I ever told you why I loved you?" she asked.

"I think you have," he replied, "but please, remind me."

"Well," Kim started, turning around and sliding her arms around Ron's neck "you're sweet," she gave him a small kiss on the neck, "you're funny," she kissed his cheek, "you're brave," she kissed his chin, "and you know me better than anyone else." She kissed his lips. The two of them fell back onto the bed, lips pressed together, hands slowly moving beneath each other's shirts.

"Kimmi-Cub." Said Dr. Thomas Possible, Tommy to his friends, coming up the stairs and finding his daughter and her boyfriend on the bed. All three of them froze, not sure what was about to happen next. Ron was the first to recover and break the silence.

"Hey Mr. Dr. P." he said, looking sheepishly at his girlfriend/best friend's father. "This is a little awkward isn't it?"

"A little bit Ronald." Tommy said, crossing his arms and narrowing his eyes, "May I ask what you were doing up here with my daughter." Ron was silent, not trusting himself to speak for fear of getting launched into a black hole.

"It's really my fault Daddy." Kim said, speaking up, "Ron was just helping me relax after our latest mission and I guess I was starting to go a little overboard." Ron and Kim held their breathes as Tommy looked back and forth between the two teens.

"All right." He said finally, "Just make sure it doesn't go too far over board." As he descended down the stairs, neither Kim nor Ron noticed the small smile that was playing across the doctor's lips. Once he was out of sight, Kim and Ron let out a long sigh of relief.

"Thanks for the cover." Ron said.

"It wasn't really a cover; I was coming onto you, not the other way around." Kim said.

"KP, please don't talk like that, it makes me sound weak." Ron begged.

"Sorry Ron." Kim said, "Maybe next time I'll just let you shoot your mouth off and give my dad reason to launch you into a black hole." Ron and Kim looked at each other and smiled.

"I should probably be heading home though." Ron said, getting off the bed and grabbing his stuff. "I'll see you tomorrow, ok Kim."

"Sure thing Ron." Kim said, going over and giving him a quick kiss. As Ron went down the stairs, he didn't notice Dr. Tommy Possible watching him from the kitchen, a smile playing around his face.

"I know that look Thomas Possible." Said Mrs. Kimberly Possible Sr. "It's the same look you have whenever up see Kimmi giving it her all. Who's it pointed at this time?"

"At Ronald." Tommy said, "I see a lot of myself in the kid."

"How so?" Kim asked.

"Remember when I fist showed up in Angel Grove? I was an outcast, all I had was my martial arts." Tommy said, "And then I met you and the others and it changed my life forever. Now that Ronald has officially become a couple with our Kimmi-Cub, I just keep seeing more and more of myself." The Possibles watched as Ron walked out the door.

"Do you think he felt anything when he died?" Kim asked.

"Probably not." Tommy replied. "I mean he was pure energy at the time and he knew what had to be done and had no problem going." Right outside the Possible home, Ron was engulfed in a pillar of red light and disappeared. "Maybe he's even still out there somewhere."

Ron Stoppable fell onto a cold metal floor in the darkness.

"Ow," he said getting to his feet and massaging his back where he landed. "Where am I? Some alien space craft?"

"Ron, is that you?" a voice in the darkness said. Into what little light there was, rolled a young man with slicked back brown-red hair sitting in a wheel chair.

"Felix?" Ron said. "What's going on man?"

"Don't know dude?" Felix replied, rolling over to Ron, "But I've seen a little bit of the tech around here, it's pretty advanced, for all I know it could be alien." Then they heard a moan in the darkness. Ron raised his fists and lowered himself into a defensive position.

"Felix, you got a flashlight in that chair of yours?" Ron whispered. Felix nodded and pressed a button on the arm of his wheel chair, sprouting two flashlights, illuminating the darkness. He pointed the light in the direction of the moan and illuminated a large man with blond hair and a varsity jacket that was beginning to stir. "Brick?" Ron asked "Brick Flagg." The lump sat up and looked at Ron.

"Ron?" Brick moaned, sitting up. "What's going on man?"

"We're not sure." Ron said, helping the large ex-quarterback to his feet. "Although Felix is thinking something alien."

"Aliens!" a scream shout out. "You mean I've been abducted by aliens with a bunch of losers!"

"Oh, no." Ron groaned, "I'd know that scream anywhere."

"Bonnie." Brick said. Felix spun his chair around and shown it onto the tall, slim, brown haired Bonnie Rockwaller.

"You guys know her?" Felix asked.

"Ex-girlfriend." Brick said.

"Constant tormentor and KP's rival." Ron said. "So, is anyone else here?"

"I am Ron." Said a voice next to Bonnie. Into the light came the blond cheerleader Tara Stone (A/N: I just made the last name up, they never gave her one.) Ron gulped a little as she walked into the light; he'd always had something of a crush on her, and a gut feeling, and just about everyone, told her that the feeling was mutual.

"All right," Ron said, "So what's next?" as if in answer to his question, the entire room they were in was lit up a tube on a nearby wall. Inside the tube soon came the face of an old man.

"Holly shit, the Wizard of Oz!" Ron yelled, pointing at the face. Much to everyone's surprise, the floating face chuckled at Ron's outburst.

"No Ron Stoppable, I am not the Wizard of Oz." The face said. "However, I am a wizard. My name is Zordon. And I have selected the five of you to be the next generation of Power Rangers."

And that's how things are getting started. It's my first fanfic so please be nice. Read and review please

I don't own Kim Possible or Power Rangers

Kim Possible Rangers

Chapter 2, To Ranger, or Not To Ranger