Ok y'all, let's see if I can get this chapter knocked out. It's just so hard to get writing sometimes cause I'm not sure if it'll be good enough, but here we go…and btw, I love how y'all are takin all my 'super secret plot twists' and just throwin them out there in the reviews. Ah well, we all know how this is gonna end…or do we?

It was a quarter past eleven on a Friday night. The sun had set hours ago, and the Texas nightlife was in full swing. Harry shouldered his Dallas Cowboys duffle bag as he headed into the bar. His portkey was set to leave in another 45 minutes. Then he would begin the short, but lengthy trip to his birthplace to join in a war that had been going on for decades. Giving his shoulders a stretch he finished off the last of his Pepsi and tossed the can into dumpster around the back end of CD's Bar and Grill. The smell of beer, French fries, and cigarette smoke a familiar one that brought a smile to his face as he stepped through the door.

Glancing around the hazy room, various neon lights and several hanging bulbs illuminated the main area. He gave a grin as James "Jimmy" Trivette waved him over.

"Well here he is, a little late for the show, but ready to go!" the Ranger crowed, giving Harry a hug. Much backslapping included.

To Trivette's right at the bar sat Alex Cahill, Walker's on-and-off girlfriend. The blonde woman had been like a mother to Harry, though sometimes she needed to not mother him so much. Her blue eyes sparkled in the glow of a Budweiser light as she too gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"How are you feelin sweetheart?" she asked as she brought him out to arms length to have a cursory inspection.

"Just fine. A little anxious to get this show on the road. Got more gadgets then even I thought they had locked away in there."

"Well you can take all that high tech mumbo jumbo, but just remember the greatest tool yer takin witcha is on top of that neck of yours!" a voice called.

C.D. Parker, ex-ranger, and the closest thing Harry had to a grandfather came from round his usual spot behind the bar and brought Harry in for a one armed hug, "Walk with me for a second kiddo."

The dull clamor of drinks, pool, and laughter was comforting. Harry took in a deep breath, wondering when the next time he'd be able to experience it again would be. Parker sat him down at the far end of the bar, unusually empty for this time of the hour. Harry figured he'd activated one of the lesser Muggle Repelling charms. Quite useful to keep an open space whenever a magically gifted guest might drop in or a quiet place to talk was needed.

"Here now, take a seat. Go on and have a chat with me fer a sec."

Setting his bag on the ground by his stool, the Boy-Who-Lived-To-Be-A-Ranger leaned back and rested his elbows on the bar as Parker went back and grabbed two glasses and a bottle. They had observed this ritual for almost four years. Ever since Harry had…

Shaking his head to clear those thoughts out, Harry accepted the double-shot of whiskey, and placed it next to him on the bar.

"So rumor has it you're headin straight into a proper war zone this time."

He gave a slight grunt as he hefted his bad leg over a seat next to Harry. Setting his own glass down.

"Yeah. Supposedly I'm the only one that can bury this guy. Some sort of marking due to this," Harry said, tapping the lightning bolt on his forehead.

C.D. gave grunt, "Hmph. Well that's just like them yanks to drag people to fight their battles for them. How many?"

"Don't know."

A slight nod and a sigh, "How long?"

"Don't know."

"Jeezus Christ Harry did you just sign on the dotted line then!" Paker snapped.

"I don't really have much of a choice do I!" Harry shot back, "If I am the only one that can kill this guy then any kind of fighters they have are pretty much useless. This guy is supposed to be on a whole 'nother level from what I've heard and read."

The wizened Ranger ran his fingers over his eyes and replaced his glasses, "I'm sorry kid. But you shouldn't have to do this."

"You know that-"

"I know you've seen more than yer fair share. We all have! But this ain't just slappin the handcuffs on the bastard. This'll be war! And from what Cordell tells me, half the people aren't even aware of it at all."

"Yeah. That's the long and short of it I guess. But this isn't gonna be Vietnam C.D. Just spells and whatever I feel like tossin at them," Harry grinned as he turned his eyes towards his companion, "And you know there ain't nobody this side of the Mississippi that can touch me with a wand."

"They ain't gonna be playin fair. But you're right." Parker sighed, "Just remember kid, it's not winning if you lose yourself. War does some shitty things to people. Don't get cocky, but don't take no shit from them either!"

"You don't have to tell me twice!"

The two Rangers as one touched their glasses and down their drink in one go. Harry gave only the smallest cough, which set C.D. chuckling, "Ha! I'll still drink you under the table greenhorn!"

Harry smirked, "Only if your liver doesn't give out on your way back to the bar old man!"

The two joined back up with Trivette and Alex still chuckling. The attourney gave them a stern look but rolled her eyes as they continued laughing, "So where's Walker? He knows your leaving tonight right?"

"Yes ma'am, he'll be here. You know him. Gotta be mysterious or we won't think so highly of him anymore."

"Think so highly of who?"

Harry stifled a jump as he turned to face his smiling guardian, "Oh just some guy with a beard. You seen him?"

"I'll keep my eye out. You all set?"


"And whatever shall we tell your girlfriends now that you're leaving town? Not enough time for a late night visit?" Trivette asked with a grin as he sipped his beer.

"Why waste a night when you got the day." Harry replied as he pulled back the collar of his shirt to expose a fresh bite mark.

Alex poked him firmly in the chest as she switched into mothering mode, "And what have I told you about that young man?"

"Uh…always use protection?"

Beer sprayed all over the bar as Trivette coughed on his beer and nearly fell off the stool laughing. Alex's eyes narrowed.

"I mean, treat ladies with respect and dignity?"

"And this falls under that rule how?" she demanded.

"Well geez Mom she seemed so eager to put that there I figured I'd be doing a disrespect not to let her!"

Now Trivette did fall off the bar. How early had he gotten there anyway?

Alex let out a frustrated groan, the endearment taking all the wind out of her sails, "Whatever! You…just…well you know!"

Harry smiled, "Love you too."

She pulled him in and gave him a kiss on his scar. One of the few that could so boldly touch it in any fashion or manner, "Stay safe. And come home soon ok?"

Harry just nodded his head into his shoulder. Savoring her scent for as long as possible. When they broke Alex coughed a bit, clearing her throat and ordered another beer. Harry turned to Walker and they too embraced.

"I think they've said just about everything. Keep your head on straight, and remember that we're here for you and we love you."

"Thanks dad." Harry said, quickly pinching off his tears and chiding himself for being such a wimp.

Due to their relationship as guardian and ward, the department rarely if ever put them on the same assignment. Harry was usually working alone, where he never left the city. Or with a senior Ranger, and was in easy contact range. Time to spread the wings, he thought to himself.

"Well, I guess it's about that time!" Harry said as he gave his final farewells and headed back out the door.

He Apparated from the alley to the International terminal and prepared for his trip. He showed the necessary paperwork to the officials and they gave him his countdown.

Three, two, one.

Two minutes in the blurred, whirling space of Portkey travel and Harry landed with a faint click of his boots. Back in Britain.

As he stepped through the customs, he presented his official documentation. He was supposed to see the Minister at some point, to brief him of the situation and in turn be briefed on England's situation. He would have rather taken the Floo but portkeys were the designated way to travel as far as official business went. And he had to register his presence in the country.

"I'm sorry sir, but the Minister is quite busy today. I'll let him know to reschedule with you as soon as possible." The bored attendant stated as he barely glanced at Harry's ID and pored over what appeared to be a note from Fudge, "I'm sure it shouldn't take too long, but as you can imagine he has very little time to himself."

"Not a problem. Just have him owl me when he gets a chance." Harry said as he was waved through the door.

"Of course sir, have a nice day and welcome to England." Came the still-bored reply.

Harry laughed as he donned a pair of sunglasses and a Notre Dame ball cap. Pulling the bill backwards he gave a wave of his wand and changed his clothes, from a pair of dark slacks and green button up to blue jeans and the famous black Led Zepplin shirt. His black combat boots clicked pleasantly on the marble floor as he made his way to the exit.

"Didn't even ask for my address. No wonder they need help." He muttered to himself.

Pulling out a note from his pocket he holstered his wand through his belt on his left side. It wouldn't do to draw attention by carrying his weapons in clear day. He looked at the piece of paper as he went over his to-do list for the day. First up, Gringotts. Correction, first up, finding Gringotts! Spying a row of fireplaces along this side that flashed green as people were coming into the Ministry to start the day, he saw a set reserved for outgoing. Grabbing a pinch of powder from the tin at the side he spoke clearly the destination Madame Bones had told him, "Diagon Alley!"

A flash of green, the roaring wind in his ears, he stepped lightly out of a fireplace near a bar called The Leaky Cauldron. This would be his first time in the alley. The last time he had come back here… Harry snorted as he adjusted his bag and stepped forward. There were a surprising number of people here for it being so early in the moring. He suppressed a yawn. Stupid portkey lag. He had just lost 8 hours of sleep, and now the only way to really fix it was to stay up a whole nother day. At least he got to eat breakfast soon.

Spying the imposing building down the cobblestone street he set off. Dodging a person here and there as they hurried about their business he couldn't help but smile. A hat, and some sunglasses, and nobody's the wiser. Stupid scar.

Pausing to read the ominous inscription on the doors of the wizard bank, he stepped through. Already the place was a bustle of activity. Not sure which way to go he simply walked up to the closest goblin that looked like he wasn't too busy.

"Excuse me."

"What?" the goblin snapped as he looked over some leaflets of parchment and made a note here and there.

"Hi, I'm not really sure where I'm supposed to be, but-"

"If you are not supposed to be in Gringotts, then you might wish to try another location, sir."

Setting his jaw and removing his glasses he continued, "Well then, which way to I go to claim my vaults!"


Well why the hell not? "Potter. Harry Potter."

The goblin actually managed to rip the page he was holding right out of the book, "What? Impossible!"

Harry simply removed his hat, "Try me."

The goblin turned a strange color, Harry wasn't sure if it was a flush or going pale as the goblin went scurrying up to the tall desk at the end of the main room. Sighing, he followed and caught the tail end of a rapid fire conversation in Gobbledegook. The much older goblin sitting at the desk gave Harry a stern look up and down before he opened his mouth.

"Mr. "

"IF you don't mind, I'm kinda supposed to be incognito." Harry interrupted politely as he could, indicating the rather crowded lobby.

"Hm. Quite. Very well, follow me."

Well there ya go, new chapter out. Sorry this one took a bit longer but it is a little longer in return. I have more stuff planned out already. And if this chapter seems a little rough, it's cause I had 2 hours to plan, write and revise this while I was on the desk at work, so cut me some slack yeah? I'll probably fix it up here and there so don't start flaming me just yet k? Laters!