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![]() Author has written 20 stories for Hannah Montana, Ned's Declassified SSG, Misc. Books, Wizards of Waverly Place, and Life With Derek. Hey! Welcome to the profile of Daisy617. I really want to re-do my profile, but the thing that takes up the most room is my lackson list, and I've worked too hard on that to delete it now, so try not to be too bored with my profile :) If you want to hear about my life on a daily basis, please click here: http:/// But don't forget to click this. And you can now follow me on twitter! Woo! I've apparently had a twitter account longer than I realized...but that's not really necessary to point out. www.twitter.com/beachxgirl SPEAK UP! I think that the Jonas Brothers are taking over fanfiction completely. And Disney channel. I have nothing against the Jonas brothers, but I completely hate them now! If you agree with me put this on your profile. The Jonas Brothers are good singers, but I can’t stand them. Almost every person on fanfiction are putting Jonas Brother stories under the Hannah Montana category. And it doesn’t even have anything to do with Hannah Montana, or Miley! It is about the authors dating one of them. Face it people…you will never get a chance with the Jonas Brothers! If you feel the same way as me, copy and paste this on your profile! NOW! Luvbug14 was the first person to write this. The grammar errors aren't mine, but if I were to write this myself, I wouldn't be nearly as nice about it. Here's some of my favorites: Shows: Greek, Gilmore Girls, Kyle XY, Hannah Montana, Life with Derek, Wizards of Waverly Place, Ghost Whisperer, Friends, Drake and Josh, Zoey 101 (only for quogan), iCarly (because it's Nick's only decent show right now), Summerland, America's Next Top Model, Life of Ryan, Without a Trace Singers/bands:Boys Like Girls, Simple Plan, Taylor Swift, Plain White Ts, Paramore, Drake Bell, Rihanna, All American Rejects, Miley/Hannah, Aly and AJ, Push Play (mostly because the guitarist, Steve, just graduated from my high school this year and I had his mom for my Spanish teacher in 7th and 8th grade) Books: One word- TWILIGHT! (and of course New Moon and Eclipse, even though parts of those don't exist to me...Breaking Dawn- eh) Pairings: Hannah Montana: Lackson (Click Here to sign the petition to make Lackson happen); Life with Derek: Dasey and Lizwin; Greek: Cappie/Casey with the personality seen in the spring break season finale; Kyle XY: Jandy, Leclan; Gilmore Girls: Rory/Jess (literati); Wizards of Waverly Place: So weird to say, but Jalex- I theorize that there was some mishap and they're not really related because there is no way two siblings can have THAT much chemistry; Zoey 101: quogan; Drake and Josh: Drake/Mindy, Friends: Rachel/Ross, Monica/Chandler, Phoebe/Mike, Joey/flavor of the week; Twilight: Bella/Edward; iCarly: Seddie or Spam; Summerland: Nikki/Cam, Ava/Johnny, Bradin/Sara, Jay/Erika, Susannah/the guy who lived on the beach whose name escapes me. Hannah Montana: LACKSON ROX! (so those of you who write HM should consider starting and finishing some stories). So, I have decided to make a Lackson not Loliver list for everyone who agrees with me. You guys can pm me your ideas too! AND COPY AND PASTE IT INTO YOUR PROFILE IF YOU AGREE THAT LACKSON IS THE BEST HM COUPLE, AND YOU KNOW YOU DO! (p.s. i would appreciate credit for my work) 1) Miley and Oliver will probably get together because best friends on Disney always do. That leaves the other two main teenage characters, Lilly and Jackson to get together themselves. 2) In Episode 1, Jackson wanted Lilly to know that Miley was Hannah and even hinted to her, such as saying 'she's screaming on the inside'. Also in this episode, Lilly leaves the dressing room after Jackson comes in with her girlfriend-jealousy! Okay, maybe not, but I would like to think so. Plus, Jackson was embarrassed by Lilly seeing him dressed like a girl. 3) In Sleepwalk this Way, Jackson kissed Lilly's head. 4) Jackson always makes Lilly laugh in a good way (not necessarily making fun of him), such as when he was dancing with the table in I am Hannah Hear Me croak, everyone else looks at him like he's nuts, but Lilly giggles. 5) Also in I am Hannah Hear me Croak, Lilly says "I love you" to Jackson (even if she didnt mean it, it is Miley's dream, so maybe she knows that they should be together). 6) In another episode, Sarah, a girl Lilly's age, has a crush on Jackson and he pretends to go out with her, so clearly Disney has no problem with the age difference relationship. Plus, Rico and Miley KISS ON THE LIPS, so age difference is so not a problem, I mean seriously...how old is he? 7) In Me and Mr. Jonas... Lilly is alone on the beach watching Jackson pogo, and she even shares her hotdog with him. Plus, I don't know if anyone else noticed, but they were dancing pretty close together in the scene on the beach where Hannah sings with the Jonas brothers. 8) In On the Road again, Lilly spends time alone with Jackson when he is at Rico's and she changes his sunglasses and attempts to put lipstick on him. Plus, in that scene, her hair was down and she was wearing a non-skater but still Lilly outfit, plus she had on lipstick and makeup if she was able to give it to JAckson. Dressing up for him? 9) Jackson and Lilly do things very similarly. Such as, the way they make chocolate shakes in their mouths, appreciate "sugar highs" (which is their ship name), are goofy and likeable, and have their moments. Plus, in the episode where Miley goes to the party without Lilly, Lilly jumps over onto the couch like rolling over from the other side and at another time (idk the episode), Jackson does the same thing. Plus, Jackson and Lilly ended up in the same position on the other couchish thing, as Jackson points out after Lilly falls over the side doing cheerleading "How come when I ended up on the couch like that...?" 10) Jackson only gets mad at Miley for the idea of going to see Robbie's date in She's a Supersneak, when he knew that it was Lilly's idea, which shows that he cares for not making her feel bad. 11) Two years of age difference isn't that much and in the new show Wizards of Waverly Place, one of the girls has a crush on her friends' brother who is two years older. 12) It doesn't matter how old they are in real life because it is the characters getting together. 13) They tease each other, which is a sign of flirting. 14) Neither of them manage to have a lasting relationship, possibly because they have feelings for each other? 15) They seem to be alone together a lot, such as in some examples from above and in I Want You to Want Me To Go TO Florida, what is Lilly doing at Miley's house when she is in Florida? Seeing JAckson perhaps? 16) When Lilly is doing cheerleader moves, Jackson imitates her. "The highest form of flattery." 17) Most importantly, Lilly and Oliver are just friends, and they always have been. There is no secret flirting between them, they are hardly ever alone together, Oliver always likes girls like Miley so he would like her over Lilly, and Lilly knows that Miley and Oliver like each other, which is clearly stated in her bio on Disney channel. She spends more time with Jackson alone and would be more interested in him. Plus, what girl wouldn't like their best friend's hott older brother? And who is Jackson to not like the fun-loving Lilly? Overall, they are so cute together!! And you can't think of a reason that wasn't disproved above as to why they can't be together. I will add more to the list later because there are dozens of other examples that I am too lazy to write, so you guys can tell me what I am missing. Amendments to the List (additions): 18) Lilly dated guys who looked like Jackson, such as Lucas with the blond hair, and Matt with the shaggy, darker hair (once Jackson's was darker) and I bet some of them had the same eye color. Jackson returns the favor, with blondes like the girl who got muddy helping him push his car (remember her?). Becky, with the bird, looked exactly like a bigger version of Lilly. Seriously, same hair, cut, facish, look for yourselves... Not the best example, but still a good one because as far as we could tell they had slightly similar personalities too. 19) This pairing is original. Best friends falling for each other? Played out. Falling for your best friend's brother, now that's unique. 20) Jackson says on the Hannah Montana website on in his bio that Miley's cool as far as sisters go. It could be worse, Lilly could be my sister. Yikes!! Which totally means that he has a crush on her and it wouldn't work out for them if he were her brother for obvious reasons!! 21) Emily Osment and Jason Earles are seen together in public a lot, such as at signings without the rest of the HM gang. Perhaps the show people are preparing us and getting us used to seeing them together? Okay, I know...that's a stretch. lol. 22) Jackson dated his best friend, Cooper's, LITTLE SISTER! That totally says that he can date his little sister's best friend! 23) This is another stretch, but in the episode with Luann, Robbie says "You know, I've always liked her," refering to Lilly, which means that he'd be happy if she became part of his family - marrying Jackson. 24) In the episode where Lilly dates Lucas, Oliver shows no enthusiasm whatsoever against them together. He's even sarcastic when Lucas says that he'll set Oliver up with Hannah's friend. So, clearly, there's no attraction there and Loliver won't happen, so lackson will. (SVUlover) 25) If Miley's other friends have crushes on Jackson, what's to say that Lilly should be any different? (Sarah and Traci) Lilly's just not as open about it! 26) In Lilly's Mom has Got it Going On, Jackson compliments Lilly's mom's looks. Girls usually look like their moms, so in saying so, he is complimenting Lilly's looks. Now, before you say that Oliver did too, Oliver also didn't take Lilly's side in the argument with the fish, so that's against loliver, and for lackson. 27) In She's A Supersneak, Jackson and Cooper hit on Lilly and Miley. Even if they passed it off as inadvertant, clearly it was in Jackson's nature to flirt with Lilly because he must've thought she was attracive from the back. 28) As said by jade-kwl-name-eva, Jackson is always trying to be something he isn't just so he can get a date and the only girl he's himself around is Lilly. 29) To those Lackson fans who haven't seen I will Always Loathe You, YOU MUST! This episode is all you need to be convinced that Disney hasn't ruled them out! She, Miley, and Jackson, are recreating a scene from Aunt Dolly and Mamaw's childhood where they fight. After this, the two still haven't made up and yell at each other, and Miley soon yells as well. Well, if you watch the background (Lilly and Jackson) you'll notice that they are grabbing onto each other and standing VERY close. Then, when they follow Miley upstairs, Jackson leads Lilly up the stairs with his ARM AROUND HER SHOULDERS! 30) Also in this episode, Jackson and Lilly are home alone at his house, watching televison together, really close together, and eating popcorn from the same bowl, practically touching hands! Seriously, why would they be home alone together at night if they didn't like each other? Lilly certainly has a TV at her own house to watch the award show. Or she could be watching it with Oliver, and Oliver could even be with them, but that's NOT what happened, huh? And they could each have their own bowl of popcorn, but they'd rather touch hands in the bowl and lean closer to each other! And sure, loliver fans can argue that Lilly forgot about the award show being that night and came over for Miley, but seriously then she'd leave. And, if you think about it, it'd be pretty hard to forget because of all the drama with Aunt Dolly and Mamaw and so she could only really forget due to a subconscious need to be with Jackson. Here's the clip to the lackson parts of that episode from youtube. I do not own it or the episode. http://youtube.com/watch?v=7DqodUKc8ug. This episode is my new favorite simply because of all the amazing lackson goodness. I didn't even like the rest of it, haha, but LACKSON!! 31) In Bye Bye Ball, Jackson calls Lilly strong and Oliver weak. 32) Also in Bye Bye Ball, Lilly appreciates Jackson's sense of humor when it comes to the picture he has of Hannah Montana and the funny face he drew on it. 33) They have the same taste- liking the same show, the survival one Jackson tried out for. Lilly says, "I love that show!" 34) In Bye Bye Ball, Jackson threw Oliver into the closet (in my opinion, he was getting him away from Lilly because he was jealous that they were closer on the bed). 35) SoFunkyFresh pointed out to me that in Bye Bye Ball, when Miley and Lilly are looking for something Jackson loves to pay him back for Beary, Lilly says to Miley, "Anything worth loving would die in here!" Then, later, while they were still in the room, Miley sees Lilly calling someone on her cell phone and asks what she is doing, and Lilly answers, "I'm calling my mom to tell her I love her, just in case I die or something" (not the exact quote, but whatever) So clearly, Lilly thinks she is worth loving! (of Jackson) 36) We're SO sorry Uncle Earl: The beginning scene speaks for itself. Lilly jumps practically on top of Jackson on the couch, Oliver pushes him towards her, Miley pushes him towards her. Basically, they couldn't have been sitting closer unless she was on his lap (which she practically was). 37) We're so sorry Uncle Earl: It is shown once again that Lilly gets and loves Jackson's sense of humor by laughing at his imitation of the critic in the kitchen. Also, they conversed about Uncle Earl being the "hott one" (Just another instance where they're getting closer- they never used to talk to each other like that) 38) We're so sorry Uncle Earl: (stretch) When Lilly and Oliver run out saying they're going to the dentist, Jackson offers to drive seemingly to get out of the room, but all of us lackson fans know that he really just wanted to spend more time with Lilly and be there to keep her away from Oliver (not that they'd do anything). 39) Lilly says she hates Oliver 38 times in one episode. How much more can you hate a person? (The Way We Almost Weren't) 40) adamash18 mentioned to me that Jackson always makes fun of Oliver and Miley, but he hardly ever does to Lilly. 41) trisha.218- In Hoedown Throwdown's music video, Jackson and Lilly are seen dancing together very adorablely. LJ Jen is my official beta, and first ever fanfiction friend. :D Yay her! Check out her stories under the penname, SVUlover. RACHIEEEEE (My hero for creating Luke) (No Ifs Ands or Maybes), Lindsey (My spaghetti cat loving sister) (AndImTheQueenOfSheba), Megan (my evil bitch twin) (megabegga), Lani (my fellow Luke lover) (BeautifulxxDisasterx), I dont think Im allowed to say his name (BUT I WAS THE FIRST PERSON TO KNOW IT (online) SO YAY ME) GodzillaGuy and of course Mari (the funnest person you will ever have the pleasure of meeting) (AlwaysxAddicted) are amazing, so check out their profiles too! Quotes (as if you needed proof of how fun we are): Meg (talking to Rachie) IN MY HEAD I IMAGINE YOU GETTING DOWN ON YOUR KNEES TO LICK SOMETHING John: (class is silent and looking to him to answer the teacher's question of why everyone was laughing) At least once a week I go to bed fully clothed and wake up completely naked. Meg: Suppose I called you up tonight and told you that I loved you Me (at the hyperest moment of my life around 3 am one night): Im bouncing up and down on my bed Mari: LMAOOOOOOOOOO Mari: OMG Mari:I CAN ONLY IMAGINE Me: LMAO Me: its quite entertaining Me: bouncy bouncy bouncy Me: i think the springs are too loud Me: im gonna wake someone up Mari: LMAO Mari: XD Mari: and its going to sound like you were doing something naughty Lani: bangs head on wall repeatedly, but softly as to not awaken parentals Rachie: you think you have problems...I just mixed up names and made a mother say something sexual to her son...shudder shudders shudders throws up shudders Rachie: i hear a monster at my door. I bet it's Mocha the guinea pig. I feel like she's been betting bigger each day, as if she's on rodent steroids. I bet she's a mutant giunea pig now that will eat me. Lindsey: i'm not even allowed to take WATER out of the kitchen or DR...my parents are majorly paranoid...they think i'll spill, and that fungus will grow under the carpet and eat us all... Lindsey: I ALMOST GOT DECAPITATED BY A BOWLING PIN! Meg: LMFAO! Lindsey: SERIOUSLY, IT FELL OFF THE SHELF AND ALMOST HIT ME IN THE HEAD! AFTER MY HEADLESS BARBIES AND SOME SEASHELLS FROM FLORIDA FELL ON ME AND A PAINTING OF BETTY BOOP ALMOST SLICED MY ARM OFF! Lindsey: omg this song bugs me so much! she's like, "Stomach's so full, that i wish i could choke" well what is her stomach full of, and what is she choking on? Lindsey: i have this theory that that song is about bulimia. like, she eats alot, feels guilty (wishes she would choke) takes a bunch of laxitives, and when she leaves the house "bam, it hits me like a ton of those red bricks" or whatever...and she has to use the bathroom! Lindsey: "I swear sometimes I can't tell Which way is up, which way is down" WHEN YOU HAVE AN EATING DISORDER YOUR BODY ORGANS GO BAD, AND IT USUALLY STARTS WITH THE BRAIN! SHE'D BE CONFUSED! Me: YEAH! OR! HER HEADS STUCK IN THE TOILET AFTER PUKING! Lindsey: LOL YEAH! THAT'S A BETTER POSSIBILITY Alyssa: YAY Lindsey: "What I'd give to turn it off To make it stop, I gotta make it stop Gotta make it stop" maybe she wants the disorder to stop!? "It's all up in my face, need to push it away Some body push it away, so all that i can hear" OMG HER HEAD IS STUCK IN THE TOILET, SO SHE CAN'T HEAR, AND IT'S ALL IN HER FACE AND OMG THIS IS SOOOO ABOUT BULIMIA! lol this is fun Meg (doing a math problem): how am i supposed to know why she gets more money from 11-1:15...maybe shes a prostitute and thats when shes fucking and she gets paid Meg: (her ringtone was a guy screaming YEAH!! but not sexually) you texted me this morning and my phone was on high and it scared the crap out of me i tought some murderer was in my house fucking himself or something Lindsey: Maybe I'll go drink some bleach and get out of it Lindsey: If they still used lead in pencils, eating this picture would kill a person. GodzillaGuy (Apparently Im not allowed to say his name) (to me): You're making it so hard Rachie: LMAO raises eyebrows Lindsey: dude jennie where you go? i taped nick's crotch back on Lindsey: crickets chirp Jen: YAY NICKY'S DICK! Me: SOMEBODY CALL 911 SHORTY FIRE BURNING ON THE DANCE FLOOR Megan: ? Me: YOU NEVER HEARD THAT SONG? OMG I KNOW I SONG YOU DONT! OMG OMG HAPPY DAY Megan (referring to Knowing, the movie we were just talking about before my outburst): i probably have but i thought you wre talking about the part where he called he FBI SIGN THE DASEY PETITION AND LACKSON PETITION!! Click me to make Dasey happen!! http:///petition/Lackson/index.html Are you confused on how to sign? 1. Click on "Petition Text" at the top of the page. 2. Type in your name (How you want it to appear on petition) 3. Type in E-mail (Stays private) 4. COMMENT!! Give 'em your best, fic writers! 5. Click "Sign Petition"...If you see a page asking for a donation, this is ONLY voluntary. You have already signed the petition For people who criticize non-cannon ships: "Using logic against a fanfiction community is like spitting at the sun to put it out." - Hastur |
Community: | Lackson! |
Focus: | TV Shows Hannah Montana |