Reviews for Pieces In Time
Ella1989 chapter 111 . 10/31/2012
It was very umm.. Derek!
bsloths chapter 111 . 10/30/2012
Love it! Classic LwD, classic Dasey!
Promise-V chapter 111 . 10/28/2012
Whoa! Got an email alert for this story and had to read it! I love these drabbles. Glad to see this is still being updated :)
Dark-Supernatural-Angel chapter 111 . 10/27/2012
LOL! Oh that's an amusing prank...a waste of good toast but an amusing prank. ;D

Nicely done
Update soon
Boris Yeltsin chapter 111 . 10/27/2012
No idea what Tumblr is.
allie chapter 110 . 9/21/2012
you have the best timing ever, the day after you posted this the cast of the show got together to do a reading of a new pilot script for a new season, did you hear?! it's all over twitter!
bsloths chapter 110 . 9/18/2012
Hey, a little burst of Dasey unexpectedly is never a bad thing! Glad to see you back! This was cute.
Dark-Supernatural-Angel chapter 110 . 9/17/2012
Oh what a clever way to use the song.

Nicely done
Update soon!
bsloths chapter 109 . 7/19/2011
haha that's great! Great twist at the end, and very cute - though you did have me worried for a second about Ralphie!
Dark-Supernatural-Angel chapter 109 . 7/17/2011

At first I thought it might have been Dasey and Ralph was kind of the 'middle man' as he checked on Casey for Derek (don't know why but that's the thought that originally came to me when I read this...that is until I read the last

Update soon!
Boris Yeltsin chapter 109 . 7/17/2011
LOL, pretty funny.
Constantinox3 chapter 108 . 7/10/2011
Kay, here's the story. I stumbled across this story, and got hooked instantly. I read all 108 chapters in one sitting, yeah, in sad, I know hahah. But it was just that interesting. I especially loved the Dasey drabbles! They were really cute, and the random ones were funny. Hopefully you continue! :)
morallygreydesi chapter 108 . 4/3/2011
Continue..Please :D

This is the best collection ever!
Jess druccillamalfoyrox chapter 108 . 3/28/2011
Glad you updated!

To lazy to login, but as always, love your drabble!

Can't wait for another one (no matter how long the wait is :) )

They are always worth the wait!
Dark-Supernatural-Angel chapter 108 . 3/24/2011
Oh I love it that he will drop everything to go to Casey if she needed him and I love the reasoning he gave to why he HAD to go.

Can't wait for the next drabble. I can't believe I hadn't read these sooner.

Update soon!
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