![]() Author has written 14 stories for Harry Potter, and Buffy: The Vampire Slayer. HOWDIE DOO everyone, this is a shared account whereby we (two best friends by the names of Michelle and Harriet) write our stories. Before we describe our stories, here's a little about us: 0. We don't really write fic anymore. Someday if we have a mega surge of motivation, the WIPs may be finished. Pretty much, don't hold your breath. Sorry guys. 1. We're 19, and live in Australia. 2. We have a passion (cough unhealthy obsession cough) for Harry Potter and all things associated with it. Yup, that's right we love it all - Fanfic, Fanart, Fan-anything really. We even made Sirius Black sock puppets! (that's dedication) It is abnormal for us to go a day without making Harry Potter references of some kind. A lot of the time we talk as if the characters are real people. We especially love James/Lily & Marauders era. 3. We agree than Dan Radcliffe is indeed hot, as is Tom Felton and Robert Pattinson. 4. In addition to our Harry Potter addiction, we also rather love Star Wars, though not to the same extent. This love would explain the "Darth" part in our name. 5. We share a common taste in music - that being "good". Billy Talent, I Am Ghost, Rise Against, Bullet For My Vallentine, Avenged Sevenfold, Taking Back Sunday, From First To Last, Escape The Fate, Senses Fail, Mest (the list continues) are some of our favourites. 6. Darth Spots is a bloody awesome athlete (she is super talented) and Darth Stripes is into music (she plays, sings etc and is crazy awesome). 7. We have recently become - for lack of other words - completely and hopelessly immersed in an obsessive love with the TV Show 'Supernatural'. I think it doesn't really need to be said, but Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles are the sex. 8. Buffy The Vampire Slayer is brilliant. I love Joss Whedon. 9. Our friends think we're crazy, and we'd have to agree with them. For those whom it may concern: Michelle (Darth Stripes) has an email address: michelle_w_91@ and Harriet (Spots) is at fezyll@ Feel free to email us about our stories, or... whatever else you want to talk to us about. We also have LiveJournals, though Shell doesn't look at hers, ever. I am a frequent updater though, so if you would like to chat to me, that is the most effective way. Come and friend me! Who do we ship? Our main ships would be Lily/James, Sirius/Remus, Oliver/Katie and Draco/Harry. (what can we say? we find slash funny) Harriet's other fandom shippings: Ten/Rose, J2, Dean/Sam, Jack/Ten, Jack/Ianto, Jack/Real Jack, Brian/Justin, Maxxie/Tony, Lucas/Peyton, Lucas/Nathan, plus the above shippings. Yes, i am a slash fan. STORIES: 1. "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Firewhiskey" - Our co-authored parody of the fourth book/movie. Hopefully will be updated soon, but no promises here. (do beware, this was our first shot at fiction, so its a tad odd :D) 2. "A Blueberry Muffin And Lily" - a (damn good) fic written by Darth Spots following the relationship of Lily and James throughout the course of their seventh year at Hogwarts. (That will eventually be finished, it isn't abandoned!) 3. "Apples, Arrogance and Amour" - an (aweseomely awesomeful) LJ oneshot written by Darth Stripes concerning aliens, apples and other insanities. 4. "Dealing with a Marauder" - written by Darth Stripes... read the summary below. Chapter 10 is POSTED! Epilogue coming soon. 5. "Dreams of a Sixteen year Old" - written by Darth Stripes, Emo Lily comes out to play. Donno why I wrote it, but I did and I kind of hate it. See what you think if you're in the mood. 6. "All these things I hate" - written by Darth Spots. A bit of an emo Lily ramble, I'm thinking of re-writing the ending. 7. "Snapshots of a Life" - written by Darth Spots. A series of (hopefully amusing) scenes from James and Lily's time at Hogwarts. 8. "Lily Evans' Unhealthy Hunch" - written by Michelleeeee (Darth Stripes); Lily thinks James is cheating on her, and therefore stalks him (hey - any sane girlfriend would). Summary below. 9. "Guilt's A Funny Thing" - written by Michelle. The story about how James discovers his love for Miss Evans. Erm, it's on the short side of things, but good I hope none the less. 10. "Curse Of The Rhyming Words" - oneshot, written by Michelle. Another take on James & Lily getting together, of course. Humour-ish and fluffy. Very fluffy. But we all need a little fluff in our lives. Full and better Summary below. 11. "Significant Looks" - a Buffy: The Vampire Slayer fic, by Michelle. Spike & Xander remember a certain night, and its ... memorable events. Oneshot - Spander isn't too intense... just insinuated, mainly. Coming Soon: - Nothing at the moment: Slammed with uni and not doing much writing! Erm... Title-less Garbage? Darth Stripes (Michelle) says: Blast! I always forget that I'm Darth Stripes... I'm such a silly twat (NOT to be confused with the INCORRECT spelling "Twot"). I would also like to state that BLOCK EXAMS are not good. No, not at all. I haven't updated my fic in one month and now it's going to be incredibly hard to do so because of school. Eugh. I'm very sorry to my (very few) readers. I WILL update soon, I swear, I'm really close. Oh the woes of life - what am I to do Darth Spots?! dramatic sigh Darth Spots (Harriet) says: Yes, i am a horrible updater too... apologies to readers on hpff and ff, coz i havent updated in around two months. exam block sucks it, because now i have a reason not to write, and now i want to. Talk about bad timing. Oh welll... Stripes, you are to use your days off in exam block (as shall i) to write fic. whoo for my brilliant plans! lets all eat muffins. (of the toasting variety, with butter and honey) Darth Stripes: Hah, my friend you are a funny one. I updated! Huzzah. Block. Yuck. Okay. This message is boring, but I'm going to leave it here anyways. Michelle (again... honestly I feel like I'm talking to MYSELF here): Woo. Erm. Darth Spots is currently suffering the deepest torture: a physics exam, as we speak. HA. Let's all laugh at her. I wonder if she'll ever read this...Anyways the REAL point of this message is to say that I saw this thing going around on peoples' profiles about reviewing every story they read. And hey - just thought I'd say I'll hop on that bandwagon. Lots of love to all who review! (because really, Reviews are the simplest and most effective form of love. I swear.) Harriet: No, i shan't ever read our own damn profile page. smacks back of shell's head hello everyone! i haven't been here for so long... i have been immersed in the Supernatural fandom and i have to say, i am now addicted to J2 and wincest. t'is love. if you're bored, which i shall assume you are since your are reading our profile page, go have a look at my livejournal page, leave a comment or two.. you know, spread the love a bit. http:/// :D you know you really do want to. so im leaving now. fare thee well. Michelle: So I'm all like... addicted to Buffy the Vamp Slayer, yeah? I blame my sister, that horrible person. And I'm also all like... where do they hide these good BtVS fics, yo'? Does anyone know? Please send any links you like to my email address (it's above...somewhere...) In other news: I updated Dealing With A Marauder, let us rejoice and celebrate. I just realised there's one slash that the HarryPottedFandom have not really gotten into yet - James/Sirius. I mean, they have slash for just about everyone, but I've not once seen a slash between these two... interesting...Erm, THE EEEENNDDD. love |