Author has written 3 stories for Final Fantasy IX, and Harry Potter. Updated: 22/1/2005 Okay, updating again. i figure i'll just do stuff like this when want to let you guys know things. Anyway, don't be surprised if you suddenly get loadsof Author Alerts from me. I'm going to go through my fics and correct the grammaticalerrors andmistakes that have annoyed me to no end. I'll probably end up puttingin extra stuff too, but not crucial or anything, so you don't have to go back and read it. By the way, i don't suppose you know if my reviews will get cancelled when i swap chapters do you? Hello, one and all, i'm updating this once again. In light of recent events (good results.), i'm allowed to glue myself to the computer. Updated 30/12/2004 (Isn't it a lovely date? One of the last days of the year!) Alrighty, what you need to know about me. Erm... Ok, i'm a teenage girl who has loads of romantic dreams and strange notions just bursting to get out of her. I have dark hair and eyes and the attention span of a gnat. If you're talking to me, don't be surprised if i trail off or change the subject. That just means i've forgotten what i'm talking about. By now, you ought to know how forgetful i am. People have asked me to review their stories, if i haven't that just means i've forgotten. i mean, if i can forget where i'm going, what tests i have, what class i have... i can obviously forget that. i suppose the most troublesome thing is that i forget where i put my stuff, be it bags, pens, pencils, clothes or drafts. You lot better be concerned when i forget where i put my drafts. i love reading, writing, drawing, acting, eating and cheerleading. But, this does not compare to my main love, SHOPPING! i suppose i also like anime, (Rave, Sayuki, Ranma 1/2 etc.) and movies. Though i can't say much about the Harry Potter movies, i mean, i worship the books, but the movies? They're not bad, just not... the books. The only movie that i've truly adored is the LOTR series, and this is mostly because Legolas looked so damn cute! Although i am a fan of Orlando Bloom, i think he looks way better with the blonde wig. On to my stories. Happily Ever After, Not: A fic based on Final Fantasy IX. Did i forget to mention that i'm madly in love with that game? Anyway, i'm putting it on hold because i want to finish my Harry Potter fics first. But, i shall never give it up! Never! what am i talking about again? Wait a minute, let me check. Oh yeah. Fics. Bring It On: An L/J fic. They're my favourite pairing after all. I'm not sure when i'm going to update the 13th chapter. i've only written out the first page. did anyone else notice the number 13? 13... unlucky... don't get me wrong, i'm not completely superstitious, just rather. i suppose i don't quite like that number. Bring It On is not about cheerleading. The Diaries Of The Perfection Of Sirius Black: If you're wondring why i've capitilized certain words that aren't meant to be capitilized, it's because it's a policy for my story. Read it to understand. This story started of as a way to vent my boredom in the middle of the night. It was basically my imagination and some random thoughts i have. All of this was started by my love of the great Sirius Black. This love has only grown stronger when he was killed off! (Bursts into tears.) All of this is dedicated to Sirius. I bring in some Characters from 'Bring It On', but my story is not based on it. That's about it then. Oh, yeah. i'm pretty open to most ships, but my particular favourites are. Lily/James: Lord, they were meant for each other! If you think they could ever be with anyone else, you are delusional! Draco/Ginny: I was never very particular about this till i read the fic 'Serpent's Bride' by reiko. It's an amazing story and truly made me fall into the D/G category. Remus/OC Sirius/OC: Sirius deserves somebody! As long as the OCs have character, it's fine by me! P.S. i hate the ones with Serverus and Hermione or whatever. i don't know why, but i find it just sick. Oh, and by my OC statements above, you should be able to tell that i despise it when people say that Remus/ Sirius is gay! i loathe reading about it! i only stick by the story if the L/J is great, like Outward Appearances by Jubilee3. Let me now proceed by making a statement. I do not like slash fics! i have nothing against homosexuals, but i think it's just wrong to accuse people of being gay when there's no proof. i hate it when i see fics with Remus/Sirius, Draco/Harry, Legolas/Aragorn etc! And the most sick thing, i saw a fic with a summary of HP/JP! THAT IS DISGUSTING!!!! I fully understand and accept that people can write what they want, and i can't stop them. But, i figure that i'll just let my opinion be heard. Human rights and all. Toodles! Yours, ~Elven Dagger~ (Mad Authoress) P.P.S: Note the word 'Authoress', i'm a feminist. i believe that women are men's equals! Though we may not be as strong, we more that make up for it in other fields. So there! (Sticks out tongue.) Yes, i do realise that i'm amazingly immature. |
Community: | Melodies of Life |
Focus: | Games Final Fantasy IX |