Oh no! Not another chapter of PotGH!


Sirius and James were bouncing in their seats at the great hall waiting for dinner to be served. Remus exhaled loudly. "Where were you two off to earlier?" he asked.

The two boys giggled in response.

Remus raised an eyebrow.

"They were down in the kitchen, Remus," Peter said helpfully, "they brought me back some treacle tart."

"Peter, you shouldn't eat sweets before dinner," Remus admonished gently.

"Sorry, Mommy," Sirius snickered, "we won't bring Peter treats before dinner again."

Peter blushed. Remus grumbled. Dumbledore was making some sort of announcement that he probably should have been listening to. "Tuck in," was all he caught, and then there was food on the tables.

This whole 'pirate' thing was getting ridiculous.

"Gravy, Remus?" James offered dispite the fact that Remus hadn't put anything on his plate yet. He was grining widely.

"You transfigured the gravey boats into miniature pirate ships," Remus stated, unimpressed.

"No!" Sirius insisted, "Watch!" He pointed over to the Slytherin table. Remus looked over just in time to see Snape get shot in the face with a gravy cannon from the mini ship.

James, Sirius, and Peter were all rolling with laughter at the sight. Snape wasn't the only one to get attacked by the gravy pirates. All of the gravy boats had come to life and were shooting at each other and the students.

Remus sighed heavily. There was no way his two friends were getting away from this with anything less then a month of detention, especially considering the look on Professor Mcgonagall's gravey coated face.


There you have it. Thanks for reading.