Hey, all. I used to write fanfictions regularly, but over the years I've started to focus more on my original works. I'm unlikely to post any more stories on here (except perhaps a Final Fantasy XIII one I've been planning), so now this account is just for me keeping track of my favorite stories and authors. If you still wish to know anything about me: You may call me by my username, or "hey, you!" I don't care which! I'm a sophomore in college, studying Biochemistry and Creative Writing, and hoping to pursue forensic science (and maybe write a novel one day). I love gaming, writing, drawing portraits, and watching Let's Plays on YouTube (primarily Stephenplays). Favorite Movies: How to Train Your Dragon 1 & 2, Lord of the Rings trilogy, Gattaca, Aliens Favorite Games: Okami, Lost Odyssey, Fire Emblem: Awakening, Kid Icarus: Uprising, The Last of Us, BioShock, Final Fantasy XIII and XIII-2 (Lightning Returns... *sigh*) Favorite TV shows: Fringe, Psych, Scrubs, Shark Tank Favorite Music Genre: Instrumental and orchestral soundtrack If for some reason, you want to be friends on 3DS or PS3, you can PM me. Though I have an Xbox 360, I don't have Xbox live, so no need to ask for my gamertag. If you read through this all, have a fantastic day. |