No, this isn't another chapter though even I wish it could have been. This is a big thank you to all my reviewers! I hope I got all your names right! Thank you so much, especially the ones who've been so regular and kind with their reviews! I will put the names of everyone who reviews the last chapter also, so don't let that be an excuse to not review! And a big thank you to everyone who read and/or put this story on alerts and favourite lists :)

So a HUGE thank you to:

pigckle8 (my first reviewer!), Lizzle09, Professor of Pig-latin, froggyparty96, BuzzCat, spydrgurl9, Ranma's girl1, SucksRoyalHippogriff, Arteest456, ghostofyourlastlaugh, mischief managed-not, minerva07, SucksRoyalHippogirff, thePhonyOversized, ClamKidToTheRescue, the frozen cherry, emandem, cottoncandylover11, Hanhan123, TorpedoKitteh, Gunther123, DanniGirrl001, crazychika13, , GabyXeni22, nikegirl0329, charleyhpottergryffindor, PkmnLuver292, HarryPotterpwns, Luna Lundgren, Damon'sBitch, CLA I love , Godrico Gryffindor, Imaginone, wisegirlweasley, phee 15, IvyBean, Queen Alexandera's Birdwing, OfPhoenixandHolly, theloveinhereyes, chocolate fish, isigirl, FlutePower, JustinneXD, bamanda808, xStoryOfUsx, Arielle 12, A La DarkAngel, Little Emily, Almost Genius, Becky-Grimshaw, lucypotter13, Artemis115, CookieLivcat, he-be-forgot, J., DracoHermioneForever, Marauderette96, Just-As-Loony-As-Luna, Lunar-Eclipse22, Married-To-Punk, Vanillaberries, .wolves, ., Somesets, MasterSerina83, belleblu13, lunathevamp, Expecto Patronum14, PrincessDripDrop, PureAwesomeness13, BellaCullen1789, wisegirlweasley, SiriusBlackisSeriuslyfunny333, Seriously addicted to DM, Afrenchgirl, Samesinlove, karoolis, amy-x-ian-forever, kaykay844, Fiori Omega, SpiritedWind, lady-chan, Bellaroe, TruthHurtsLikeHell, ShortieGirl1, TheOneBehindItAll, PrinceDice1, MJ Potter Black Weasley, littleLaralevin, harryginny9, sugarrush12, Vanillaberries, LittleRueFlower, Cookies and Cream 1234567, JulPer12, Emzy Potter, Fantasylover2342, .Singer.14, katiebeth004, ckincaidx3, soccersymmes, Daisara Belle, , AMessofPickles, Staralej, etyoubrute, .Cute, lightningscarpotter, SavingViolets, darkangel20098, H.L., AshJaz, Twikadevra, Chessa-Sirius-Black, m0rganosity, Crazy-Sly Angel Cullen, scentedcandleflames, Perfluent, JustAnotherWeasleyGirl, trickster princess, iwishiwasdhampir, TheOneBehindItAll, Violet Bleu, harryginny9, xLycheerain, mugglelover88, kk14517, RealGirlsHaveCurves

As I said, I will update this with the names of the reviewers for the previous chapter, so review it! :)

Thank you once again! I was so happy to see such a long list!