Reviews for Harvest Moon TV!
guest chapter 31 . 10/6/2018
Wow, a whole 12 years have passed
Hikari of the Moon chapter 16 . 3/20/2007
Aw! I thought this was hilarious! Jack was perfectly stupid and sweet at the same time! And the ending felt just right! It deserves more reviews than it has!
Xiuhcoatl chapter 15 . 12/16/2006
wow... where did you get the name Inthebox from?

Xiuhcoatl chapter 9 . 12/16/2006
ok.. weird and disturbing chapter...
Xiuhcoatl chapter 5 . 12/16/2006
interesting chapter...

Jack is ruining the town's socciety!
Xiuhcoatl chapter 2 . 12/15/2006
he he he... i like this story! It HILARIOUS! I need to finish it quick, so i can read season 2.. tell me if there is a season three already!
Tiger-Cub684 chapter 16 . 12/14/2006

you know, reading of your humble beginings, it reminds me of my own, except my fics aren't half as sucessful as yours (except perhaps MAT), but we're writing with different genre's, so it's difficult to compare the two.

When i first discovered the Super Nintendo game, oh so many years ago, i imagined a continuation, which somehow mixed in with Zelda's Link. I don't know, Zelda and Hervest Moon were the 2 games i was obessing over at the time. But i did, in my mind, alter the story and make my own versions.

It wasn't until many years later, after i discovered the full empire of Harvest Moon and had downloaded all the gameboy roms, especially MFoMT, and imagining writing my own tales, especially after discovering fannfiction, and then HM fanfitcion. And now i have a semi-sucessful fic with bout 12 chapters, a couple of loyal readers and hundreds of hits. The good thing about not being so popular, is you don't have lots of people begging you to update all the time. I can take all the time i need, which is good since the urge to write HM is much less comman then the urge to write Harry Potter and my more original stories.

I guess i've probably bored you enough with my own tale, so, i'll just go now and read the next chapter of season 2. Yay!
Wing Omega chapter 5 . 12/14/2006
Wow Jack's sarter then I thought. Of course that doesn't mean much since a rock is smarter then i thought Jack was.
Joanna Synclare chapter 15 . 11/6/2006
Jack's utter stupididty is what makes this an awsome why did he have to laern how to spell? Also, I love the name he wouln't be as stupid. or should I say, mentally retarded. great story though! can't wait for you to update sequel.
Chicken Yuki chapter 14 . 8/25/2006
I have to admit that this demented fic has satisfied me thoroughly throughout the run it had. Maria going nun, a bunch of guys going away permanantly, and Jack managed to marry Eve! (I would've thought this story would end in bittersweet dissaster with an unusually hope-filled happy ending!) But our hero pulled it off! Now to finish it up...

Perhaps an armageddon-like dissaster is still in the works...
Tiger-Cub684 chapter 15 . 8/25/2006
that was a fantastic finish. Will there be a sequal? it's great. The sequal could be about Inthebox. I reckon he would inherit at least some of his fathers stupidity. that would be funny. The has been one of the best fanfics i have ever read! congrats!
Tiger-Cub684 chapter 14 . 8/23/2006
aww, it's so sad that its gonna end. I really loved this story. It's been a great run. i hope the final leaves us with a metaphorical 'Big bang' and a happy ending. update soon!
Hammermaster chapter 4 . 8/22/2006
wow. To tell you the truth I didn't know if I'd like this or not when I first started reading but its hilarious! I loved the whole problem with remembering presents and all, it was funny. Keep writing.
gsdfgrsty4resyrtusgu chapter 13 . 8/15/2006
it's hilarious, i'd like more!
Tiger-Cub684 chapter 13 . 8/13/2006
that was fantasstic! i was laughing out loud the whole time!i wonder what wil heppen next! please update soon! you are trully the master of funniness!
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