![]() Author has written 11 stories for Harry Potter, and Twilight. My real name is Caerlina, and you can call me Carle or Ashli. My favorite colors are black and red, yes everyone, Goth colors: .gasp. : I will tell you right now my writing patterns are erratic That’s not because I’m busy, it’s because I have Cyclothymia and I write best during hypomania I’m also sorry to say my hypomania highs only last for a day at most, I’m a very rapid-cycler For those of you who have no idea what I’m talking about, Cyclothymia is classified as Bipolar lite Anyway I’m in a very good mood so I will tell you a bit about myself I truly believe Harry and Draco belong together I have curly brown hair and chocolate brown eyes, kind of like Hermione I can speak partial Spanish I am a complex person. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX - Harry Potter Parings I Love: Draco/Hermione- It works. I see Herminoe as the more forgiving one of the trio. Like I said it works. Draco/ Harry- Apsolutely love it! I'm a Slasher, and this is my Favorite slash couple. But I'll also read, some Severus/Harry,and all Lucius/Harry, Blaise/Draco, Tom/Voldemort/Harry, and Dean/Seamus. Blaise/Draco/Hermione- Delish! It's like hottness on a spoon! Blaise/Hermione- Read one, loved it! - Harry Potter Parings I HATE: Ron/Hermione- Gross! It makes my want to take a bloody shower! I don't care if they're DESTINED to be together! Harry/Ginny: Harry Potter was written by a sad little straight woman who thinks Harry and Ginny look sexy together, thankfully, I am not her. AND NO I'M NOT LESBIAN OR BI! Draco/Ron- Never in a million years! So you Draco/Ron shippers get over your selfs! Utterly discusting! Scoop out my heart with a rotten silver spoon will you!? XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX My Quotes (DON'T STEAL!) (I may be a bit morbid, what can I say, death intrests me): X. Death is the only certaninty in life. . . and it's good enough to take your breath away. X. It's the truly evil ones that can hide perfectly behind the masks of sanity. X. Nothing hurts, like nothing at all. X. To face death without fear is true immortality. X. Those who fear darkness have never seen what the light can do. X. If you believe you are the center of the universe and you want the universe to end, it only takes one bullet. X. There is no such thing as innocence, just degrees of guilt. X. They told me to follow my dreams. . . to bad they were always nightmares. X. I'm not an angel, don't look at me like I can save your soul. is a sexualy transmitted disease with a 100 percent mortality rate. X. Make love not war, condoms cost less than guns. X. Blood is the new black, and you wear it so well. X. It's twins, that's so cool, Oh My God! Oh My God!- Karolina. We are so weird. The first part was like in awe and the last OMG was like a 'what the hell!' LMAO X. I love him, But he 'doesn't know me!' XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Ring pictures for Gryffindors can be Slytherin Queens: Wedding ring- http:///albums/u238/BleedMeRed25/18.jpg Eternity bands- http:///albums/u238/BleedMeRed25/28.jpg Malfoy family ring- http:///albums/u238/BleedMeRed25/27.jpg Riddle family ring- http:///albums/u238/BleedMeRed25/30.gif Disclainer! I own none of the stories or characters, execpt some, I only own the plots! |
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