Author has written 5 stories for Zoey 101, and High School Musical.
the queen of the obnoxiously long review
yep, i'm just that cool ;)
& yes, i do enjoyy the kiddie shows.
i used to be wishonastar ox - i've randomly
changed my penname, and i don't really know why.
it means "at first sight," if you're curious.
Heartbreaker (Z101) - Chapter 9 - 60 percent
When Dreams Defer (HSM) - Chapter 17 - 70 percent
a/n, 8/10/10: i'm a dirty little liar. & i'm the worst kind of liar
because i never really mean to lie, it just always seems to happen.
i'm sorry there are no updates. i'm shooting for next week for WDD,
because believe it or not i was working on it today : )
what's on itunes: the 90s mix.
what's on youtube: tough guys singing savage garden. enough said.
lyrics of the moment:
i can't tell you what it really is,
i can only tell you what it feels like.
quote of the moment:
"A moment was the most you could
ever expect from perfection."
- Fight Club
random thought of the moment: i think i can only write
when i'm depressed. that's not really good. c'est ma vie?