Reviews for She's Gonna Break Soon
ChordOverstreetFan chapter 11 . 3/13/2019
You fixed everything wrong with HSM. You have people realizing that Sharpay is an actual person, which really should've been done in the main movies and not a spinoff that most ignore.
KrayKrayKat chapter 11 . 6/7/2015
This was really really good. Usually I don't like inner monologues but you really did a good job on this. I mean everyone hates the perfect girl for some reason. Usually because she's hot what you haven't. And sometimes you've worked so much harder at it than she has. And that hurts.
So I'm glad, because I always thought if she felt a bit more, Sharpay was way better than Gabriella. More precision, more desire.
Of course Ryan is amazing as well.
I liked how Sharpay and Troy get together. It's very sweet. And how he says "everyone fights a battle even if it's just to fight one" and she says "you're the only one who understands that" and he says "I better be" and I just melted.
Really well done.
KrayKrayKat chapter 8 . 6/6/2015
Keep your head up high soldier. That was freaking beautiful.
I always liked the Evan Twins more than everyone else. Sure I don't approve how Sharpay purposely sabotaged the others, technically making Ryan my favorite, I do appreciate their drive.
I mean in HSM 3, Troy ends up leaving both basketball and music, as in not going to the best college for any, just for Gabriella. She gets to do what she wants, but he had to give something up. I was glad to see Ryan and Kelsi go to Julliard and especially because later Sharpay gets her Broadway break.
The point is, the twins are amazing together, they've always been. Their drive and determination far exceeds any chemistry that Troy and Gabriella might have had, because they certainly didn't have more talent than the twins, they were just new.
Anyway I really loved Sharpay in these previous two chapters. So I really hope you've finished this.
MysticalKC chapter 11 . 1/22/2012
Amazing! I love it! :D
xopeaceQTx13 chapter 11 . 1/20/2009
i just said here reading your whole story until midnight! i just couldn't help myself, it was so intriguing and I just couldn't stop reading. This was definitely one of the best hsm fanfics i've ever read. AWESOME JOBB! : )

p.s. i hope you're happy, i have a huge test tomorrow and i'm prob gonna faiL! haha ]
deins chapter 11 . 11/8/2008
it's an awesome story :)
deins chapter 6 . 11/8/2008
awesome story :) keep on writing!
Within Rhythms chapter 11 . 11/7/2008
Where do I begin,

This is just pure gold, dear.


When I started reading this, I imagined Sharpay trapped in this locked world, with no way out.

It was, riveting, to say the least.

Oh, and I've read your other stuff too. They're really good.

And as you can see, I don't write good review. :D

Morkhan chapter 11 . 7/10/2008
FFNet is a gigantic storehouse of crap.

Really, there's no point at all in denying it. The vast- VAST majority of stories on this site are terrible. Poorly written, utterly unrealistic, with characters and dialogue so one-dimensional and wooden, it makes the Barney the Dinosaur movie look like Oscar-worthy material on par with The Godfather.

But lo! In every rough, there are a few diamonds, and with stories like this, I can see that it's worth searching through the crap to find the cream of the crop. I loved this story, what with its lovely characterization and clever dialogue, imperfect characters and multi-dimensionalism. That's not really a word but I made it a word because the story is THAT AWESOME.

The only true criticism I can level at you (and I have to do this when I can, because I think that no matter how good a story or writer is, they can always be better) is that the events in the story often felt very disjointed, especially between chapters. A sense of flow would've been like an extra layer of frosting in the cake.

Kudos to you, and thanks for sharing it with us. ;-)
ah em illi chapter 11 . 4/14/2008
WOW, this was an amazingly wonderful fic.

Thanks for your fabulous writing talent! You've really impacted the way that I see writing! :)

- Emily
tennisplayerx33 chapter 11 . 3/24/2008
i'm in love with this! heart it!


reader91 chapter 11 . 3/21/2008
this was an awesome sorry i didnt catch it while you were writing it but u did a great job...i loved sharpays character in this fic...the story was filled with cute, funny, sad, and intense moments which is everything a good story should have...great job!
Gryffindor Princess chapter 11 . 9/5/2007
I loved it and I loved the ending! This story was so deep and amazing. The second person POV worked extremely well here, and I think it really enhanced the emotion! I loved how the story was kinda like a songfic, but not with a whole complete song, but bits of different ones that told the story! I just loved this story so thank you! YOU ROCK!
Gryffindor Princess chapter 8 . 9/5/2007
I love this story! I've always hated that people show Sharpay as the villain, too. She has always been my favorite character and I've always hated Gabriella. She is the fakest person in the whole movie. I cried when I read Sharpay's speech, I really did.
just-goforit chapter 11 . 9/2/2007
So I def just read your fic for the second time. Now that I've listened to some of the music things started clicking! I love angsty stories. And Speeding Cars is THE BEST Imogen Heap song. I do like Hide and Seek too though. This was a great story the second time around. I liked it before but now I love it.
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