All I Have Ever Wanted
By: Jaw288
Disclaimer: Sadly, I do not own twilight or New Moon... Stephenie Meyer does. But that doesn't mean I can't dream. All I own is this laptop and maybe a few characters I might throw in.
Damn this cursed sun thats always stopping me from being with my love, Edward. Bella thought to herself angrily as she opened her groggy eyes and stared unbelievably through her open window at the hardly ever seen bright blue sky.
To others this would be an amazingly beautiful day, but to Bella Swan, a beautiful day was quite the opposite. Her vampire boyfriend Edward, would not be able to attend school with her unless he wanted to expose his entire family by sparkling like a million diamonds in the sunlight.
It was in the middle of Bellas whining in her mind that she remembered that Edward was with her and that he had his strong icy arms wrapped around her waist.
Edward could sense that she was upset. "Bella, my love. What's wrong?"
Bella was silent and did nothing but point to the open window.
Understanding shown on Edward's face and he flashed her a crooked smile.
"What on earth could make you be happy about being apart from me for a whole day?"
"Who said anything about being apart?"
"But the sun..."
"It's saturday, love."
"Oh... well that changes everything." Bella smiled and wrapped her slender arms around Edward's neck and kissed him lightly on the lips. Edward tensed for a moment and then returned her kiss, still guardedly, to ensure that he would not hurt her or let his vampire instincts take over and do something unforgivable.
After awhile, Edward pulled away and whispered in Bella's ear seductively, "Why don't you go take your shower and then I have a special surprise for you."
"Edward! You know I hate surprises!" Bella whined.
"Oh, but you'll like this one." Edward said playfully kissing Bella's neck making her almost hyperventilate.
"I always like your surprises."
"I know."
Bella went in to take her shower and as soon as she left the room, Edward ran home to change into new clothes, because this was a day that he had been waiting for ever since he and Bella had proclaimed their love for one another.
As soon as Bella got into the shower she began to smile and silently laugh to herself.
Today is the day that I will surprise Edward. I love his surprises, but I think that I need to take a big step. I just hope he doesn't reject me.
What neither of them knew was that they were about to have one of the most important weeks of their lives together and it all would start that day.
Well that is it so far. I hope you like it. I'm sorry its so short. I didn't want to write too much in case nobody likes it. I'm going to be nice so if I get at least 5 reviews I will update. I already have it planned out and all the rest of the chapters will be much longer. Just so you know I review every story I read. I am often a multiple So just click that little purple button it takes like 10 sec. Lol. Thanks so much.