Author has written 10 stories for Last Exile, Thor, Captain America, Batman Begins/Dark Knight, Snow White and the Huntsman, Labyrinth, A song of Ice and Fire, and Rise of the Guardians. Full-time chem lab technician, full-fledged night creature, and native Floridian. Updates aren't always regular, but I try not to neglect any of my stories for too long. Favorite pairings; BaneTalia, LokiSif, SanSan, Gabriel/Audrey (Legion), Dramione, Tywin/Joanna, JarethSarah, Zutara If you've enjoyed my stories, please leave me a review. I love feedback :) Goblins & Nightmares Chapter 2 Sarah's dress reference: http:///wsphoto/v0/622689038/girls-prom-font-b-dresses-b-font-Couture-Evening-Chiffon-font-b-Black-b-font-font.jpg |
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