Author has written 20 stories for Teen Titans, and Avatar: Last Airbender. Look. I'm sorry, but I'm not writing fanfiction anymore. I'm just not. I began writing fanfiction when I was thirteen, and it was a great way to start, but now I want to create my own characters and write my own stories; be my own author. There comes a time where you simply move on. And I'm sorry to say I have. I'm still writing on Fictionpress, FF's sister site, and if you want to continue to read some of my works, send me a PM asking for my new pen name. :) I will leave my stories up for sake of memories, but, again, I'm sorry, I won't be continuing them. So, please, don't send me any more messages, begging me to finish my FF stories--because I won't. I don't need the extra guilt trip. I'm a different person now with different interests. I'm going to leave FF with my last thoughts revolving around this site as this: 1. When you start making OC's with real personality and potential, that probably means its time you move onto your own writing. You say you want to be a published author; well, you won't get there writing off someone else's idea. (I don't mean to sound dissuading of fanfiction, but I'm just being honest.) 2. Don't change the canon character's pasts to fit your plot. Again; that probably means you're ready to have a hand at your own characters. 3. In Fanfiction, stories generally involve romance of the author's choosing. So that means when you stumble across a story with a couple you don't like, don't read it. Particularly, don't "flame on their n00bez asz." 4. No one is perfect. Stop pretending your original characters are. And the fact that they cut, angst regularly, have an abusive parent and/or dramatic past don't count. 5. It's great you want to picture how your preferred coupling gets together outside the original show, book, movie, etc, but please don't get them together over nothing or the same thing everyone else is writing. Hope that helps. Over and out, it was great, Egglette |
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