Reviews for Alone These Tears Won't Stop
Not G. Ivingname chapter 1 . 1/15/2008
sad, implying bbrae I hope
realfanficts chapter 1 . 6/15/2006
O.K. I'm working my way up your finished stories.

I didn't have access to the song, but I did like this little one-shot well enough without it.

P.S. Did you write this before the season end? For the life of me I can't remember when that was!
RobinRocks chapter 1 . 1/27/2006
Oh, that was beautiful...

Honestly, I never realised how well that song fitted Beast Boy's afterthoughts of Terra. Well executed, and with just the right touch of melancholy. Not too OTT. I would think that BB would actually have quite a hard time showing REAL emotion, despite being the drama queen of the team. But Terra was someone he really cared about, so I think it would cut him so deeply he wouldn't actually be able to properly comprehend his sadness. I wrote a little BBxTerra-after-her-death fic called "Ends of the Earth". It's sort of like this, but it's based on a poem by Rupert Brooke instead of a song, and it's written in first person, from BB's P.O.V, like Flaws was from Robin's.

On other notes; I like Robin best - duh - but I agree with you that he is a jerk sometimes. Funny, though, and I guess I like him anyway.

AND I read your little poem on your profile and it is EXCELLENT. You have a real talent for poetry. -

AND... I totally agree with you about the Teen-Titans-being-cancelled thing. I have always thought it to be a scam as well. And personally I think it will be back. CN and WB would have to be seriously retarded not to make another series of it at the peak of its popularity. Come on, it's the most popular show on CN, and the merchandising alone probably makes thousands of dollars a year. They'd have to be really insane; I'm sure they're not gonna go; "Oh, well, we have so much money from this thing already, we don't really want any more..."


Oh, and one more thing you might wanna be careful of. I just got a notice from the site admins today; my one-shot “Underneath Your Clothes” – RobinxRaven, to Shakira’s song of the same name – just got banned because someone reported me because I had illicit song lyrics in it. Apparently you aren’t supposed to have song lyrics in a fic if they are not yours. I AM FURIOUS! But also I am just warning you to be careful because yours might get banned too. I hope that you don’t fall victim to the same spiteful scum that I did. Maybe if you put a MASSIVE disclaimer along the top of this fic. Like; “NOT MINE: EVANESCENCE’S!”.

Hope this doesn’t get banned too.

- RobinRocks x
Naein chapter 1 . 1/21/2006


The tears are threatening to flow.

That captured the moment perfectly.