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![]() Author has written 12 stories for Treasure Planet, Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Teen Titans, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Lost Boys, Little Mermaid, W.I.T.C.H., Victorious, Frozen, and Attack on Titan/進撃の巨人. Ciao! Congratulations on coming across my profile. Hope that everything you find here is to your liking! A little about me: I’m one of those lazy, sporadic type authors that go on a sort of crack-cocaine type updating spree every once in awhile but then vanishes for months to a year... You have been warned. My username is something I've been stuck with since 6th grade, which is when this account started... those who know, might already gather where the name comes from, but if you don't, it's from the Warriors book series about the cats in the forest lmao. I've thought about changing it MANY times but at this point I have no idea what I'd even change it to, so for now I've resigned myself to embracing the cringe. Other than that, I obsess over fictional characters perhaps too much? See below for specifics. I’m a Slytherin/Horned Serpent, a Virgo, INFP, and Team Mystic! I adore sleeping in, curse too much, am unhealthily obsessed with the Harry Potter world, love horror, am overly cautious about grammar unless I’m being silly on purpose, and I love the 80s a lot. LINKS: Tumblr: spottedleafpaw AO3: Spottedleafpaw Pintrest: Spottedleafpaw UPCOMING/CURRENT PROJECTS: - Harry Potter/W.I.T.C.H. crossover [Harry Potter and the Guardians of Kandrakar - see below!] current - Leo/Nico (Valdangelo) story [Il fuoco di vero amore - see below!] on hold HARRY POTTER RELATED PROJECTS: The only HP project I am currently inspired to work on is my Harry Potter/W.i.t.c.h. crossover. I'm aware I have already attempted something similar a long time ago, but my writing has vastly improved since that one began, and I've gone ahead and updated/edited it to best fit my current vision... This new & improved one will be much better. Way cooler. ;) Obviously it will take place at Hogwarts mostly, but I'll try to make the events occurring there less predictable, less obvious, and completely my own! I don't want to people telling me I've stolen other people's ideas and whatnot. I've quite honestly never read any other HP/W.I.T.C.H. fanfics because I've always been put out by the pairings listed on most of them (Will/Harry is too cookie-cutter predictable and I dislike them as a couple, and pretty much every single fic has this listed as the main pairing). On that note, the pairings in my own work will not be predictable or expected... Like, at all. Ha. They will be carefully reasoned and thought out, but I wanted to add that as a word of warning there. :) POLLS: Current poll: Story Updates (On Hold stories only) SOME FAVORITES: Music - The Dead Weather, Foo Fighters, The Horrors, Nirvana, The Kills, The Cars, Placebo, The Killers, Gotye, Incubus, twenty one pilots, The Strokes, Arctic Monkeys, Queens of the Stone Age... TV Shows - Good Omens, Sherlock, Once Upon A Time, Victorious, Pushing Daisies, Supernatural, Teen Titans (and Go!), W.I.T.C.H. (although the comic is a million times better), American Horror Story, Martin Mystery, The Secret Circle, Hannibal, Pan Am, Under the Dome, Bates Motel, Hemlock Grove, Doctor Who, Dexter, Tin Man, Wonderfalls Books - Harry Potter, LOTR, Hunger Games, Percy Jackson, Stephen King, and way too much more for me to list here... Anime/Manga - Danganronpa, Attack on Titan/Shingeki no Kyojin, Death Note, Alice in the Country of Hearts (and Clover and all that), Card Captor Sakura, Fruits Basket, Chobits, Bizenghast, Tokyo Mew Mew, Sailor Moon, Studio Ghibli, XXXholic, Tsubasa Chronicle Movies - MCU, The Fearless Vampire Killers, The Goonies, The Lost Boys 1&2, Dream A Little Dream, License to Drive (ok, basically any Feldman movie :P), Harry Potter, LOTR, Labyrinth, Chronicles of Narnia, Disney Movies (Top 4: Little Mermaid, Treasure Planet, Frozen, Sleeping Beauty), Rise of the Guardians, How to Train Your Dragon, Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World, The Devil's Backbone, The Avengers (basically all Marvel movies), High Society, Roman Holiday, Some Like it Hot, Sabrina, Mean Girls, The Village, The Dead Poets Society, The Day After Tomorrow, The Sixth Sense, Sweeney Todd, Unbreakable, Pan's Labyrinth, Signs, Indiana Jones, Hellboy 1&2... Pairings (Crossovers) - Jim/Ariel, Dimitri/Aurora, Will/Fred, Irma/George, Taranee/Ron, Cornelia/Theo, Elsa/Jack Frost, Hiccup/Merida Pairings (Non-Crossovers) - Nico/Leo (Valdangelo), Leon/Kazuichi (Bubblegum Rock), Eren/Armin (Eremin), Rose/10, Tate/Violet, Roman/Peter, Ned/Chuck, Caspian/Edmund, Crowley/Aziraphale, Glitch/Tin Man, Dean/Castiel (Destiel), Bertolt/Annie (BeruAni), Annie/Mikasa (Mikannie), Reiner/Annie, Armin/Annie (AruAni), Alice/Boris, Boris/Ace, Alice/Ace, Peeta/Cato, Cato/Foxface, Anna/Kristoff, Fai/Kurogane, Yuuko/Clow, Watanuki/Doumeki, Raven/Beast Boy, Kidflash/ Jinx, Pietro/Peter, Steve/Natasha, Tony/Pepper, Will/Matt, Will/Nigel, Will/Nash, Beck/Cat (Bat), Sakura/Syaoran, Tohru/Yuki, Kyo/Saki, Percy/Annabeth, Jason/Piper, Frank/Hazel, Thalia/Reyna, L/Light, Dinah/Vincent, Dinah/Edrear, Edaniel/Vincent, Draco/Hermione (Dramione), Hermione/Fred (Fremione), Hermione/Scabior, Harry/Ginny, Luna/George, Draco/Fred, Luna/Dean, Ginny/Blaise, Theo/Daphne. NOTPs - Raven/Robin, Beast Boy/Terra, Will/Caleb, Harry/Hermione, Ariel/Eric, Eren/Mikasa (EreMika - I don't hate on it as much as you'd think, really, but Eremin is my OTP so I just can't ship them!) Thanks for spending your time on my profile... Read and review to let me know what you think of my stories! :) xx Spottedleafpaw |