Author has written 10 stories for Batman Beyond, Batman, Batman Begins/Dark Knight, Hemlock Grove, Boondock Saints, and Gundam Wing/AC. 2007: Ah, back at after many, many years of wandering the fanfiction realm. I've been writing fanfiction for more years than I care to admit, and usually focus on the villains of any given series. I'm a geek with a strange imagination and a word processor. Be afraid... be very, very afraid. UPDATE 2012: It's the end of the world as we know it... and I've re-activated my account which hadn't been touched since 2008. Don't expect massive updates, but I will do my best to finish that %$& Batman Beyond story, I swear! Updates on that approx. once a month. After that, we'll see! UPDATE 2013: Okay, so, updates are a bit more regular in this new age. Besides the Batman Beyond fic, there are also a few stories in the The Dark Knight and Hemlock Grove universes, some older stories resurrected from a no-longer-lost hard drive, and even more plot bunnies on the horizon. Keep Calm and Read On. Sincerely, A Tsuki, a geek, an Avenger |