Reviews for Damage
RougeMiner chapter 1 . 8/14/2016
this was amazing. I absolutely adored this story, it made me cry. I'm always looking for a good Young Justice story and this one was one of the best I've come across. Good job
Verity58 chapter 1 . 6/5/2016
HOLY COW. This is AMAZING! I've been dying for some good Bart fanfiction, and I'm really glad I found this one! It's got beautiful characterization, a wonderful flow, and I LOVED that analogy with the wood carving. The theme of the different types of scars was really well carried out, too-wonderfully poetic without being corny. Thank you so much for this story!
Guest chapter 1 . 12/17/2015
this was beautiful, from start to finish.
i'm gonna have to like, live by your quote "Remember, nieto, you shape your own life, so make sure you know who you are"
RF chapter 1 . 9/15/2015
Wow. Just wow. This is such a great fanfic and it's really touching. You're right, scars show us who we are. I have a few myself from surgeries and accidents.
qweerlittlefish chapter 1 . 8/2/2015
I'm reviewing again, because I'm reading again, but it's still qweerlittlefish!

Love it, really well written, and I could honestly see it happening as I read it! I was really in need of a young justice fix, and this was it!

Just wanted to point out (though i'm not sure if it was intentional), you wrote Mrs Garrett instead of Mrs Garrick (if you wanted to be writing about Joan, Jay's wife). But that was the only thing I noticed.

Otherwise, I really loved it! The characters were in character, and I loved how Jaime had like this mini-revelation after Bart showed him his scars, because it just made the characters so much more in-depth, and realistic.

All the best,

Guest chapter 1 . 7/1/2015
"Marks that showed how weak and useless he was if he thought of himself the same way his mortal enemies did; as a slave with no value or agency of his own. Marks that only made him weak if he let them, if he looked at them from the wrong perspective."
This, and that utterly beautiful last line... ;_; Lovely piece, thanks for sharing!
PainInSilence chapter 1 . 10/30/2014
That was really good!
qweerlittlefish chapter 1 . 4/9/2014
Oh my gosh! I can't believe I didn't read this before! This is so dark, so well written and the character interactions are amazing.
I seriously have a lump in my throat, I felt so bad for Bart! Your descriptive skills are so good! I seriously felt like I was watching the story rather than reading!
Loved it!
partlysunny chapter 1 . 9/3/2013
Great work! You really got into Bart's head with this. And your prose is so neat. Honestly, i never considered the future he came from before, you've done a really good job! Thank you.
SilverBlueMoon99 chapter 1 . 6/17/2013
near tears at the end :'). Great story and very well written.
Alphillious chapter 1 . 5/5/2013
:P aaaaw barty :) i love bart
racerabbit chapter 1 . 4/4/2013
Aw- bless! Bless this fic. Bless Bart. And Jamie. And you! Blesses to everyone xD very beautifully written and emotional and it felt very true to the characters. Loved it!
thecivilunrest chapter 1 . 2/3/2013
Oh my gosh, this was really, really great. I love (so, so much) how you wrote Bart and how you constructed his future. And I loved the dialogue about the wood and just how perfectly in character you wrote everyone. This is seriously great, and I love every bit of it.
TheGodlessAngelOfDarkness chapter 1 . 1/26/2013
awh this was sad but it left me with a happy feeling!
Hearshy-Kiss chapter 1 . 1/21/2013
Wow that was a beautiful story. It's nice to see Bart portrayed in a way that is more of himself from the future than being "in character" to fit into the past. I love the dynamic of Bart and Jamie because they have so much history together, even if Jamie doesn't know all of it. It was really sad but sweet especially because Jamie doesn't know the type of person he becomes. I could go on and on about how amazing this story was but I'll keep it short. You did a fantastic job please write another fic soon!
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