Author's Note
So here is my attempt at a retelling of Frozen with some major changes. What if the King, Elsa's own father, had hated magic? What if Hans wasn't evil, just emotionally stunted from having way too many brothers? What if Hans had gone with Anna to protect her on the mountain and so she never met Kristoff? I wanted to explore these and so this was written. I didn't want this to be a word for word retelling so I try to stay away from that. I hope you guys enjoy it!
I don't own Frozen.
Chapter 1
Laughter echoed through the empty hall, little feet crunched against snow and frost tinted the windows. The two Princesses of Arendelle fluttered around the snow filled ballroom, giggling and tossing handfuls of snow at one another. Anna poked her head up from behind a mound of snow, searching for her big sister.
"Elsa?" Anna said, not able to see her sister.
"Gotcha!" Elsa exclaimed, popping out from behind her.
The younger girl shouted in surprise and began giggling uncontrollably as Elsa tickled her. Anna's strawberry blonde hair was slipping out of her pigtails and her nightdress was damp from the snow. Elsa was breathless, her little sister's laughter was contagious and Elsa always enjoyed making Anna happy.
Life had become so much more fun for the sisters since Elsa had discovered last month that she had magical powers that centered on ice and snow. Anna and Elsa had been amazed when on Elsa's 8th birthday the sisters had been running around the garden when Elsa pointed towards her cake, she felt something strange flow out of her palms and suddenly her cake was covered in snow.
Their parents had been shocked, to say the least. The King had rushed over to grab Elsa and examine her palms before dragging the girl to the library and summoned a chosen few who were loyal to the crown. The adults had talked into the night and Elsa just wondered if they were almost done. Eventually, they couldn't come up with any explanation to Elsa's amazing feat and the King simply resolved to watch the girl to see if it was a fluke.
Over the next few days it became apparent that Elsa's powers were just beginning to settle in. She could create snow and ice whenever she wanted, freeze any liquid in her reach and entertain herself with the creations of thousands of unique snowflakes. Anna thought her sisters powers were beautiful and was constantly asking to play in the snow. For some reason Elsa couldn't understand, every time she used her powers in front of her parents, her father became angry and told her not to use her powers in front of people. It was for this reason the girls had snuck through the castle late at night to play in the ballroom in secret.
Elsa was now entertaining her sister by creating large mounds of snow to catch her as she bounced around the room. Anna was giggling enthusiastically as she leapt through the air. Elsa would send the magic through her fingers and fresh snow would appear ready to crunch beneath her sisters boots. But Anna was speeding up, jumping without any delay and she was only getting higher.
"Anna, slow down!" Elsa shouted, trying to catch her.
"Again, again!" Anna ignored her.
Elsa was worrying. She couldn't keep up. Elsa tried to push the magic faster, her hands thrown in front of her again and again. That's when it happened, Elsa slipped backwards just as Anna jumped from a snow stack that was 15 feet in the air.
"Anna!" Elsa yelled, and threw her arm out instinctively.
She couldn't help the magic that flew out of her fingers as she reached out, panicked. Elsa watched in horror as the swirl of blue magic hit her baby sister in the head and she fell to the floor. Elsa screamed her sister's name and dashed to her side, picking her up gently. The first thing she noticed was that Anna wasn't warm anymore. She was still, her eyes were closed, and Elsa watched as a strand of her sister's hair slowly turned white.
"Mama! Papa!" Elsa screamed, praying someone would hear.
"It's going to be ok, Anna. I got you." Elsa cried, unable to hold back the tears that poured down her face.
She was holding her sister tightly, hoping that her best friend would be alright. Fear was creeping in the longer it took for someone to find them and for the second time Elsa felt her magic spilling out of her without her consent. The floor frosted and cracked, displacing all the snow around the room, and pointed icicles formed on the walls seeming angry and threatening. Finally Elsa heard someone coming over the sound of her sobbing.
The door flew open and her parents rushed in. The gazed around the room in shock before the King caught sight of Elsa sobbing and cradling Anna.
"Elsa, what have you done?" He asked angrily, yanking Anna out of her arms. The Queen touched Anna's face before gasping.
"She's ice cold!" She informed her husband.
"I know where we have to go." The King said in a low voice. "Stay here."
He handed his youngest to his wife before dashing to the library to search to for the book that had been recently sent to him by one of his advisors. He plucked it from the counter and began flipping through the pages before finding the old map her was looking for. He ran back to the hall where he motioned to wife to follow him and roughly grabbed Elsa by the wrist and practically dragged her to the stables.
"Papa, it hurts!" Elsa whined as she tried to pull free.
The King felt a surge of pain as his hand was covered in ice so he dropped the young girl's wrist and pulled her by the sleeve of her nightgown instead.
"Where are we going?" The Queen asked, frightened both by what was happening to her daughters and her husband's mood. The King helped her up on to a horse and adjusted Anna in her lap before putting Elsa onto another horse and climbing up behind her.
"There are trolls living in the valley; they may know a way to help us." He replied, urging his mount into a run.
The family raced out of the city and towards the mountains. It seemed to Elsa as if they had travelled for hours when they finally reached a clearing and dismounted. The area contained many moss covered stones and it was warm here.
"Please, help! My daughter needs help!" The King exclaimed, it seemed, to no one in particular.
Suddenly, the moss covered stones began to roll and converge on the family. The rocks sprouted limbs and faces; the trolls were awake.
Elsa gasped and clung to her father's pant leg as the trolls began to recognize the King and waddled closer. One particularly old troll rolled to the front of the crowd and bowed to the family.
"Your majesty, I can sense a strange magic coming from your daughter. Was she born with the power, or cursed with it?" The old troll asked.
"Born, I suppose. But they only began to manifest recently." He replied. "Please, Anna was struck with the power. Help her!" He took Anna from his wife and held her out to the troll.
"Oh, she was struck in the head." The troll murmured. "You were lucky that it did not strike her heart."
"So you can help her?" The King asked.
"Yes, I can remove young Elsa's magic from her head, but I'm afraid I cannot undo the change that has already occurred." He said, pointing to Anna's new stipe of white hair.
"That's not important." The Queen said, shaking her head.
"But a bigger problem remains." The troll said. "Solving this incident will not prevent future accidents. I can tell that Young Anna is enraptured by her sister's powers and is too young to understand restraint."
"What do you suggest?" The King asked.
"I suggest we remove her memories of magic until she is older and can understand the dangers." He told them.
"Do what you must for Anna but isn't there anything you can do about Elsa's powers?" The King asked desperately.
"You mean bind the magic?" The troll asked. The King nodded. "No, magic is not so easily bound. Elsa's powers will only grow stronger with time so she must learn to control them."
"So Anna won't remember I have powers?" Elsa asked tentatively.
"It would be for the best, dear." The troll answered, smiling slightly. "This way you can have some time to learn control before you sister discovers your powers again. But you must be careful, you powers will grow strong."
He threw dust into the air that conjured images that bounced around the sky.
"Your power can be wonderful but it can also lead you astray. Fear will be your enemy, remember that and stay strong." He concluded.
Just then Anna began to stir so the King thanked the trolls for their wisdom and the family returned to Arendelle. As they dismounted back at the castle, the Queen looked to her husband.
"What are we going to do?" She asked.
"Well, you heard them. Elsa needs to learn how to control it." He said. "Until then we'll reduce the castle staff; only those who know about her secret can stay. We'll close the gates to the castle, and keep her away from others until she's able to control it. We'll have her stay in one of the guest bedrooms tonight and tomorrow we can officially move her into another bedroom. She should stay away from Anna too."
The Queen nodded, not wanting to second guess her husband. She took Anna, who was now sleeping peacefully and tucked her into bed. She walked down the hall to the first guest bedroom on this floor when she heard her husband speaking angrily and Elsa was crying.
"You need to stay away from your sister." He told her. "You nearly killed her tonight! We cannot afford for that to happen ever again."
"Ok, papa." Elsa sniffled.
"And from now on, you are not to use your powers." He said. "You must control them. You won't be allowed to freely be with your sister again until you have them properly under control. Do you understand me?"
"Yes, papa." Elsa answered.
The King left the room, shutting the door behind him and leaving his daughter alone in the dark room. He ignored the sound of her crying as he left and headed to his room. It had been a long night and he needed some sleep.
I was always intrigued with the early lives of the Anna and Elsa and what could have been a motivating factor for their parents to lock Elsa away. I never really believed that they were great parents so I wanted that to be reflected here. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it and there is more to come.
reviews are appreciated and welcome.