Author has written 2 stories for Final Fantasy VII, and Breath of Fire.
ValentineObsession's Profile
Name: Kirk
Age: 19
Gender: Male
From: Nebraska
My name is Kirk. Many of you know me as ValentineObsession. My aspiration is to become an English teacher, teaching students the uses of language while holding a writing career of my own. I do original works as well as fanfiction, which I find as more of an outlet where I can connect with other writers in a more relaxed environment.
Throughout my time on, I've noticed a lot of writers with amazing potential stop writing and close their accounts. I find it a shame that they will either not continue writing or do not share it with the fanfiction community. When I'm not busy with all my other side projects (I am attending college, working full-time, performing in a band and programming games) I read and write. I plan on picking back how often I used to write and will hopefully finish all my unwritten stories from high school (maybe overhauling them completely) and continue adding new ones as well.
I am not a hard person to get along with. I respect any and all comments, critiques, compliments, flames, etc. Any constructive criticism given to me I may try to incorporate into my core writing, not necessarily into that specific story, but that does not mean I disregarded what you have said. I am also available as a beta-reader, though please read my beta profile before messaging me with stories.
07/17/2010 - Has it already been a month...?
- Well, after looking over my story outline for "Tranquil Sands," I've discovered it's going to be much longer than I originally projected (which was around 15-20 chapters). I've also been focusing on making it more "professional" it terms of my writing style, give it a little more life. It will be a subtle but definite change through the piece. You will also notice that I've taken down "Bloom of the White Rose" and "My Winged Angel." I will take down "Hidden Memories" for editing once I'm comfortably into "Tranquil Sands." Please help me improve my writing by leaving me some constructive criticism for "Tranquil Sands" or message me about any of my other stories for that matter.
06/12/2010 - Just some updates...
- So just wanted to write about what's been going on lately: I've been writing some more for my new story "Tranquil Sands," while quickly scanning over "Bloom of the White Rose" and "My Winged Angel." I'll probably be pulling the latter two down this week and start to revise them every now and then. Not much else going on, but as a quick note anyone who's reading "Tranquil Sands" should leave chapter 3 a review; not only is it nice, but it would let me know what things I need to work on. Thanks for the continued support!
05/16/2010 - A couple of quick changes...
- I'm back with a few updates of what's going on this week. First off, I'm going to be pulling my "Bloom of the White Rose" and "My Winged Angel" stories from the shelves of Fanfiction to revise them. I'll repost them when I am finished with "Tranquil Sands." Secondly, I'll be updating "Tranquil Sands" here by Tuesday; I tried to expand the chapter to make sure it didn't rush and to give my readers more to read than I normally do. I'm playing with the idea of re-writing "Hidden Memories" but I think the it would take too much time in addition to so many people having already read it, I probably won't do so unless I get really bored.
05/09/2010 - After a long hiatus...
- Well, I'm finally back after a year, more or less. So far, here's the expectations I've placed on myself: Complete my new story Breath of Fire III story "Tranquil Sands." Afterwords, repost "Bloom of the White Rose" and "My Winged Angel" after editing it thoroughly. I have a new story idea featuring Cloud and Vincent (no, not a yaoi) in an AU, post-high school story. I will update once every couple of weeks, so come back and check up on this profile occassionally.
For any and all interested, you can now follow my band on Myspace and Facebook: /asempiresburnonline, If I'm not here, chances are I am on one of these two sites. Stop by and say hello!