![]() Author has written 1 story for Naruto. Wow okay so I haven't updated in a very veeerryy long time. _ in all honesty I have lost a bit of interest in SasuNaru and Naruto in general, BUT ... I might still update something.. It depends on how much free time I have (which is rare) Sorry. If you would like to see lovely fanarts by me then feel free to check it out here _ Link : http:/// Current favorite Quote: "We've trivialized the vampire. I think it happened about the time 'Count Chocula' found its way to cereal boxes." Oh.Ehm.GEe LeArN AbOut MEe! (Holy crap. Dont.Ask.) UserName: Megumi15 Age:18 About me: I am German, though I live in the US. And I love to write stories. I also have a passion for art. I sketch and paint and stuff like that. I'm also a red head ( not fake) and have blue green eyes. I Love: Drawing, Painting, Writing (anything creative like that) Acting (i enjoy it very much) Anime ( gotta love it ne?) Yaoi ( .. yesh ima retarded fangirl) XD Exercising (Yuuss) Vampires (ooooh I love vampires! Books, movies, writing about them dreaming about them- I love it! they're so mysterious hehe) Fantasy, Mythology ( I enjoy learning about it- sometimes I wish I lived in a world of fantasy and mythical beings but I guess that what we have imaginations for... =_=;) Internet ( God knows I'd die without it.) Being aknowledged ( whether its for my art, acting or writing- I like being noticed by simple talents that amaze others) Theres plenty more but this is a sum of it. I Hate: Wasting time (it ticks me off when i'm sitting around doing nothing productive..) Annoying people ( watch it I get annoyed VERY easily) Fast food ( I'm a health nut) Arrogance, Egotistic, Rudeness (crappy unnatractive qualities) Being utterly bored ( like I am now.) Math ( to much brainwork.. to lazy) Cleaning (you would die of fright if you saw my room.. unless you die from being buried and suffocated by the mounds of useless junk I collect first..) And much more but dont worry im not a big hater! Story Progress:..: Your Blood My Wine: SasuNaru fic, I might keep writing this whenever I find time.. college really takes a load outta me DX Third Eye: Not Sure, I love my idea for it.. it's just the fact that I have too many things to do aaand... losing interest in the SasuNaru fandom. I admit ima Anime nerdathon: Heres what i've seen/read (some I ditched half way through tho..). Katekyo Hitman Reborn!(Omg watch it WATCH IT NAO, I DEFINITELY recomend this!! -current obsession-) Code Geass (finished the series and I love it so so much it's one of the best anime's i've ever seen but its so tragic ;_; ) Death Note, Hellsing, Naruto, Rurouni Kenshin, Fruits Basket/Furuba, Chrno Crusade, DNAngel, Gravitation, Full Moon wo Sagashite, Full Metal Panic, Full Metal Alchemist, Samurai Shamploo, Yami No Matsuei/Decendents of Darkness, Karin, Bleach, Orion Highschool Host Club, One Piece Fave Fics to read and the Pairings: Naruto: Sasuke/Naruto Naruto/Sakura K.Hitman Reborn: YAMAMOTO/GOKUDERA (current fandom!) _ Mukuro/Hibari Tsuna/Kyoko Kingdom Hearts: Riku/Sora Disliked Pairings: Naruto: Sasuke/Sakura KHR: Anyguy/Tsuna (He's not gay, even if he looks like an "uke" he's way too obviously madly in love with Kyoko :D ESPECIALLY Gokudera/Tsuna omg DETEST (stabs pairing to death) Most retarded pairing out there. Yamamoto/Hibari ..used to like it now I dont =_= maybe because im seeing way to much of it lately. and it makes no sense. Fav Movies: SWEENEY TODD, Cloverfield, Lost and Dilerious, Howls Moving Castle, Nightmare b4 Christmas, Corpse Bride, FF7AC, POTC2, XMen3, All the classic Disney movies (except Snow White and Pinnochio.. because i just dont) Fav. Bands/Artists: Bullet for My Valentine, BeForU, Celldweller, Sonata Arctica, Emilie Autumn, Three Days Grace, Jason "Shyboy" Arnold of Hyonogaja, Tool, The Birthday Massacre, Anberlin, a Perfect Circle, Dir En Grey, Marilyn Manson, Rammstein, Apocalyptica, Lacuna Coil, Nightwish, Tatu, Utada Hikaru, Yoko Kano, within Temptation, and .. Maddona... Fav Manga: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, Naruto, One Piece, Bleach, Devil May Cry, Death Note for some stupid reason.. im feeling really stupid right now... dont ask why... |