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![]() Author has written 63 stories for Total Drama series, Hamilton, Harry Potter, Web Shows, Avengers, and RWBY. Hi! I'm What'dIMiss Before you continue onward on your journey of discovering my past writings, some things to note: -I'm above the age required to be on this website. -Most of my work posted here does not reflect my current writing style or opinions because they're olllld. -a younger me made most of this profile, and I've made a few edits so its more relevant to the me of today. It might still not be the most accurate. I hope you enjoy navigating through and potentially ignoring my long profile. Quick link to Ham fic I cowrote with iColor With Crayons. Check it out! Total Drama is what started this whole thing off for me, and while I'm not as involved with it as I used to, its still a favorite of mine. Now, for the faves Bold means my all time favorite Top 5 First Gen Characters 5. Harold 4. Izzy 3. Noah 2. Duncan 1. Geoff Top 5 Second Gen Characters 5. Lightning 4. Zoey 3. Brick 2. Jo 1. Mike(and his personalities of course) Quick Mike's personalities rankings(lowest to highest): Chester, Vito, Svetlana/Manitoba(tied for second), Mal Top Five Third Gen Characters 5. Topher 4. Dave 3. Shawn 2. Jasmine 1. Ella Top Five Ridonculous Race Characters 5. Laurie 4. Sanders 3. Jen/Tom(they are both fabulous) 2. Kitty 1. Brody(he and Geoff are the ultimate bromance!) Top Five RR Teams 5. The Ice Dancers 4. The Police Cadets 3. The Reality TV Pros 2. The Fashion Bloggers 1. The Surfer Dudes My favorite season is Total Drama World Tour. I liked the other seasons ok. My favorite episode ever is probably "Moon Madness". My favorite song was 'Paris in the Springtime'. My ships are sort of all over the place at the moment. The ones I've been writing most recently are ScottxCourtney, dysfunctional MalxCourtney, and MikexElla with some DuncanxZoey sprinkled in somewhere. Top 5 Total DramaRama Kids(subject to change as more episodes come out) 1/2. Gwen and Noah 3. Jude 4. Bridgette 5. Izzy Favorite episodes(also subject to change as more come out;will decide a favorite when I've seen them all): Cluckwork Orange, Bananas and Cheese, and That's A Wrap Say what you want about Total Dramarama. So far I'm enjoying it. 6teen rankings(subject to change) 1. Jude 2. Wyatt 3. Caitlin 4. Nikki 5. Jonesy 6. Jen Favorite episode: TBD I still like Hamilton the musical, but I'm not going to write anymore fanfiction for it. My favorite Hamilton ships are Lams(my OTP to the max), Hamburr, Mullette, Jeffmads, Jefferton(or Jamilton)...basically all the gay ships for this fandom. My favorite characters are Washy, King George, and Laurens. Also Alex. Duh. My favorite songs from Hamilton are One Last Time, all of King George's songs, What'd I Miss(that one was pretty obvious), Farmer Refuted, Dear Theodosia(the original Broadway cast recording) and An Open Letter(don't kill me please!) Other musicals I listen to(parts of): Avenue Q, Sweeney Todd, Legally Blonde, Dear Evan Hansen, Wicked, Falsettos, Waitress, Hunchback of Notre Dame, Others I can't name off the top of my head. I get to add a Harry Potter section now! My favorite HP characters are Draco, Luna, Sirius, Severus, and Harry. My OTP is Druna. Other ships are JamesSeverus, Wolfstar, Drarry, and HarryLuna. My favorite book is the Order of the Phoenix. Favorite Sanders Side is Patton, then Virgil, then Roman, then Janus, Logan and finally Remus. I honestly do not ship any of them with each other but I love Patton and Virgil interacting together in a father/son sense. Marvel Section! Top five MCU characters 1. Loki 2. Doctor Stephen Strange 3. Thor 4. Peter Parker 5. Luis Currently shipping: LokixStrange, TonyxLoki, Stony Favorite MCU movie: Spiderman: Homecoming RWBY Section Favorite Characters: Neo, Oscar, Nora, Ren, Roman Favorite Volume: Volume 3 Currently Shipping: not available at this time favorite kind of ship: the kind I can get behind. favorite Hamilton fanfiction: See faves list. favorite Total Drama fanfiction: I don't have a particular preference, though I'm not into most comp fics. favorite HP fanfiction: not available. favorite Marvel fanfiction: also not available. favorite RWBY fanfiction: also also not available what I can't stand to read in fanfiction:bad grammar, complete and utter OOCness, a combination of the two Official FF fandom count: 7 Unofficial fandom count: a lot Number of forums I'm active on: 0 number of communities: 3 I'm not really interested in joining any more forums I was proud to be a part of the Rise Up! Hamilton forum before it vanished. RIP I am a mod on The Forum Where it Happens. Its pretty much a ghost town these days, but we had a good run. I challenged myself! I participated in challenges on the Harry Potter Fanfiction Challenges forum as well as run a couple. It helped me get ideas for HP fanfics. And write more. I was a player for Gryffindor in the Houses Competition. I, What'dIMiss, was sorted into Slytherin at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry (Challenges & Assignments)! Hogwarts I joined the Total Drama RP Universe and loved it there for a good long while. I'm not active there anymore but there were some good times had for sure. This is where RP rankings and stuff like that will go. Total Drama: Total Danganronpa VI: Lost in the City of Despair: [Chapter Three] Auto-Executed as Mike, the SHSL Actor(first ever TD RP! Happy I got to RP as Mal for a short time which was SO MUCH FUN :D) The Forum Presents: Quiet On Set: EXIT as Geoff(technically 9th due to me being absent for a long time. Had fun playing the party dude who eventually got depressed and then broke an ankle 3:) Total Danganronpa VII-End-of-Hope:Chapter 1 Victim as Brick(yeah, these aren't my thing. Probably won't ever be. I didn't know what I was doing this time around and it just wasn't a great experience in the short time I was there :/) Hamilton: List of characters I've RPed/am RPing: John Laurens(my sarcastic, artistic son)James Madison,King George(shyest high school teacher EVER), Samuel Seabury, George Washington, Charles Lee AUs I've/am role played in: Modern College, Magic Kingdom, Modern High School, Revolution(SLeeBury ftw) Summer Camp Favorite Ham RP moment: the George squared fight/kiss(High School) still gets me emotional when I go back to read it :() I am glad I got into RPing. I think it helped out my writing a lot and gave me oppurtunities to create characters that would not have existed otherwise. Awards section since I've won a few things now These are from the Third Annual TDRPU Forum Awards (including ties) Favorite Couple in Forum City and Total Forum Drama Favorite Newcomer Most Creative Forum Member Most Descriptive Forum Member Owner of The Guilded Chris-Honorable Mention These are from the Second Annual TDRPU OC Awards (including ties- tbh all these wins were ties so that's why some have categories have multiple). These are for OCs I created for RPs on the forum. I'll include names because why not. Meanest Guy- Reginald Sweetest Guy and Girl-Patrick/Lilly Best Design- Paul Most Talented- Paul Most Likely To Have The Most Tattoos- Lilly, Lilith, Harris Most Likely To Become A Serial Killer- Ash Drama King- Reginald The Smartest-Jessica Attention Hogger-Lilith I think this says quite a bit about what sorts of characters I've played over there. Hogwarts house: Gryffindor/Slytherin Bending Element: Water Current Avatar Picture: An aesthetic for an SI character of mine (made by Dark Angel of Sorrow Returns) :) Hamiltrash Status: Certified. :3 Copy and Paste! If you've been on the computer for hours on end, reading numerous fanfictions, copy and paste this onto your profile, and add your name to this list: danyan, StarDragon411, Mystic Katt, TrueThinker, Softballgirl9411, Witchdoctor42, crocgirl2815, mewmewice, RulerofFire, Grogie13, Zim'sMostLoyalServant, WrathofhteElite, 'looks at name tag', Wildshadow24, AquaFreez, Loststream,WolfPrincessGirl, newmew4you, Angel-From-Hell.172832,Tatertat, MusicAngel98, DaughterOfTerpsichore, truebooknerd, What'dIMiss If you have ever stared at a computer screen for hours and hours reading stories that people who have no lives whats so ever and have enough obsession with something to write a story about it and you are one of those people, copy and paste this into your profile and add your name to the list: Shifter-youkai, AkatsukiFan,Cloud Envy, A rose in the sand, EmpressOfEvilBunnies, willow grove tiger, Angel-From-Hell.172832,Tatertat, MusicAngel98, DaughterOfTerpsichore, truebooknerd, What'dIMiss If you have ever had a crush on a fictional character, copy and paste this on your profile and add your penname and the name(s) of the characters you have crushed on: HollyluvsArty (James Potter, Sirius Black (when he was young), Artemis Fowl)Pepper Lemon(Roshaun, Ronan) Second Daughter of Eve (Several, not telling.),Phish Tacko (Marty McFly, Klaus Baudelaire, Alex P. Keaton) Sugary Snicket (Danny Phantom/Fenton in my early FFN days, Durza, Dexter Morgan, Sirrus) FanofSnicket (Klaus Bauldalaire!!) Insanefangirl (Randall off monsters inc.), NicNack4U (Arnold, Aladdin, Captain Jack Sparrow, Drake Parker, Josh Nichols, Crazy Steve, Spencer, Victor van-Dort, Cosmo, Troy Bolton, Chad Danforth, Ryan Evans, Logan Reese, Chase Matthews, Pharaoh Atem/Yami, Joey Wheeler, Seto Kaiba, Duke Devillin, Jafar, Severus Snape, Harry Potter, Danny Fenton/Phantom). jafarjasmineforever2005: Jafar, Aladdin, Frollo, and lot's more (There's been tons). Writtensofine67: Jafar, Snape, Dexter (from dexter's lab) Prince Casipan, Chris from TDI, Ahkmenrah (Night at the museum) and Jed (from Night at the Museum) SideshowJazz1: Edward Cullen, Draco Malfoy, Sirius Black (young version and in the books only - I don't really like him so much in the movies), James (from Pokemon), Simon, Jack (both from "Lord of The Flies"-I imagine them older though), Howl (Moving Castle, join the dots), Puss In Boots (Shrek), Alejandro (Total Drama) and Yakko Warner. What'dIMiss- Zuko(Avatar)Mako(Legend of Korra) Jack Frost(ROTG),Cody(Total Drama-I admit it, he's cute. Just don't tell Sierra)Mal(Total Drama)Mike(also Total Drama)Loki(MCU)Cinder(RWBY) Homemade Copy & Paste, Hamilton edition! by What'dIMiss (in case anyone actually decides to copy& paste this whole thing.) If you have the entire Hamilton OG soundtrack(not the mixtape!!)memorized by heart, copy and paste this onto your profile, then proceed to sing 'Alexander Hamilton' out loud. To whoever is in the room If you can do the rap part of Guns and Ships while still using a decent French accent, copy & paste this onto your profile. If you believe Lams is canon, copy & paste this onto your profile because it IS!!! If you will never throw away your shot, copy & paste this whole section onto your profile. If you are Hamiltrash and are proud of it, copy and paste this onto your profile and add your name: What'dIMiss, Have any additions to add to this? PM me mabye! Or not... Hamilton Fans by What'dIMiss Normal fans: Say "I can do this!" Hamilton fans: Say "I WILL NOT THROW AWAY MY SHOT!" Normal fans: Read a really fluffy story and say "That was cute." Hamilton fans: Read a really fluffy story and say "AHH THAT WAS ADORABLE OMG THE FEEEEEELLS Normal fans: Display their favorite ships on their profile page Hamilton fans: Display their favorite ships when they review anything. Normal fans: Think Lams wasn't canon. Hamilton fans: Know Lams is canon. Normal fans: Settle disputes by arguing with each other Hamilton fans: Settle disputes by arguing in cabinet battles Normal fans: Take offense to this entire list. Hamilton fans: Repost this list on their profile and add to it. Just give me the original credit. :-) Do not take offense if you are a Hamilton fan/non-Hamilton fan and don't agree with this list. If you ship and/or write uncommon/rare pairings, copy&paste this onto your profile. I got this from SideshowJazz1's profile. I've wanted to do this for a while, so here it is!(updated June 21,2019) Alejandro: ( ) You're Latino ( ) You're manipulative ( ) You're evil ( ) You fall for King/Queen Bees ( ) You've been severely burned/injured (X) You have an annoying brother/sister (X ) You speak more than one language Total: 2 He's interesting to write. Not one of my faves, though. Beth: ()You are a wannabe at sometimes () You have a best friend (x ) You wear/used to wear braces (X) Singing is one of your hobbies ( ) You easily fall for the eye candy ( ) One of your favorites colors is pink ( ) You work on a farm Total: 2 Ugh. I've never liked Beth, though she is a bit more tolerable in Dramarama. Bridgette: ( ) You surf ( ) You're a vegetarian (X) You care about the environment/Mother Nature (x) Animal Cruelty is wrong to you (x) You usually wear your hair in a ponytail ( ) You have a boyfriend/girlfriend () You get along with everybody () Everything should be natural to you Total: 3 Gained one. Cody: (X ) You love technology ( ) Most of the time you flirt and hit on girls/guys () You are a quick healer ( ) You easily get sun burn ( X) You have a gap between your front teeth () A poor diet scares you () You play the keyboard ( ) BBQ Chips is the King of all Chip Flavors to you Total: 2 Cody is meh. Courtney: ( ) You are/were a CIT () You want everything right (X)You get mad easily () Everything is important to you ( ) You are/were on the Student Council () Everything turns out wrong for you (X) You fall for the delinquents/criminals (X) You've once been out of a game/challenge unfairly Count: 3 I've written her more but I still don't like her. No changes here. DJ (X) You love animals ( ) Everybody loves you () You've been raised right () Everybody is your friend () You are happy most of the time ( ) You never get mad () You get scared easily () Group hugs are cuddly Count: 1 DJs sweet. Too bad I'm almost nothing like him. Duncan: ( ) You have/had a mohawk ( ) You've been to jail/prison () You love skulls and crossbones ( ) You have piercings (X) Green is one of your favorite colors ( ) Punk is one of your favorite music genres ( ) You pick on dorks () You have a smug facial expression sometimes Count: 1 Hallelujah. Eva: ( ) You often lift weights ( ) You wear knee high socks with gym clothes () You've been through anger management (X) You are competitive ( ) You can lift anything ( ) Happiness is not your forte ( ) You often don't fall in love too easily ( ) You're never happy Count: 1 I like Eva. Wouldn't want to be like her, but I like her. Ezekiel: ( ) You're homeschooled ( ) You're a sexist ( ) You have/had/wear a toque (X) You often say "eh" () You wear a sweatshirt almost everyday ( ) You pick your nose often ( ) You have no friends () You are pale Count: 1 Da Zeke is alright. Geoff: () You love parties ( ) You have the perfect boyfriend/girlfriend ( ) You often make out most of the day ( ) You wear a cowboy hat () You're the youngest sibling in your family ( ) One of your nicknames is "Party Girl" or "Party Boy" ( ) You are invited to all of the parties ( ) You skateboard Count: 0 Nothing. Gwen: ( ) You're goth ( ) You have highlights ( ) You wear blue lipstick ( ) You wear fishnets and black ( ) You make the first move ()Preppy things piss you off (X) Annoying things irk you up Count: 1 I really like Gwen so I'm kinda sad I don't have much in common with her. Harold: ( ) You can be a pervert at some times (X) You often say "Booyah" or "Yes" () You're a dork ( ) You fall in love with the ghetto girl/boy ( ) You read comics (X ) You breathe loud () You get picked on most of the time ( ) You save chewed gum Count: 2 I haven't written Harold in a while. I miss it. Heather: ( )You're the Queen Bee ( ) You are/were a cheerleader ( ) You often lie about being nice sometimes () You often get embarrassed ( ) Weird people make you mad ( ) You break couples up (X) You often call people "losers"(jokingly) ( ) You are never trusted Count: 1 Myeh. Izzy (X) You're crazy/psycho(a little) ( ) You were once wanted by the police/RCMP ( ) You're a redhead ( ) Fire is your addiction () You love acting silly ( ) You run a lot ( ) You want to be called by your nickname (X) You've camped out in the woods Count: 2 Izzy' s crazy, but I still love her. Justin: ( ) You're the eye candy ( )People often stare at you ( ) People faint when they see you ( ) You lie to most people ( ) Beauty is a talent to you () You once/often get photo shots ( ) You don't care about anything but beauty ( ) You're gorgeous Count: 0 Meh. Katie () You have a BFFFL () You have big hips, but skinny body () You're pretty () You're often sweet () You blush easily ( ) You wear pigtails () You listen to Pop Music () You're skinnier than your friends Count: 0 Katie's annoying in my opinion. Pretty glad I'm nothing like her LeShawna: ( ) You're the ghetto girl ( ) You wear baby T's (X) You easily get pissed off (X) You love winning ()You have a great taste in style (X) You know how to dance(I think I do) ( ) Rap is one of your favorite music genres ( ) You often wear hoop earrings Count: 3 Lost a point here. Lindsay: ()You are/were a blonde ( ) You're dumb ( ) You take Gymnastics () Your boobs are big ( ) You're a "Daddy's Girl" ( ) You fall for the jocks () Your eyes are blue ( ) Makeup looks pretty on you Count: 0 I don't like Lindsay. She's too dumb. Glad I'm nothing like her. Noah: (X) You are a bookworm(not as much anymore but I still am) () Your IQ is off the charts/high (X) You're in Honors classes () Sports aren't your forte (X) You are often sarcastic/cynical/cocky (X) You're quiet(sometimes) ( ) You've accidentally kissed someone of the same sex (X) You don't like parties Count: 5 Somehow I managed to become more like Noah. Owen: ( ) You're overweight () You fart a lot ( ) You can burp the ABC's ( ) Everyone loves you ( ) You love adventure () You're out of shape () You love to eat ( ) You often say things about historic people such as Alexander the Great and David and Goliath Count: 0 I like Owen ok, but I'm glad I'm not like him. Sadie ( ) You have a BFFFL () You're chubby ( ) You cry without your best friend () You accidentally do things wrong ( ) You do everything with your best friend () You easily cry ( ) You love to squeal ()You often do things wrong Count: 0 Yay. I'm nothing like Tweedledum and Tweeldeidiot. What a relief. Sierra ( ) You're a stalker ( ) You dye your hair () You're obsessively in love (X) You're a huge fan(of many things) ( ) You have stalker parent(s) () You've been unfairly out of a game ( ) You wear your hair in a braid Count: 1 I hate Sierra. She's too stalkerish of Cody. Trent: ( ) You play/played the guitar (X) You often wear green () You've been heartbroken ( ) Your favorite number is 9 (X) You care for the people you love (X) You're still looking for that special someone (X) You act weird sometimes(forever and always) () You easily fall in love Count: 4 Same as it was. Still love ya, Trent. Tyler: () You suck at sports (X) You often wear red(sometimes) ( ) You wear a head bandana ( ) You wear sweat clothes () You're tall ( ) You have brown hair and brown eyes(50% of this is true.) () You have a fear of an animal () You think you're strong when you really aren't at sometimes Count: 1 Sorry Tyler. I actually can do sports. Not all of them, but I don't totally fail. Anne Maria ( ) You are from New Jersey ( ) You speak with an accent ( ) You add so much product to your hair ( ) You have/had a fake tan ( ) You look down upon those who are not as pretty as you are ( ) You like only one side of a person, not the person him/herself ( ) You wear a lot of make-up () You can't sing Total: 0 Thank God. I hate her. B (Beverly) ()You don't talk much () You're a bit on the chubby side ( ) Despite the aforementioned, you are very athletic ( ) You're skilled in mechanics ( ) You are embarrassed of your first name () You like using initials ( ) You have multiple items in your coat () Every time you try to speak, you get cut off Total: 0 B's ok. He doesn't talk much, but he's ok. It's all in his aura... Brick ( ) You/your family has a military background () You follow a moral code () You are dedicated to protect friends and family ( X) You are rather athletic ( ) You STINK at Fashion design(meh.) () You are willing to sacrifice yourself for the safety of others. (X ) You're scared of the dark, as well as it's noises(I don't like it) ( ) You have the "need to be dominated" Total: 2 Brick is funny. I like him. Cameron () You're under 100 pounds ( ) You have lived in a bubble () You have overprotective parents () You're not the most athletic person out there (X) You're a bit nerdy ( ) You can be counted as an "expendable player" ( ) You wore diapers until a late age ( ) (IF A GUY) You're mistaken for a girl Total: 1 Guilty as charged. I've always been a bit of a nerd. Dakota () You're addicted to fame ( ) You LOVE pink! ( ) You are a major fashion photon ( ) You usually wear sunglasses ( ) Your parent(s) are majorly rich ( X) You're attracted to nerds(pretty much) () You and your phone are inseparable ( ) You hate feeling sorry for others Total: 1 I love Dakotazoid. Dawn () You are a Wicca/witch ( ) You can read auras ( ) You love nature and communicating with animals () You are very short ( ) You can levitate ( ) You know how to levitate () You don't really care about money ( ) You are able to detect positive/negative energy Total: 0 Aw. I like her. Jo ( ) You're a tomboy(up for debate. I don't wear dresses that much.) ( ) You are EXTREMELY athletic( up for debate.) ( ) You don't think anyone is better than you ( ) You aren't the most attractive person () You HATE the beauty queen ( ) You would rather sacrifice others to save your own skin ( ) Your favorite accessory is a whistle ( ) (IF A GIRL) You're mistaken for a guy Total: 0 I love Jo so I'm kinda sad at this. Lightning ( ) You talk in the third person(sometimes) ( ) You can't tell the difference between genders sometimes (X) You tend to add something before words. ( ) You're attractive to the opposite gender ( ) You are an overachiever ( ) You have protein powder ( ) You believe in teams of one ( ) You often call people "losers"(in a joking manner sometimes, not in the same way that Lightning does) Total: 1 Meaning "Um...". Lightning is a total moron. Mike () You have a mental disorder (X) You have said you are an actor (X) You like two people at the same time(they were crushes) () You talk in your sleep () You have a therapist/psychiatrist ( X ) You are agile and graceful, but also tough and scrappy(I guess so.) (X) You have trouble telling the one you love how you feel(doesnt everyone tho) () You're willing to risk your life for the one you loveO Total: 4 I've written Mike so many times. And I'm more like him now. Cool. Sam ()You love video games ( ) You have embarrassed yourself on your only date (X) You have cat-like reflexes ( ) You are in love with someone TOTALLY out of your league (X) You are a couch potato ( ) You have a "circus thumb" ( ) You sometimes speak in video-game talk ( ) You sometimes see stuff in video-game mode Total: 2 Scott ( ) You LOVE manipulating people ( ) You're a poser ( ) You like to whittle ( ) Animals don't like you () You don't like animals ( ) You have a lucky item ( ) You're a ginger (X) You have freckles covering you Total: 1 I think I only write Scott in MCS and I enjoy it a bit too much. Staci ( ) You have a long ancestry ( ) You are a compulsive liar (X) You talk incessantly ( ) You are rather overweight (X) You are annoying to most people(my brother) ( ) You have trouble swimming ( ) You have been bald at one point () You don't have many friends(this was true until semi recently) Total: 2 I hate Staci. I hate I'm sort of like her. Zoey ( ) You wear stuff in your hair () You're an only child () You don't have many friends, but wish to make friends (X) You like retro fashions/music (X) You enjoy the theatre (X) You have seen your crush go out with someone else () You are generally nice, but have a tough side Total: 3 Another character I've written quite a bit. Love her too. Lost a point but that's a good thing in a way so ? Amy: () You're mean, bossy and aggressive (X)You have a twin (or sibling) and is older ()You are manipulative () If you need something, you'll do whatever you can to get it () You've been tricked at least once () You have a beauty spot Count: 1 Good. I hate Amy. Beardo: (X) You like music () You know how to beatbox () Others consider you annoying (X) You're pretty quiet(sometimes) (X) You are friendly (X) You like making sound affects Count: 4 Not bad. That's okay. Dave: () You're a neat freak () You have anger issues and you yell at people (X) You're pessimistic ()You have a crush on someone () You love to get revenge sometimes () You've been dumbed at least one Count: 1 Dave's ok. It sucks what happened to him. Ella: (X) You like to sing () You are very sweet and kind () You were banned from a mall (X) You annoyed someone at least once () You're skilled in ballet () Animals are charmed by you Count: 2 Ella is nice. I don't see why Sugar hated her so much. Jasmine: () You're very tall () You like being in charge () You encouraged someone to stand up for themselves () People find you scary () You were born in a different country () You're claustrophobic Count: 0 Sad. I wish I was more like Jasmine. She's cool Leonard: () You think you're a wizard () You tried to cast a spell but it never worked () You don't mean much () Many people believe you're an actual wizard () You're a proud LARPer () You dress like a wizard Count: 0 .Glad. Max: () You want to take over the world (X) You're smart () Your favorite word is "evil" (X) You like technology () You have a soft side () You like nicknaming yourself Count: 2 Oh well, at least I don't think I'm super evil. Rodney: () You're trying to look for love (X) You have more brothers than sisters () Your love interest is not interested in you () You get nervous around your love interest () You fall in love easily () You're from the country Count: 1 Don't like him, glad I'm not like him Sammy: () You were called by a name you hate (X) You have a twin (or sibling) and is younger () You do someone else's bidding () You learned to stand up to yourself () You're more nicer than your sibling (We're equally nice so . . .) (X) You find it hard to make friends Count: 2 I always felt bad for Sammy. Scarlett: (X) You are quiet (X) You are pretty smart () You showed your true nature to someone (X) You dislike being called a sidekick () You pretended to be something you're not. (X) You tie your hair back to keep it from going crazy Total: 4 I don't like Scarlett, but I'm a lot like her, so I can tolerate her. (Not) Shawn: () You have a fear of zombies () You've watched a ton of zombie movies () You're loyal () You once put someone else in danger () You like to give advice () You can fart with your armpit Total: 0 Well, that's it. Shawn's still awesome, though. He's got skills. Sky: (x) You know more than one language. (English and some French) (X) You're competitive () You believe in teamwork () You're very skilled in gymnastics () You do weird things when you get nervous. () You've dumped someone before Total: 2 I don't like Sky for what she did to Dave.. Sugar: () You laughed at someone's misfortune () You have a love for food. () You're not as talented as you think. () You're more into fiction than fact. () You want to be a pageant queen () You get pissed when you can't get your own way Total: 0 Phew. Topher: (X) You're very lazy (X) You're a huge fan of - () You're sometimes self-centered () You tried to steal someone else's job () You don't make that much of an effort. (X) You're loud Count: 3 Cool I'm most like Noah!(5) 2nd Place: Trent, Mike, Beardo, Scarlett(4) 3rd Place: Topher, Zoey, Courtney, Leshawna(3) Last Place: Everyone else. Good thing Josse isn't here, or she'd go crazy. Josse: What? I DIDNT EVEN MAKE THE LIST??? Me: Uh oh. Someone get Jacques in here please! Stereotypes that apply to me. Because stereotypes are stupid. I SPEAK MY MIND, so I MUST be a bitch. I'm a GAY RIGHTS SUPPORTER, so I WILL go to hell. I don't have a RELIGION, so I MUST be evil and have no morals. I’m a DEMOCRAT, so I MUST not believe in being responsible. I am LIBERAL, so I MUST be gay. I'm SOUTHERN, so I MUST be white trash. I WEAR BLACK, so I MUST be a goth or emo. I'm a WHITE GIRL, so I MUST be a nagging, steal-your-money kind of girlfriend. I'm INTO THEATER & ART, so I MUST be a homosexual. I HAVE A BUNCH OF GUY FRIENDS, so I MUST be fucking them all. I WEAR WHAT I WANT, so I MUST be a poser. I hang out with GAYS, so I must be GAY TOO. I’m a VIRGIN so I MUST be prude. I'm a GIRL who actually EATS LUNCH, so I MUST be fat. I'm SINGLE so I MUST be ugly. I'm in/was in a BAND, so I MUST be a dork. I'm WHITE and have black friends so I MUST think I'm black. I'm NOT LIKE EVERYONE ELSE, so I MUST be a loser. I'm YOUNG, so I MUST be naive. I have ARTISTIC TALENT, so I MUST think little of those who don't. I don't like to be in a BIG GROUP, so I MUST be anti-social. I have a DIFFERENT sense of HUMOR, so I MUST be crazy. I tell people OFF, so I MUST be an over controlling bitch. I'm DEFENSIVE, so I MUST be over controlling and a bitch. I am a FANGIRL so I MUST be a crazy, obsessed stalker. I'm INTELLIGENT so I MUST be weak I am AMERICAN so I MUST be obese, loud-mouthed and arrogant. I’m a YOUNG WRITER, so I MUST be emo. I'm a TEENAGER, so I MUST have a STEREOTYPE. I’m WHITE, so I MUST be responsible for everything going wrong on the planet: past, present, and future. I’m not the most POPULAR person in school, so I MUST be a loser. I care about the ENVIRONMENT...I MUST be a tree hugging hippy. I like CARTOONS, so I MUST be IRRESPONSIBLE. I like READING, so I MUST be a LONER.. I DISAGREE with my government, so I MUST be a TERRORIST. I'm a PERSON, so I MUST be LABELED. I like GAMES, ANIME and COMICS, so I MUST be childish. I SPOT GRAMMATICAL ERRORS, so I MUST be a pedantic bastard. I’m STRONG so I MUST be stupid. I'm putting this here because I find some of these to be quite hilarious.(this is old but im leaving it in) Pick ten of your favorite characters in any random order.(Hamilton and Total Drama) 1.) Noah(TD) 2.) John Laurens(Hamilton) 3.)Cody(TD) 4) Mal(TD) 5.) Thomas Jefferson(Hamilton) 6.) Alexander Hamilton(isn't it obvious?) 7.) Izzy(TD) 8.) Dave(TD) 9.) Mike(TD) 10.) Emma(TD) 11.) King George(Hamilton) 12.) Samuel Seabury(Hamilton) Now... let's begin. 1) 4 invites 3 and 8 to dinner at their house. What happens? (Mal, Cody, and Dave) Mal: come join me for dinner. I'm making something... special(grins evilly) (Dave and Cody look at each other nervously) Both: We'll pass 2) 9 tries to get 5 to go to a yoga class. What happens? (Jefferson and Mike) Jefferson wears magenta everything and fails the breathing exercises. Mike turns into Svetlana and bends all the way back. Jefferson tries to do the same, but breaks his neck. 3) You need to stay at a friend’s house for the night. Do you choose 1 or 6? (Alex or Noah) Noah! He probably has a lot of books. I like books. Alex would just try to drill his opinions into me with a rambling speech. 4) 2 and 10 are making out. 7 walks in...Their reaction? (John and Emma w. Izzy walks in) "Wait till I tell Alex and Noah! They will destroy you!" (She backflips away) 5) 3 falls in love with 6. 8 is jealous. What happens? (Cody fil w Alex, Dave is jelly) "You're supposed to be MY boyfriend, Cody!" Dave cries. 6) 4 mugs you in a dark alleyway. Who comes to your rescue? 10, 2 or 7? (Mal;Emma, John or Izzy) 2. I would have John rescue me. He's the most chivalrous of the three. My inner fan girl would then go ballistic. Mal AND John Laurens?!? EEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! Emma would lawyer talk him, and Izzy would do something crazy. 7) 1 decides to start a cooking show. 15 minutes later what is happening? (Noah) He is intently reading a cookbook, boring the viewers. 8) 3 has to marry either 8, 2 or 9. Who do they chose? (Cody; John, Mike, or Dave) Dave. He reminds him of Noah. But he sees Noah on the side. 9) 7 kidnaps 2 and demands something from 5 for 2's release. What is it? (Izzy kidnaps John, and is asking Jefferson) She thinks he's Lafayette, so she wants Guns and Ships. 10) You get to meet either 1 or 6. Who do you chose? (Noah or Alex) 6. Meeting Noah would be cool, but meeting ALEXANDER HAMILTON?!? YES 11) 10 challenges 4 to a chariot race. Why? (Emma and Mal) Because she didn't watch All-Stars. 12) Everyone gangs up on 3. What happens? (Cody) He runs away. He's a bit of a coward. 13) Everyone is invited to 2 and 10 wedding except for 8. How do they react? (John and Emma's, Dave) He would cry, because he knew that Noah liked Emma. 14) Why is 6 afraid of 7? (Alex and Izzy) Because if you're not a little afraid of her, you're not human. 15) 10 gathers everyone around to tell them a fairy tale. How does it go? (Emma) It doesn't go well. Emma starts dreamily taking about John, as a prince in her story. Alex starts interjecting, then argues with Jefferson, then kisses John, who had been seeing him before going out with Emma, and continued to after. Noah has on his sad-rejected face. Cody gently rubs his back, hugs him, then kisses his cheek. King George and Samuel are making out. Dave is covering his ears listening to Izzy ramble about Guns and Ships. Mike and Mal are battling for control, because Mal wants to murder John for stopping his mugging of me. 16) 1 arrives late for 2 and 10's wedding. What happens? And why are they late? (Emma and John's wedding, Noah) He walks in wearing a ratty sweater vest. He objects to the marriage, snarkily insults John's suit, kisses Emma full on the lips, then runs out. He was late because he had been crying about Emma marrying John. 17) 5 and 9 get roaring drunk and end up at your house. What happens? (Jefferson and Mike) Jefferson rambles with a strong Southern accent, and Mike's personalities are on the fritz. He flips around as Svetlana and knocks stuff over, then bumps into Jefferson, who punches his face, and rips his shirt off. Vito comes out and they brawl on the floor until they pass out. .18) 3, 8, 6 and 2 all go to the zoo for 8's birthday party. How does it go? What presents do they get 8? (Cody, Dave, Alex and John) It goes pretty bad, since Dave doesn't like all the dirt everywhere. He gets a hazmat suit, wipes, and John gives him a plush turtle 19) Everyone gets together and starts protesting something outside of your house. What are they protesting? What do you do? Everyone except Alex and Noah: GET A LIFE ALL YOU DO IS READ AND WRITE FANFICTION. ME: MABYE I LIKE TO BE CREATIVE, UNIMAGINITIVE BASTARDS! READ THIS! (throws papers at the crowd) Then Alexander starts rambling about freedom of speech. Noah is reading my fanfiction. 20) 9 murders 2’s best friend. What does 2 do to get back at them? (Mike and John) John unleashes his secret army of turtles. NO ONE TOUCHES HIS ALEX. NO ONE. Also, I think it would be more likely for Mal to murder Alex. 21) 6 and 1 are in mortal danger. Only one of them can survive. Does 6 save themselves or 1? (Alex and Noah) Alex saves Noah, because he knows he will die honorably. Noah shrugs and leaves Alex in the hands of Mal, who then murders him. 22) 5 is trapped in a cave. 10 comes to rescue them. What happens? (Jefferson and Emma) Emma gets trapped too. Then they start talking about law, then they start cuddling up together, while Noah and John overhear and get really mad at them. Mostly at Emma. 23) 3 starts a day camp. What happens? (Cody) Things. Some involving Noah.:-) 24) 4, 6, and 7 are doing the Hokey-Pokey. 8 walks in. What happens? (Mal, Alex and Izzy, Dave) Dave bursts out laughing. Mal grabs a knife and lunges for him. Izzy roundhouse punches Mal, and Alex leaves. 25) 1 starts to write a story where 9 and 10 are going out. What is 2's reaction? (Noah;Mike and Emma, John) John is sad, because he liked Emma. Then he goes and kisses Alex. It's allllll good. 26) 7 makes an apple pie. Is it any good? I don't know, it exploded on impact. Explosivo made it. 27) 8 and 5 go camping. For some reason they forget to bring any food. What do they do? Dave cries about all the icky germs, and yells at Jefferson for not bringing food, then Jefferson complains his magenta everything is getting dirty, so they sit in the grass muttering to themselves, hungry and cold. 28) (10) has been crushing on (2) for a while, that is until they figure out (2) likes (6). (10) runs off and meets (8) and (4) who tell them to talk to (7) who tells them to hook up with (1) until (2) kills (1) and ends up with (10)." Emma has been crushing on John for a while... That is until she figures out John likes Alex. Emma runs off and meets Dave and Mal who tell her to talk to Izzy who tells her to hook up with Noah until John kills Noah and ends up with Emma. 29) What might ten scream at a moment of great passion? EMMA: I'LL SAVE YOU NONO! 30) What might be a good pick-up line for Ten to use on Two? Emma: I hear you like turtles. John: What? 31) (4) is secretly in love with (7), however, so is (8). After both of them confessing their love with (7), (7) has no idea who to choose. (7) goes to (3) for advice, who told (7) to choose (4), because (3) and (4) are best friends. Along the way, (4) stops caring about (7) and decides to become in a relationship with (3). (7) and (8) become in a relationship after (7) asks (1 & 2) who they should choose. Mal is secretly in love with Izzy, however so is Dave. After both confessing their love for Izzy, Izzy has no idea who to choose. Izzy goes to Cody for advice, who told Izzy to choose Mal, because Cody and Mal are best friends. Along the way, Mal stops caring for Izzy and decides to become in a relationship with Cody. Izzy and Dave become in a relationship after Izzy asked Noah and John who she should choose. 32) Do you think four is hot? How hot? (Mal) Yes Mal is hot. Very hot. 33) What would happen if twelve got eight pregnant? (Samuel and Dave) Samuel would freak out and leave Dave to be with his real love, King George. Dave would cry himself to sleep every night, and the baby would look like Samuel. 34) Can you recall any fics about nine? (Mike) A great many. 35) Would two and six make a good couple? (John and Alex) Yes because they are my Hamilton OTP fur life. 36) Five/Nine or Five/Ten? Why? (Thomas/Mike or Thomas/Emma) Five/Ten. They have some stuff in common. 37) What would happen if seven walked in on two and twelve making out? (Izzy, John and Samuel) Izzy would split them apart, take John to Alex, and Samuel to George 38) Make up a summary for a Three/Ten fic. (Cody and Emma) Emma just broke up with Noah. Cody just got rejected again by Gwen. They comfort each other, they start going out, and Noah and Sierra are generally pissed off. 39) Suggest a title for a Seven/Twelve hurt/comfort fic. (Izzy and Samuel) E-Scope Refuted 40) Does anyone on your friends list read three yet? (Cody) Yah. 41) Does anyone on your friends list write or draw eleven? (King George) Yes. 42) Would anyone on your friends list write Two/Four/Five? (John/Mal/Thomas) no. I certainly would if I had a good idea for it. 43) If you wrote a Song-fic about eight, what song would you choose? (Dave) Burn by Papa Roach 44) If you wrote a One/Six/Twelve fic, what would the warning be? (Noah/Alex/Samuel) Warning: Smart people talking smart stuff. Not recommended for dumb people. 45) When was the last time you read a fic about five? (Jefferson) A while back. If you find this in any way hilarious, copy and paste this onto your profile, and fill it out with characters from your fandoms. Future Stories: Nobody knows...and will you ever?... I appreciate anyone who reads the trash that formed in the reverse black hole of my imagination and made its way onto paper. Seriously. Y'all are fabulous. Well, what are you waiting for? Go read my stuff! It's right below. |