A/N: I'm back, y'all! Ya miss me?
oh man, has it been a while since I posted something!
This is the result of me having a grand idea to do a ROTI rewrite with Mal as the prominent personality instead of Mike but that hasn't happened and it's likely it won't anytime soon. I thought to start with his audition tape so that's what this is.
Also *blows party horn* this is my 50th thing posted on this site since I joined almost a year ago. Super pysched for that.
I'm trying to get a chapter done for two of my mutilchaps so stay tuned for those.
The red light turned on. It peered into a bedroom with walls royal purple in color and black hardwood flooring that was dented and bruised. There was no actual bed anywhere so the word 'bedroom' is not befitting. An X-ed out picture of the outback was seen on the far wall. A black beanbag chair sat in the corner.
A tall, lean 16-year old boy entered the shot. His outfit closely matched his setting, black from shirt to jeans, and purple sneakers. He smirked at the camera, hands behind his back like he was hiding something from the viewer. "Hello, Chris McLean. I am here to audition for that wonderful show of yours, Total Drama? Yes, such a dismal title. I can feel myself shivering in excitement for all the suffering you will inflict upon us." He grinned evilly.
"Yes, I am confident I will be received on the show as a competitor for that one million dollar prize." A muffled scream could be heard in the background, behind the camera. "A moment, if you will," he asked, putting a finger up in pause. He walked calmly out of the frame and put an end to the noise.
He walked back into frame. "My apologies, that was the peon I employed to help me with this endeavor." He rolled his one visible eye. His other was covered by his long hair.
"Now, to explain in more detail why I, Mal-that's my name, don't wear it out-will be a force on this show. I am stronger than anyone else you will select and far more intelligent. I have a unique set of, let's say, assets that will make your boring program more enjoyable and bring much pain to my competitors, I'm sure."
"And there's one more thing-" A siren could be heard now out the window. "Never mind. Choose me, and you won't regret it." Mal approached the camera and starts turning it off as the door was being broken down by police which did make it into the frame. "You're under arrest for kidnapping and murder," could be heard before it cut out.
Please review, thanks for reading!:)