Chat name: Literal Squad Goals

Talk less: I'm having a party tonight at my dorm at 8!

Cuter than u: Awesome! Laf and I will come

Oldest and Wittiest: We'll be there

Spy on the inside: I'm in

Young and scrappy: Can I invite someone?

Talk less: WHOOOOO ;)

Oldest and wittiest: Ya hammy whooooo

Young and scrappy: Ugh just my roommate

Cuter than u: wait


Young and scrappy: ...yeah…..

Talk less: I guess roommates are invited?

Hamilton put down his phone as jefferson walked in holding two cups of coffee in his hand.

"Hey, I wasn't sure what to get you, I hope a frappe is alright." He said offering Alex the drink.

"It's perfect, hey um. Weird question though. Are you free tonight?" Alexander asked while looking down at his cup. Jefferson's eyes went wide and he started choking a bit.

"Yeah, no plans." He said between coughs.

"Burr's having a party tonight, wanna come?"

Thomas sighed. "Was I actually invited to this thing?"

"Wellllll not exactly. Burr said roommates could come after I asked." Alex explained without thinking.

"You asked if you could bring me?" Jefferson grinned as he took another sip of coffee.

"Maybe. Shut up. Are you coming?" Alex blushed bright red.

"Wouldn't miss it. I gotta get to class I'll see you later." Thomas said as he left the dorm. Alexander checked the time. Nine am. That means he has twelve hours before the party, he was already nervous. Alex chugged the rest of the coffee and went to pick out his outfit. Unlike Thomas, Hamilton doesn't really care about clothing. Honestly all he wears is sweatshirts and jeans. He looked through drawers and his still not fully unpacked suitcase and put together an appropriate outfit. A black dress shirt, niceish skinny jeans and red converse. Smiling to himself, Alex checked the time. 9:15. Dammit.

Alexander knew that all his friends were either in class or at work so he can't hang out with them. He is a month and a half ahead on homework, he had nothing to do. It was his worst nightmare. Opening his laptop he logged into Jefferson's Netflix account. Thomas gave him the login info after watching it wit him. Hamilton looked at Jefferson's list and felt like kinda special. Of course Jefferson had political documentaries and whatnot but he also really liked musicals and cult classics. Honestly Hamilton didn't understand why he liked this dork so much. Sighing he chose The Office. He's seen it a couple times and knows a lot about it since it's one of thomas' guilty pleasures. He started season one and tried to relax. Even in bed watching tv, Alex couldn't stop thinking. This was normal but usually he would be focused on government issues or real world problems, however now all he could think of was Jefferson. His smirk and laugh and wink. The way he looks at Alexander and says his name. The way he laid on Hamilton's bed. At first Alex just had a crush on Thomas but now… It just feels like something more. Alex wondered how Jefferson felt towards him. He flirts, well at least Hamilton thinks he does. Then again Alexander thought Thomas and Madison were dating so maybe he doesn't understand those things. Alex decided to do what he always did in times of stress: he wrote. He grabbed his notebook and made two columns. One for proof that Jefferson likes him back and the other for Jefferson merely tolerating him. Hamilton wrote down every instance of Jefferson laughing at one of his jokes or winking at him. Even little things like Alex catching Thomas looking at him in class. Then he started writing down every argument and time he seemed to like someone else. At the end Hamilton still wasn't sure where he stood but he felt better after writing it all down. Alex focused on the show again and started to watch it and drift off a bit. He happily spent hours in this nice in between state as the notebook fell to the floor forgotten.

Alex woke up about at 5:30. He smiled that he was able to waste enough time. He started to get dressed and then waited.