Author has written 1 story for Hey Arnold. Just a girl in her 20's, still living in the 90's. I'm an avid Hey Arnold! fan fiction reader since April 2016 -- I literally did not know this world existed until I tripped over it online and now I'm addicted to my roots and the amazing things you wonderful writers have done with my favorite characters. I am so new to writing fan fiction it's not even funny. Like literally, this is my first shot ever. Please be kind but honest so I can get better! If they were to ever make a live action Hey Arnold! movie/show...I could be Helga without even trying. My childhood (crushes, family, the works) is so similar it's not even funny. The only difference was my lack of a powerful unibrow (oh I had one, it was just wimpy in comparison to strong and sassy HGP). So excited to be stepping into this community as more than just a stalker of your great stories! Now...outa my way, geek baits! |