Writer's Note: The following is, in many ways, a small addition to "Arnold's Couch Confessions," even though it was many months after completing the original story that I thought of. I decided that it would make for a very good follow up for the story. Though not exactly a sequel, or even an alternate ending, it is as close as I intend to write one. Nothing can improve on the original in my opinion. I hope that you enjoy it, even though it's not too long. -DarthRoden (a. k. a.)


Dr. Bliss stood and smiled as she looking out the window of her office at four figures walking in two pairs across the street. Each pair a fourth grade boy and girl, walking side by side. She picked up the cup of hot green tea on her desk and took a sip as she observed the two pairs.

The first pair was a tall African-American boy with a tall stack of dark hair and a red sports T-shirt walking next to a short Asian girl with a blue sweater and skirt. Both of them were holding hands and smiling. The boy said something into the ear of the shorter girl that made her giggle and cover her mouth with her free hand.

Dr. Bliss smiled at Gerald and Phoebe, thinking what a cute couple they seemed to make before turning her attention to the other boy and girl pair, this one was a sharp contrast to the other pain that walked in front of them.

The other pair was a tall, thin girl with a pink dress, white T-shirt and matching pink ribbon in her blonde pigtails. Walking next to her, carrying two sets of books and smiling was a short, football-headed boy who talked to the girl. The blonde girl smiled slightly and said something that made the boy laugh.

'You see what just a little kindness in the right place can do, Arnold?' Dr. Bliss thought to himself smiling as she watched the couples continue down the street, all laughing and joking with one another. All of them the best of friends, and she could see the makings of more down the road. Their futures together looked very bright from her observations.

At that moment, the voice of her secretary spoke up from the intercom. "Dr. Bliss, sorry to bother you, but there is a patient here to see you. Your three-thirty appointment."

Dr. Bliss smiled and sat her teacup down on it's matching saucer, then she hit the button on the intercom. "Thank you, Dawn. Send him right in." Then she sat down and made herself look presentable to the new patient.

The door opened and a short, thin boy with a pale face and glasses stood waiting for her on the other side. He breathed through his mouth a moment, before raising his hand in a wave and saying, "Um . . . Hi."

Dr. Bliss smiled and said, with a twinkle in her eyes, "Hello Brainy, I've been expecting you. Please come in and have a seat."

The End

Hope you enjoyed this little extra chapter. Let me know what you think. Read and Review please. -DarthRoden (a. k. a. Carl)