Author has written 9 stories for Harry Potter.
On reviews & reviewing:
Like all writers, I love reviews ;) Do tell me what you enjoyed, what you didn't, and/or what you think needs improving. I know I am not perfect, and there are areas I can improve on - but as the writer of my own work, I probably haven't noticed what I need to work on yet!
When I review others, I try not to give one-liners and to give some critique, but can be a bit nitpicky with grammar and punctuation (I'm working on it, promise). If I think something doesn't sound right, a character sounds very off, or I have a question about the plot, I'll speak up. Similarly, I'll say something if I loved a scene or a line or a paragraph. Rambly is also a good description for my reviews - I tend to review as I read, so I usually go through the details first, and then give you my view of the whole chapter.
Overall, though, if my review is long, it means I enjoyed it, even if I told you things like, "You misspelt 'definitive'," or, "I think you used the word 'castle' too many times in that paragraph." And, most importantly, my reviews are merely my opinion: it's up to you to decide how much merit they have.
Writers Anonymous Forum:
Basically for all writers to come and talk about writing or discuss any problems they have. Includes self-plug/promotion topics, writing games, tips and writing challenges. We have friendly mods and people, and we're organised! Please read the pinned welcome thread and rules before posting (they aren't long).
Current Work-in-Progress:
'Broken Pieces' is currently being re-written, with the plan being to finish it completely before I post it up on this site again. I haven't yet decided if I will replace the chapters of the current story, or delete it completely and start anew - it's a question for when I actually finish writing! 'Broken Pieces' was originally written after HBP and before DH was released, so it is an AU fic and mostly set post-war, starring Draco, Tonks and a bit of Harry, Hermione and the Weasleys.
Undetermined Hiatus:
'Magical Mayhem: Humble Beginnings' was supposed to be the start of a chronicle of the Weasley twins' adventures as they start at Hogwarts. No plans to continue writing this, sorry!