Author has written 2 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, and Phantom of the Opera. LAST UPDATED 2/25/06 PIHORIST I'm a straight female who lives in the USA. I write mostly Yaoi, though I ocassionally dip into Het and Yuri. I deeply love the Bakura/Malik pairing. Next to that I like Malik/Marik, Bakura/Marik/Malik/Ryou, Bakura/Marik, Bakura/Ryou, Yami/Yugi, Seto/Yugi, Jou/Seto, Jou/Yugi, and many, many more. I don't hate characters. Chances are if I make them a villan in a fic, I'll probably write another fic where they're the protaganist. I support Yugi, Honda, and Anzu--all of the less appreciated characters of anime.I write mostly for any fandom that instrests me. Yu-Gi-Oh is my one true fandom; I have an on and off love affair with Phantom of the Opera. I've written several oneshots on the pen name "Deadly serenade" which I share (read: free load) with her. I'd like to try writing for Naruto, Sonic the Hedgehog, and Yu Yu Hakusho. I have two up coming fics. One is Path to Apocalyptica, based on an instrumental song (pairings: M/M, B/R, YY/Y, many many more). Another is a Naruto fic named "Nieve" which is about the relationship between Zazuba and Haku from Naruto. I have two fics that I'm currently working on. Desert Descant - CHAPTER FOUR WENT TO HELL AND BACK Chimes - I can't even remember what chimes is o_O IN REAL LIFE... HOLY NO UPDATES, BATMAN! No, really, I kind of left in the dust. So sorry...but I don't think I'll be picking up my writing hobby here anytime soon. My life has simply become too busy--so updates would be few and far in between. Don't worry; I'll try to update as best as I can. Sorry for dropping (like it's hot) but ALOT of shit went down. Forgive meee? |