Author has written 7 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, and Harry Potter. :Hui Xie: Ability to Write Okay. Update of the semester. It has come to my attention that as many reviews as "Destiny Prophecies: Sphere and Stone" gets, not many of the readers are actually very interested in it. The most I get in a review is "Update soon." or even " / ". This has severely declined my ambition to work on this ridiculously long story, and I am about to give up hope. I apologize for making the promise that I would update once a month. To be truthful, because I am in a much harder school now, it's a lot harder for me to update. But many of you readers don't seem to really care the circumstances that might delay my writings; on the contrary, many of you review once, and even then, it is a one-word review, either telling me to update soon or nothing at all, or even threatening me to update soon, or else a boycott or whatever will insue. How motivated do you think I'll be to write up another chapter if my reviewers seem to only review for the sake of pushing me? Not all of you readers are like this...there are many loyal ones that I am truly thankful for. But keep in mind that if you want me to update as frequently as possible with seven pages all the time...keep in mind that I work hard for those seven pages, and therefore, it wouldn't harm you to at least write seven words. Currently I am busy with "Never Knew 2: Second Chances" and "The Phantom of the Ring." Never Knew 2's latest chapter is fourteen pages long, and it has to be. "Destiny Prophecies: Sphere and Stone" has such a long, winding plot that I've been dreading to write more chapters for it. To be frank, I used to have a plot for it, but it needed fillers. Now I don't want the fillers but I want to get straight to the point, but it won't make for a good story. If I had all the time in the world, I'd redo Destiny Prophecies: Sphere and Stone. It was my first fic and the longest one yet; it was when I was still in a world of dub and still had no idea what some Japanese words meant. Now I am stuck in a world of sub where Thief Bakura's voice hasn't reached puberty and Ryou Bakura's voice is a girl's. My interpretations of different characters has changed as is getting more and more difficult to write Sirius, because there are so many renditions of him. I used to hate writing Azkaban Sirius, since I didn't like mentioning at all that he was "bad", but now I'm more frank about his character. x_x. At any rate, I'm currently rereading the sixth book...again. Trying to see if I can weave in some sort of crossover there. I really want to skip this part with Yami and Draco, and really just want to head over to the thing about crossovers. I really want to give Yami and Harry a chance to look back at the past and figure out when were the first Horcruxes were made, but I badly do you want Yami and Draco to have a confrontation? At any rate, christmas is coming...I'll figure something out. Until then, thank you so much for your patience. -HX Note that I only post my stories / fanart on: under Hui Xie, under AphroditeLove, http:///huihuaart/home.htmland http://, as well as /~artemislawrence. These are the only site that host my my works, and unless otherwise noted, anything else that hosts my work without my permission is not mine. Beware the girl named Stacey, aka Paine. Beware. Name: Hui Xie (Mandarin for "can write" or "will write) Other names (nicknames): ArtemisLawrence, ArsinoeArmaui, Hui Hua, HX, HH, Lotte. Age: Let's play a game! Simon says guess HX's age... Loves: Acting, drawing, singing, writing, reading, Sirius Black, Ryou Bakura, Atemu, Thief Bakura and Yami Bakura., Erik and Phantom of the Opera. Hates: ...umn...gosh, I'm not sure. Oh yes! (coughs) Marik x Malik pairings, and Ryou x Bakura pairings. Ryou x Bakura pairings aren't bad, but I just find them very very...unrealistic. Marik x Malik is just WAY over the top. Not possible. Favourites: Yu-Gi-Oh, Fruit Baskets, Disney, Treasure Planet, Atlantis, Conan, Phantom of the Opera (the musical), "Phantom" (by Susan Kay), Harry Potter, Josh Groban, Celine Dion, Shania Twain, and Mariah Carey. YEP! Favs all rolled into one category! Behold the glories of LAZY-ITIS! Other webpages: You can check out my art at http://! |