![]() Author has written 20 stories for Doctor Who, Hobbit, and Supernatural. "It is the unknown we fear when we look upon death and darkness, and nothing more." -Albus Dumbledore "Don't spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door." -Dr. Laura Schlessinger "Truth, however bitter, can be accepted, and woven into a design for living." -Agatha Christie "Keep your face to the sunshine & you cannot see the shadow." -Helen Keller Hello, to all those lovely writers and readers out there! My name is Fidelis Scriptor and I hope that all of your enjoy the stories I write. I was on LiveJournal writing DoctorDonna and if you are from live journal, HELLO! I decided to move over to this site and now I will hopefully be posting stories soon. I try to be as neat in my writings as possible, but if there is a mistake, whether grammatically or in the story line, please inform me. I'd rather know than be oblivious. Interests: Reading, Writing, Gun Shooting, Working Out Likes: color black, tacos, and nice/polite people Dislikes: rude people PAIRINGS: Doctor/Donna (of course), Jack/Ianto (Torchwood), Sesshoumaru/Rin, Inuyasha/Kagome, Thorin Durin/Bilbo Baggins (Hobbit), Shion/Nezumi (No.6), Tony Stark/Steve Rodgers(Avengers), Claire Dearing/Owen Grady(Jurassic World), Dean Winchester/Castiel (Supernatural), OO7/Q (Spectre movie), Hotchner/Reid (Criminal Minds)... Please note that some of my writings might be a little late. Hopefully, though, you will all enjoy my writings. Also, most of my stories are m/m so be aware of that. Don't read them if you don't like them, though I don't know why you'd be clicking the story after you read the summary explaining the pairing, but I digress. 3/19/2020: I'M BACK. Momentarily, unfortunately, but I have decided to finish all of the stories I have written. I know that it's been sh*t, four years now, but I hated when a writer didn't finish their work. Except I didn't realize one thing. I failed to understand how much life was gonna affect me. Quick story. I graduated high school then I joined the military (still in), and I've moved to a new place! All in the span of four years. And with it came a new drive to finish and round out the person I was. Red Coat will be finished! I pinky promise that. I've looked over the plot and decided it needed a face lift and am cementing that currently. Shoot me a message if you have any questions! |