Short chapter to just conclude everything and show what's happened to Bilbo, Thorin and co. a year later :D


Bilbo awoke to the sound of chirping birds and a bright sun hanging freely in a beautiful blue sky, shining light down upon his face. It was the most peaceful awakening he had ever had in what seemed like forever. He stretched on his soft white bed and plopped his limbs down on the wide space around him as he took a deep breath and reflected on many things such as how his life had changed so much in the past two years.

Frodo had been diagnosed with cancer and then leukopenia which had, in turn, made him seek money from the Sons of Durin where he met the kindest and most loving people ever. Bilbo had also met the love of his life and the man that would permit him to find comfort and peace albeit after overcoming the initial fear he held in regards to him. Then he was forced to make difficult decisions and fought by his lover's side to defeat an old demon that refused to leave them be. He had nearly lost his life in the process and foolishly endangered that of those he loved, but Bilbo concluded everything had resulted in the best possible scenario.

Now another year had passed and though old evils were erased, new ones arose as they always did. Frodo's leukemia angrily returned and he would soon restart his chemotherapy treatment. In support, Fíli and Kíli had both shaved their heads and encouraged Frodo as best as they could. Frodo was obviously touched by the gesture and all the more encouraged to beat his cancer once again.

"You beat it once," they told him, "And you can do it again!"

Bilbo smiled at the memory. The intensity of the boys' hope for Frodo's recovery had also helped him not delve into despair as he had the first time. They had all gone through so much and Bilbo hoped that, after this, they would finally be able to relax and be grateful for the normality they all desperately sought at the given point.

The door creaked open and in popped Thorin's head. He smiled upon meeting Bilbo's gaze and walked into the room with a cup of warm tea. "You're awake." He said, "I thought you would sleep for a while longer."

"I'm not that feeble anymore." Bilbo laughed softly and took the cup, "I can handle your roughness now."

"Sorry." Thorin mumbled awkwardly.

"It's fine," Bilbo assured, "It's quite enjoyable, really. Regardless of the following soreness." He blew gently on his tea and took a sip, "Did you finally have that talk with the boys?"

Thorin nodded, "I told them everything they wanted to know." He said, "They were a bit overwhelmed, Fíli doesn't seem like he'll forgive me any time soon for keeping all that information from him though…"

"He'll come around." Bilbo said with a gentle smile. "You can't blame him. What about Kíli?"

"He found Ori as a distraction." Thorin answered a bit bitterly, "I suppose he's trying to unlearn what he heard by burying his thoughts."

Bilbo leaned towards Thorin and kissed him, "You did a good thing." He said, "They deserved to know the truth and now they have it. They'll better understand just what you were protecting them against and that their parents' deaths weren't in vain."

"I regret telling them such a grim thing." Thorin admitted. "They only know despair and death in regards to their parents."

"Then tell them happier things." Bilbo said, "Tell them about how they were as children and what you knew about their father."

"I will, when they're ready." Thorin smiled and kissed Bilbo again. There was a pause, as though he was struggling with something difficult to admit, "There's something else I should tell you…" he finally said.

"What is it?" Bilbo asked.

"It's about the Sons of Durin." He said, "Things have been going well lately but we've caught word that competition more violent and aggressive is stirring. What Orcs weren't imprisoned when Azog's organization fell are assembling once more and they're following the commands of the One. They're moving towards our city."

Bilbo nodded, "It's just one bad thing after another, isn't it?" Bilbo laughed bitterly.

"I promised to protect you and that hasn't changed." Thorin reminded, putting his hand over Bilbo's, "If a war starts over this, I will make sure you, Frodo, Fíli and Kíli are safe no matter what."

"I trust you." Bilbo said.

"Nonetheless," Thorin continued, "One thing at a time. We'll concentrate on Frodo before concerning ourselves with anything else."

"Speaking of Frodo," Bilbo mumbled looking around the room as though he would find his nephew, "Where is he?"

"He's playing in the garden with his friends." Thorin said.

Bilbo slipped from his bed and made way to the window of his room. He gazed in direction of the garden and, sure enough, there was his nephew alongside Sam, Pippin and Merry. They were waving wooden swords about as though they were fighting an imaginary dragon and laughing so loudly and brightly, Bilbo could hear it through the window.

"Do you think our house is too big?" he finally asked.

"Not at all," Thorin said, "It's rather small compared to Erebor."

"It's so spacious though…" he mumbled, "Do we really need so much space?"

"The boys seem very fond of it," Thorin said, moving behind Bilbo and slipping his arms around his waist as he leaned his chin against his shoulder, "But if it's really problematic, we can build another smaller one."

Bilbo leaned into his embrace and took in a deep breath as he pondered the option. "Mm…" he moaned, "One thing at a time, I suppose."

I don't really like super happy endings but I thought I might anger some of you if I made things as depressing as I had envisioned so I stuck for making Frodo's leukemia return and setting things up for this AU's version of the Lord of the Rings.

No I'm not going to write so please don't ask T_T

Anyways, this is the end! I want to thank you all one last time for following and reviewing this story :D It made me really happy to read everything you guys had to say and just generally have conversations with some of you :D You're all an interesting bunch and it was my pleasure to have entertained you all during these 23 chapters :)

Isn't 23 a weird number to end on?

Oh well.

I hope to meet you all again in a different story :D It was great going through this adventure with you all!